/cum/ Cambodia Uganda Macedonia

Take your pick Edition

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Racemixing with Latin American women

I pick Twiggy.

You're probably a white guy

That's not racemixing.


I disagree. By the way, give us more Brazilian qts.

This is Twiggy now.

I wanna cry.


i can believe i have been playing all night

I'm a proud member of the Greco family, grandson of immigrants.

but anyway, maybe I'll get over this eventually but I can't see myself buying pork anytime soon

>When the thots are ovulating

>his 60's waifu isn't still trying to look good

Thank you America for this book. It's not bad at all.

fuck off whitey

>Windows Phone

Would you racemix with a Latin American woman, Norwegian user?

I get what you're saying. I just wish it wasn't so tasty. Lets be honest if people tasted good then people would be eating people too.

Yes, so? Are you a racist, lad?
I'm gonna buy S8 actually, but this phone has a really excellent camera which is why I bought it in the first place.

Depends. Not the girl on that picture, but let's say it was someone whose looks were absolute a dream in my mind. Where is she from? Is she white-ish?



What about this girl?

you guys going to church tomorrow?


But yes, Lumias had great cameras, mostly due to software


Mayyybe. I need to see more photos of her.

Only have one of her. What about a ColombiANA? I have lots of photos of this girl.

May I save this pic?

It's 950. It has 20mpx that takes splendid landscape pictures.

Go for the gusto

This girl is the best one this far. She also have lesser concentrations of melanin in her eyes, which is good. Post some more of her then.

Solid phone, but quite heavy.

Windows phone had such big potential, a shame what Microsoft did to them.


Terrific post.

Why the fuck did you make me laugh you fucking idiot

I agree. I never had any quarrels with it tho. Everything works as it should except the windows hello in which it's reading your eye and opens the phone. You oftentimes can trick the software and get in anyway.

Phone cameras aint too bad these days

Why do you have a Windows Phone? They're honestly awful.
>tfw might get an iPhone as my next phone instead of upgrading my S7 to an S8

Keep posting.
Which phone is this?


this picture is taken WAAAY to fucking close to where I live. Faggot. This is james river park system isn't it?

The bad: no more Lumia phones
The good: New Nokia phones by Nokia Corporation, now known as HMD
The great: No more Microsoft fucking things up

Windows Phones are a bad meme

Aye it's pony pasture
What a coincidence since I also live within walking distance of it
lg g4

What is her IG?

Well, like aforementioned I wanted the camera. The rest of the phone was just because my hopes of a good windows phone. Honestly, it works pretty well. But I recently dropped it in the ground and I refuse to fix it for 180 USD.

Do you have pictures of her full body, not just selfies?



>Go to the jack in the box drive thru
>long ass line
>Order my food, a burger meal and a chicken sandwich
>Ask them if they have the soda machine thing where you can add fruit flavors to your soda
>Guy gives me an immediate no
>Drive to the next window
>See some girl pouring my drink with a digital soda machine
>Ask her if it lets you add fruit flavors
>She says yes
>Tell her the other guy lied
>Get my food
>Drive home
>Open the box
>They gave me two fucking shit tacos instead of the chicken sandwich
What the fuck is their problem?

Well then hello neighbor.

Well, I am sold on her looks. She's quite beautiful. Now, assuming this is a girl that would move to Norway and love me as I loved her, then yeah I would not mind mixing.

I like those tacos

Need to know your race and the race of the staff to answer that.

Morning assholes.

All the girls you posted here gave me an immediate stroke due to just how high maintenance they look

He's white and covered head to toe in acne. He posted his disgusting leg once.

how many scandi flags here are actually scandis

>This thread

Are you the Croat who's obsessed with black girls?
The Norwegian is.
The "Dane" is a Canadian with a proxy.



>The Norwegian is.
i know HE is
he is a total bro

I love white girls

How much

I love all cute girls

Why do the Canadian post with a Danish vpn if the cat is out of the box anyway? Quite sure he can't write Danish, and the Danes do not have a general.

I don't know. Maybe he's autistic. It's also well known that the kraut who posts here is a virgin and a NEET but he still pretends to have a girlfriend and a job.

Actually it was my chest faggot, and it's more "shoulders to knees" than "head to toe"
Me white, they were chicanos I think
The lady giving me my drink might've been asian but I'm pretty sure everyone else was el chi
Shit taste friendo truly sorry

>Me white, they were chicanos
And you just answered your own question


Brahim completely btfo Machine.

why do you post yuya lmao

A girlfriend who lets him abrupt their shagging in order to be the one to make a new thread everytime, amirite? I saw you talking about his threads yesterday, hehe.

Is this fat or thicc?

Pretty sure that's just fat when you see here in real life without the posing and lighting.

She's cute, that's why.
I'm talking about the Kraut, not the "Dane". I don't think the "Dane" has ever claimed to have a job.
THICC but dangerously close to fat.

It's not one Croat. There's more of them. Us. But I don't post often here and black angel posting is not my thing. I don't have a strong racial preference for women. If she gets the peepee up, she's attractive enough for me, no matter the colour

One major aphrodisiac for me is seeing a woman with natural nails and "appropriately" aged hands. Hands that compliment her skin in general. What I mean with this is that I'm slightly pulled back by women with too neat skins and hands (photoshop or not). Sure, they will take care of their skin as much as they can, but taking the girls you posted as an example, all I'm reading here is: "I've not done a day's hard work in my entire life", which translates to "I can't take care of myself", which translates to "You can find an exact copy of me anywhere else. Search: Twitter, Instragram. Pinterest", which translates to "Where is my validation?"

Jesus Christ, that tattoo ruins an otherwise perfect picture.

Ah yes, I love seeing spoiled rich Mexicans on my Sup Forums

But she's CUTE

I'm so euphoric right now

>I'm so euphoric right now

Oh I'm sorry for the mixup then.
Who is this new girl you're posting? American?

Yuya. She's Mexican.

what's her real name?

Mariand Castrejon CastaƱeda


Okay, but why?

Just made a purchase

Don't play dumb with me, Pedro.

Mexicans can't stand the sight of other Mexicans

I don't know what you mean desu

I can't stand the sight of the equivalent of a suburban white girl

Nice posture kek
Aren't you the mexican who lusts after every generic white blonde woman?

I'm euphoric too, I hung out with my two qt coworkers today
I unironically be yourself'd it, got into a super deep conversation with one of them after the other left about religion and the state of the universe
We were talking about the pineal gland and karmic reincarnation and shit, she told me she could get me some mushrooms and since she tried them they changed her whole outlook on life
It was amazing, I've never had such an intellectual conversation with anyone in my life, we knew what the other was talking about perfectly even though we got it from different sources, it was crazy how similar our outlooks on life were


The entire point of high heels is to force that posture.

Except she looks like she has scoliosis in the first picture

That's not what scoliosis is.

I don't know, you tell me

>hiding them in your Fallout 4 saves
>tfw can recognize two of those pictures instantly