Where is the country with the least Asian discrimination in Europe?

Where is the country with the least Asian discrimination in Europe?


Finland and Hungary.

It's a trap. I've read Scandinavia and the World.

Don't listen to these guys, OP. As a fellow Azn I am telling you that Finland is the meanest one out of the bunch.


Thank you telling me
Also, my national flag is strange, isn't it?

Because it looks like woman's period blood dripped on white tampon.

India is a country of Asia

I often hear that there are female discriminations

Finns secretly detest their Mongol genes and take that hate out on other Asians

I didn't have the idea
American flag is cool but hard to draw

Sorry for my poor English
Thank you for talking with me

Thank you
By the way, how about Switzerland?



Spain probably

>how about Switzerland
Depends on what kind of Asian you are.
Either way we're full

Polish and Hungarian may have less Asian discrimination


Spain I like it
Everyone seems kind

If you are japanese then you won't be discriminated here

I'm originally from Hong Kong. I've never experienced any racism. People will just think you're hardworking but have a small dick. It doesn't matter though, because there are more women into kpop than actual Koreans. So they'll just go for any Asian they see.

No one is really gonna discriminate against Japanese people, might make fun of your accent but that's about it.

Sweden and Norway, probably. I never feel discriminated against when I'm there, at least.

Where is your country?
I search national flags on the Internet but I couldn't find
I'm sorry I'm foolish

Greenland, Japan-chan.

Some people said I shouldn't go to Finland

Are Japanese people have the most strange pronunciation in the world?

They want to hog all the japanese to themselves.

I see than you!

Germany is pretty good. Avoid the UK because they're pretentious cunts and can hide their racism pretty well.

Finland is also good, most people there are autistic so they focus more on the task at hand rather than the color of your skin desu.

If it's east Asian than Poland. Literally no one gives a shit if you're east Asian.

I hate faggots like you

Kys litle chink faggot. People cant be racism in secret?

Being racist is fine, but not when you're pretending to be nice then stab them in the back later.

Little bitch, watch your mouth white boy.

At least insult him correctly.

Don't know why they say that, Chinese people aren't very popular but i've never seen a finnish person who doesn't like japanese people

>thread about asians
>its actually all about finland

Seriously though, i'd say you would get least discrimination from all western european countries. We nordics have nothing against you.

Do not fight??

no, its just some letters

holy shit are you really greenlandic?

i was reading interesting history of you guys massacring vikings n sheeit.