1. You are a cunt

1. You are a cunt
2. Your thoughts on G-20?

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>when you're the team captain but the gameplan just isnt coming together.

why are german people burning g20 btw?

i read they are literally pillaging the place

good post

>why are germans burning and pillaging
i'll leave you to figure it out yourself

>when the squad asks you to pick the restaurant and you know they're secretly not "fine with whatever"


1. France
2. G*rmany shows its real face and obscure intentions.

Which are....?

g7 plus third world
irrelevant meeting



>gimme the bomb

I, for one, welcome our new German partners.


>free trade deal with China
This is literally the scariest shit. TTIP is nothing in comparison. The Chinks will flood us with cheap shit and the only ones to profit will be corporates.


Seems great and peaceful

>he doesn't want cheap chink shit

Who is this guy and why does he have such a hard-on for CNN?

Fuck off yank

you're the yankee here
go back to squatting in your unemployment line

Yes, friend.

>Fake news whack job replying to himself because he keeps thinking of new "witty" remarks after hitting post.

So much cancer in a single image.

We have European borders. How can Merkel always promise all kinds of shitty deals when she doesn't even represent the EU?

In fact, Germany only has like 15% of the EU population.

>How can Merkel always promise all kinds of shitty deals when she doesn't even represent the EU?
Don't ask me.If it was up to me she'd be in prison right now for crimes against the European people.