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Is this our generations' Mozart?

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unironically, yes. maybe not mozart level, but pump will undoubtedly go down as one of the most influential artists of our generation.


lil pump....sucks

And what exactly is he "influencing"? Hard mode: outside the genre of meme rap

Lil Pump influcenced Kanye West, Taylot Swift, Grimes, Death Grips, Gorillaz and other great bands. Get your information right.

>Lil Meme influenced rap, pop, pop, rap, rap and definitely other things I promise

get your head out of your ass, in 5 years major artists will be citing pump as one of their biggest influences

I guaran-fucking-tee you wouldn't call Lil Pump "lil meme" in front of his face or my face you motherfucking cocksucking son of a bitch. I'd put my gun down your throat and you piss yourself you little bitch. Fuck you


And what they'll have in common is they'll all suck. Much like the majority of those who claim influence without understanding what the word actually means.

Also, when a parody outweighs an original; it holds no claim to being put in the same category as Mozart. Or any actual influential artist.

On behalf of Gucci Gang Nation I'd like to tell you that you need to hang yourself pussy.

I made this logo for a project that was basically a shitpost
rate the pussy gang out of ten

this, fuck off anti-pump shills. pump is the goat

>Call him "lil meme"
>Get assaulted
>Refuse settlement
>Take him for everything he's worth with the inevitable vertical video catching the whole encounter
>Play Gucci Gang as you exit the courthouse set for life

Wew lad. Where's the downside?

The downside is in your genes, your a faggot cuh

The fact you idiots refer to yourselves as "Gucci Gang Nation" shows you're at most 16. Any faggot who's a legal adult dickriding and claiming some pathetic in-group clique title should hide in embarrassment.


I can't understand you with that dick in your mouth. It's hard to be intimidating with that level of thirst for some cum.

If you don't fuck with pump get the FUCK off my board

daily reminder that racism is logical when blacks actually believe this shit

>literally fucking with men
meme rap cucks aren't even trying to hide their lust for being assfucked anymore

>edgy, easily triggered memelords
your teen crush is shit and your posts are shit

I unironically rather listen to Lil Pump than Mozart. His mixtape is surprisingly pretty good. “At The Door” is GOAT.

Wait I lost track who's baiting who?


> No this dude will. His last verse slays.

>I unironically wather wisten to wil pemp than mozah. Dis mixtape is surprisingly pretty gud. “At The Door” is GOAB :DD


this is odd future all over again except the main guy isn't moderately talented

user, I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in high school and currently attend one of the most prestigious public universities in the world. >:|

>public university

>Dropped our of Harvard to exploit dumb kids with catchy beats and simple hooks
People are just jealous because he did what they couldn't do, and this infuriates them.

>""""""""""""""""lil meme"""""""""""""'""
Shit meme created by old farts with high blood pressure and zero tolerance for fun

or, imagine, maybe, this might blow your mind

what if

my dude

what if people who don't like him don't actually care about generic beats and mindless hooks

don't deny it

>Implying you would confront any living thing
>implying his posse wouldn't just beat the fuck out of you and get off scot-free

And you're still a faggot.

Lil Pump's influence cannot be overstated. Like many timeless artists, his influence traces backwards, and we reappraise his antecedents through the lens of his magnificence. In a post-Gucci Gang world, it is easy to see how Bach and Mozart anticipate Pump. The Mass in B, The Requiem, Beethoven's Ninth: all of these are anxious placeholders, setting the table for the feast that is Lil Pump's opus. Skerrit, indeed, my good man. Skerrit, indeed.

>Lil pump influenced the past
Are you telling me that Mozart is the Lil Pump of the fucking renaissance

I'm telling you that Lil Pump uttered the sound that set the spheres of our universe in motion.