Being racist is a stale meme

Being racist is a stale meme.

Being unironically compassionate and tolerant is the next big meme on Sup Forums

compelled to believe this is a proxy 2bh

>Being unironically compassionate and tolerant is the next big meme on Sup Forums
give back balestine

After tolerating this question, I refuse on compassionate grounds.

Interesting choice of image to go with that text, OP.

>israeli flag

nice try.

it hasn't happened for 13 years but i'm sure it's right around the corner

you can be compassionate to animals though.

It already is on s4s

Doubt it, being extremely edgy had always been 4chans 'thing'.

sjws aint tolerant to begin with but bigots and utterly sectarian

I keep forgetting that board exists. Is it still a better Sup Forums than modern Sup Forums is?



ironically hating wh*tes is the freshest meme. Probably to butthurt the new off the redditboat Sup Forumsfriends among us.

I thought the current trend was BLACKED posting and making fun of wh*tes.
Or maybe that's just a Sup Forums thing.


ironically hating whites is the next meme

compassion and tolerance is not subversive


fuck wh*tes will be a permameme
exclude tolerance and compassion to wh*tes and you have a deal shlomo

palefaces do not deserve it

This mayo knows

then hating japanese would too even though this is an anime board

sjws hate japanese the same way they hate whites
id never go to such a shit place, like neogaf.

Yes but dumber in a smart way. Many layers of irony