
Fashy ed.

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sympathetic to fascism
love monarchism

business idea: put my cock in the soup at work

Hi everyone stefan molymeme here

if you complain about anime you dont belong here


can't believe you lot are still acting like 13 years old "haha my and my group of rejects are much smarter than the average populace!"
get a grip if you were truly smart you would be doing something fulfilling instead of being proud of being a weirdo

Ah yes, a new thread was made while I rwote my post. Better repost it here to make sure it gets seen, because, like all my posts, it's very important. It's a VIP (Very Important Post):

I'd say the average IQ of a 4chap is higher than the average in society, but there are some complete morons on here as well. Also, actual, literal, unsupervised children get on here too (ie. 11-14 years old kids). Seen screencaps of an actual 12 year old posting about Sup Forums on an XBox Live chat. I suspect a lot of the ultra-racist spam and shitposting comes from edgy little kids. The stuff that isn't false flag posting to make all conservatives, or all of Sup Forums, appear to be KKK monsters.

Fascism puts their faith in a flesh and blood leader. Highly susceptible to corruption. They are often just oligarchic corporatist states too, and aren't truly reactionary.

FUCK antifa!

>molyneux isn't a gateway to fasc-

why do i feel that youre one of those rejects that tries to act self aware and lashes out on his friends for cool points

Ran full speed with a suckerpunch and literally couldn't even knock based dicky on the ground

Imagine being that poorly built, imagine that runt life.

why dont u just shitpost like we do in /lat/ happily, instead of arguing all the time ladsssss

... Stefan Basil Molyneux here at my donated compound Mississauga Ontario ....

Despise him. Perfect example of American Judaic morality corrupting what is seen as traditionalism.

we dont know each other so dont try to assume what my life is because you ran out of arguments lol
im not like you mate. keep selling your furnitures on craigslist and shut it

hypothetically if i had 3rd degree burns on my penis and a foreskin constructed entirely out of lentils would that be a matter for A&E or just the drop-in centre?

He's pretty damning of him in the talk

typical leftist desu

>when ancaps wank themselves raw to a statist.

all Sensing types are the unintelligent masses

Intuitive types are intellectuals

leftists are the real facists :o)

Ancap here
Hate public ownership, love my children simple as


cba watching it
just a quick glance at the comments said a lot

Except when he doesn't. I know you haven't watched the video.

I'd say only slightly higher than average 2bh.

most people seem to get duped by some pretty unintellectual things. but are more critical, self-aware and less-braindead than the average in society (aka deano)

100mg of flouride up the shithole

I don't care about the video, I just think it's fun trivia, because it fits the title - it's the untold story of Pinochet: That he was a statist relying on nationalised industry.

weird how leftists are simultaneously weak snowflake cowards and murderous bolshevik terrorists according to rightists

Weak and inferior people tend to be at the forefront of the progressivist religion. The fundamental flaw of equality and democratic values is it allows these people to hide from reality and consequences. They can't bring themselves to admit their inferiority and face the consequences.

>why yes, even though i sit on fat arse all day watching anime and crying about SJWs i am much smarter than the brainwashed masses

Will commies deny/justify this:


>“We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror.” (Marx)
>“We would be deceiving both ourselves and the people if we concealed from the masses the necessity of a desperate, bloody war of extermination, as the immediate task of the coming revolutionary action.” (Lenin)
>“All the other large and small nationalities and peoples are destined to perish before long in the revolutionary world storm… The next world war will result in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only of reactionary classes and dynasties, but also of entire reactionary peoples. And that, too, is a step forward.” (Engels)
>“As for us, we were never concerned with the Kantian-priestly and vegetarian-Quaker prattle about the ‘sacredness of human life.’” (Trotsky)
>“We must carry along with us 90 million out of the 100 million of Soviet Russia’s population. As for the rest, we have nothing to say to them. They must be annihilated.” (Zinoviev)
>“[The Red Terror is] the extermination of enemies of the revolution on the basis of their class affiliation or of their pre-revolutionary roles.” (Dzerzhinsky)

what exactly is richard spencer famous for other than getting decked by that antifa mong?

is he a blogger or writer or some shit?

big fan of silicone spatulas


the green letters

Sheer numbers can overwhelm a much superior foe admittedly.

i'm not fat

he's named leader of the alt right

>why yes I'm French and I hate chan culture but I WILL post on a British chan culture community


reckon bruce lee could easily take out a silverback

Aisha? Nah, rosy through and through.


>Kantian-priestly and vegetarian-Quaker prattle about the ‘sacredness of human life
love this line

He's a ethno-nationalist spokesperson and advocate. He wasn't famous or well known at all until the left started screeching because someone dared question the religion of progressivism

chan culture isnt mediocrity and adolescent angst

Will capitalists deny/justify this?

he's the self proclaimed """""""leader""""""""" of the alt right even though the alt right barely exists and has no real defined ideology

5x medium sized eggs + 100ml of whole milk, scrambled, down the gullet

only because the gorilla is too stupid to fight properly
it'd just beat its chest and stomp around in circles while bruce lee would heem its ballbag into the stratosphere

So, mein property, what are your thoughts on the current shitstorm in Hamburg with regards to Antifa? To put my opinion out there, I think that most of the people currently rioting there need to, to quote Dr. Peterson, "sort themselves out." What I mean to say is that Antifa's actions aren't actually accomplishing anything other than making them look like violent thugs out to wreck other people's """"""property,"""""" as well as gratify an egoistic yet also spooked desire to LARP at revolution, and that if they want to actually get something done and make their perfect utopia where everything is magnificent and happy, they need to stop pissing off the majority of the citizenry. Thoughts?

good thing the foes aren't superior then

overcooked them lad. lower heat next time.

cringe when people actually describe themselves as alt right

5 eggs alri fat lad

He really wasn't though, he was open to the free market after his first 2 years in charge.

cat funt

yill kourself

>>“We must carry along with us 90 million out of the 100 million of Soviet Russia’s population. As for the rest, we have nothing to say to them. They must be annihilated.” (Zinoviev)

Wonder if this was said by a Jew
>Gregory Zinoviev was born in Yelizavetgrad, Russian Empire (now Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine), to Jewish dairy farmers,

ah yes

he's the saviour of the white race

sometimes i wish i could sort my mind out

the french revolutionary terror was awesome
the soviets had a statue of robespierre built for a reason

no one outside of yank twitter does that

>Open to the free market
>Market crashes
>wtf I love CODELCO now

brucie was 5'7 mate, I would probably spark him easily never mind a gorilla.

Neoreactionary is fundamentally opposed to the ideals of equality because it is the antithesis of quality and drags down humanity to the lowest common denominator.

what heartless prick disliked the new tim video

describe myself as alt right

They are erecting an Engels statue in Manchester

I read The Condition of the Working Class, it was nothing special, the guy was a hack

hmm /brit/ is becoming too lefty again

time to resurrect /fug/

i saw a millennial woes video and he does


You're embarrassing yourself. Just stop.

imagine thinking that 5 eggs is a lot of food

he's a brityank though

disgusted by the level of crossover between brits and yanks

it's a lot of cholesterol

ate two breakfasts today lads. had oats at about 9, just had 3 fried eggs and bacon on toast. enjoyed breakfast number 2 more than breakfast number 1.

twitter.com/morgoth_rev/status/883356373513359360 he retweeted this hahaha

literally you

alri fatty

the french kingdom and tsarist russia were shit stagnant societies
they became great after the revolutions levelled society

Tfw too smart to get a job

End result of your Anglo-prostentant ideals is Yankdom.

Individually, they're complete pussies, always running desperately to find the (physical and ideological) safety of the herd.

As a group: They bully and attack anyone perceived as being outside the group. No target or method is off limits if they can get away with it, and justification and rationalisation can always prevail over feelings of guilt. Even moderate dissenters are attacked when possible, and murder, preferably mass murder, is the ultimate expression of their group attitude. See:

meme response

if you can't eat 8 large eggs in one sitting you are not a man


Idealism? Not a fan


smfh lad



Could snap you in half with a glance

all runts should kill themselves

2 eggs and im stuffed

>You're embarrassing yourself. Just stop.

fuck off egg industry shills

just saw a video of a guy in hamburg pulling out the draco and shooting to so a few blokes that were jumping another bloke could run away

I look upon all property as my property and I'll destroy it if I want to.

why are anarchrunts appropriating Alt Right graphic aesthetics