
bread edition

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Messi paying some money for some shit is 2 day old news, but right up front.

leftypol runts OUT thanks

Anyone used mega millions lottery before?

>forgive me for thinking some stinking somali sheboon who can't speak a word of English, has 6 niglets without a father in sight and a two-digit IQ should be treated exactly the same as a white Briton whose family history in this country stretches back thousands and thousands of years

not sure how you've arrived at this conclusion, I don't support mass immigration or multiculturalism, I just don't go into a spastic fit whenever someone does support them and take it as a personal attack on my identity as a white male, I've got a bit more self-esteem than that

Post your dogs

me going to uni haha

>"indigenous population" is class-obscurantist nonsense to make the poor think they have something in common with the rich
interesting. do the non-capitalist undeveloped primitives in the amazon, palestine, the americas, etc.... have any claim to resist encroachment then?

need to get out of bed and have a shit, belly starting to hurt

Imagine getting up every morning knowing you were going to spend 8 hours arguing politics on the internet

The BBC has become such a lefty-pandering cesspool


fair point

i am VERY upset that the order of stories on the BBC news website isn't the order i personally want things to be shown in.

your dog is shit and ugly


Who do they act as a gateway to exactly? How could you even know this?

>no coincidence that this stuff has blossomed over the last few years since gamergate and the rise of trump

What is this supposed to mean?


>personal attack on my identity as a white male, I've got a bit more self-esteem than that
but you do understand that it essentially is? the indigenous population has the only right of their own land. to support those things you've listed, it is the undermining of that idea, of you.

the fact that A FOOTBALLER is at THE TOP of the NEWS and not LEFTIES RIOTING is a clear CONSPIRACY

hello nigger

Don't even give a shit, someone else started the argument. It's not like I'm paying license fee.

>fashy ed mong almost 2 minutes slower

what the FUCK

>you mean how leftists treat property owners with respect?
>or business owners?
those people hold clear power and influence in society
calling them a cunt does nothing. hurling racial slurs at minorities and discriminating against them continually is rather different. nuance my man.

Only socially. They still spew neoliberal ideology on economic issues and they still tend to toe the line on warmongering.
Would honestly love to work there for a bit just to see how it all comes together. I'd guess it's just that they're too lazy (and too afraid) to try and stimulate debate when they can just triangulate between the main parties (or when the main parties become too ideological, between the general liberal consensus signposts like ex-members of the Blair government, lords, etc.)

>the indigenous population has the only right of their own land
if you want to play semantics then what you're essentially saying is that the Native Americans should own America and not you

feel alright knowing that 90% of these leftists will be centrists and right-wingers by their 40s.
most people are naive little utopian when they're impressionable idiots in university and then the world, age and experience changes them and gives them clarity

meanwhile for right-wing young men, I reckon aging just confirms their world view even more

stop visiting a site you don't like funded by a licence fee you don't pay and pissing and moaning about what they show then you stupid fucking nonce

really ugly dog, would not pet

business idea: kill all white people

collectivism is cancer

naziism and communism are essentially the same thing one is race based the other class based and they both believe in the supremacy of the state and in party elites holding all power and dictating to the masses how they should live

fuck collectivism

*laces up the steel toes*

what happened to your 'yesterday's news' bollocks? That fall through did it? :(

Doing another poo at Gatwick airport just to make sure everything is out for the flight.

Shamelessly sprayed myself with Guerlain L'Homme Ideal without paying for it. Bought myself an all butter crosaaint. Might by myself a card holder from the Jack Wills concession shop.

can't even take your posts seriously they are beyond runtlet tier

Again someone else started the argument, if you don't care about my opinion you don't have to keep poking me for it.


He'd have to find something else to complain about then

Getting a lot of Heathlet vibes from this thread

Why do right wingers condem destruction of property at the G20 summit but stay silent on the dumping of British tea into the Boston Harbour?

Why is /brit/ so heinous tonight

>and take it as a personal attack on my identity as a white male

What does this even mean? I just don't want my country overrun by niggers or pakis who I share nothing in common with. No shared history, customs, culture, language, skin-colour, aspirations, interests or morals.

From 50 years ago when the country was 99% white, we are now at the point where 40% of births are to non-whites. 30% of under 18s are non-white. These demographic changes aren't halting. It's better to say something about it, tell the truth than be a good little roche and pretendt the problem doesn't exist or post some utterly meaningless platitude like "we are ALL people" or "god forbid we treat them like HUMANS"

no, your supposed news story doesn't even appear at the top of the front page

one happened yesterday, one happened in the 1700's


>Who do they act as a gateway to exactly? How could you even know this?
people like richard spencer, jared taylor. the whole alt right crowd, the neoreactionary movement, even unironic fascists like molyneux
there's a huge overlap in these groups
i've followed this crowd for a while and i'm not the only that has noticed how it's coalesced

a black with a gun, oh wow what a surprise

fuck off sargon

>Jack Wills

don't do that

poo quality leather and a dead tarquin brand

young man who's not a socialist doesn't have a heart
older man who still is a socialist doesn't have a brain

i get more and more left wing as i look at the world and how fucked up it is

>huge G20 panel
>Messi story relegated to a small panel in the sports section
>click on G20 panel
>talks about the violent protests


The protests are mentioned and linked in "Trump hails G20 as Wonderful Success"
You don't need 45 articles on the G20 meetings where literally nothing happens except Macron licking Merkels granny cunt in the bathrooms.

It's denim and only £8 tho

It is though

If this were thousands of PEGIDA patriots rioting in the streets and injuring hundreds of policemen it would have been the top news item across the continent and we would have leading left wing intellectuals asking us about how so many people got radicalised. When leftards do it? Nothing. It's the norm. It's not worth mentioning else we inflame the limp wristed millennial keyboard warriors

what does this have to do with thinking Sargon and the like are useless prats?
better to listen to this instead for an hour

even worse

How exactly is this a rebuttal of what I said? This isn't what I believe either. The modern European and black Americans are the new indigenous.


brainlet response that is almost never relevant in my experience. how is this "semantics?"

>denim card holder

that'll change once you start building a family and paying taxes properly

I'm 26 but refuse to move out of my parents house until my pet dog dies. I just couldn't live with the fact that I wasn't there for the final moments of his life.

why do you hate white people?

leftism is fundamentally anti white

redistribution of wealth would mean dispossesing white people

>The modern European and black Americans are the new indigenous

bit of an oxymoron there mate

The press are just cucked by leftis--

>should the church be more welcoming to transgender people?

ah yes, really hard-hitting issues getting a debate on Sunday Morning Live again


small brain: america is a nation of immigrants and the best country in the world
big brain: america is a white supremacist settler colonial state that should be destroyed

but that isn't how one specific paedophile living in the nonce capital of the world wants his news website set out you spastic

sat on toilet trying to squeeze out a shit while posting this
got to leave in like 15 min and haven't showered or dressed yet

howling at this post

how many people do you think someone like sargon turns to sites like the dailystormer or people like richard spencer and how many do you think watch him people they don't like crazy leftists and share vaguely coalescing view points

fuck off you retarded fear mongering runtoid


gamergate was so tragic

sad to say I was one of the pathetic spastics that supported it early on

what a state I was

nobody says the press is left-wing

Newspapers: right-wing
TV, online and social media: left-wing

Fair point, it is contained within the G20 article.

all intended to deflect away from the rotherhams happening all over the country and the fact that by 2066 at the absolute latest the uk will be majority non white

so you're admitting white privilege exists?

every time you post this is undermines your credibility, the first spike was the fappening, the second was the election but it was Sup Forums gaining more mainstream traction, which actually encouraged more diluted left wing teenagers to this website, the sort of people who unironically throw up a tantrum at racism on Sup Forums

>tfw you consider yourself a left-winger purely because you side with industrial/commercial/productive capitalists over financial/speculative capitalists
the right seems incapable of making the distinction, as does much of the far left and the "centre", possibly out of an intentional obfuscating ignorance (the left wanting to destroy all capitalists, and the centre/right being reasonably content to quid-pro-pro their financial sector backers), but there's a tiny little social democratic corner in the middle where such an outlook fits in.

whiteness is a cancer invented in colonial virginia to stop poor "whites" and "blacks" teaming up and slaughtering the ruling elites
>redistribution of wealth would mean dispossesing white people
rich whites? good. kill them all

no point arguing with idiots, waste of time and energy
just let them showcase how much of an idiot they are

Nah it was pretty necessary pushback against the cancer that was happening in the industry at the time.

>white supremacist settler colonial

lotta buzzwords
zero substance

typical brainlet

>how many people do you think someone like sargon turns to sites like the dailystormer
quite a lot, indirectly.

>rich whites? good. kill them all
isnt that you? narcissistic gay 18 year old twat with a "feminine psychology" is here. grim.

was a jab at phone posters mate, I'm not looking to be dragged into your daily politics

So glad you've seen the light now and are a full supporter of anita saarkesian and coonwashing in video games

I think 20,000 people tearing apart the streets should probably deserve a clear spot in the news.

muh opinions and stuff
*sips Starbucks coffee*

Nah. I know you wish he did so you can say he's an evil white supremacist enabler. You can fuck off now.

i'm neither rich nor gay

>molyneux is tragic
>gamergate is tragic

literally just one pasty mongoloid redditard who thinks he's grown up because he's become a card-carrying labour voter on the breadline


of course it does

obviously a society created by white people is going to be favourable to white people

just fucking videogames it really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things

don't mind the ahmeds, they're too mentally immature to be able to raise a healthy dog anyway

the anti-gg backlash is forced redditery right? I don't see how anyone could agree SJW politics in the gaming industry isn't a problem

I think it's fair to say that /brit/ is ten times better during the off hours when it's 50% aussies 40% yanks 9% brits and 1% thais as this thread has made blatantly clear


>tfw I went from watching Internet Aristocrat and Sargon during GamerGate to watching Millennial Woes and Jared Taylor these days

however, don't think that gamergate was my gateway drug. Was already on Sup Forums for that when it happened, was just still fairly liberal at the time

my gateway drug was probably Sup Forums itself in the first place. a lot of it is nonsense, but here and there, there are words of uneasy truth, especially when you first start going on Sup Forums (I was lucky to have had that phase before the cancerous yank election brought in reddit)