Stereotypes about your country which are wrong

>Stereotypes about your country which are wrong

>French people are skinny
There are many fat and obese people too
>French people eat snail and frog legs
It's wrong
>French people wear berrets
It's pretty rare
>French people don't shower
It's wrong, we take on average 4 showers a week
>French people don't wan't to speak English
It's wrong, but we are bad in foreign languages
>French people don't shave their armpits
It's totally wrong

Other urls found in this thread:

>pakistanis are germanics
Sorry we are just muslim poo in the loos

>Canadians all love hockey
We like other sports too
>We always wear plaid
Not always
>We all eat maple syrup
Some people have diabetes
>We have no culture or are the same as America
This is only true west of Québec
>We are Chinese
My province is less than 1% Asian of all types

>we're chinese
chinese own a lot of property in the eastern states, but a lot of them don't actually live here. My state is something like 92% european
>giant spiders etc
seen a total of 1 really big spider in my life and I just gave it a spray of mortein
snakes are common I guess, but not really anything to worry about. You have to be fucking stupid to get killed by one
>we're all convicts
most settlers were free and two states weren't founded as convict settlements. That said, most of the free settlers were families of convicts initially and a large proportion of Tasmanians have convict heritage.
>Australia is hot
New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania definitely are not. They're probably hotter than most of Europe, but it's nothing that's unbearable, Tasmania especially
>we drink Fosters
never even seen it for sale here

Are you a bogan?

>French people eat snail and frog legs
>It's wrong

wtf are you saying? it's uncommon, but it's certainly not wrong

>It's wrong, we take on average 4 showers a week
That's barely half the days. English smell worse, though.
Why not shower once per day?

Whenever I try to look up French porn, half of the shit is bbw "milfs"
You frogs are disgusting

Is my country big enough to even have stereotypes besides Sup Forums memes?

> Ibrahimovic is Swedish

No, he's a citizen but his ethnicity is Bosnian-Croatian. For Europeans this is obvious but third worlders seem to think hes an actual Swede.

> Swedish food is disgusting

I can agree on fermented herring (which is only consumed by some during midsummer) and black licorice which about 50 % of the population eat. Other than that our own food is pretty normal and we also eat alot of foreign food (hamburgers, falafel, pizza, tortellini, wook etc)

> All ethnic Swedes are blonde

Its common, but many also have red or light brown hair.

> All young Swedes are dating somalis

Somalis are tribal, like gypsies. This means that they keep their distance from other ethnic groups and extremely rarely engage in interracial relationships.

Indo-Germanic is just the German equivalent of Indo-European. Dem Germs and their retarded terminology.

What are stereotypes about Russia? I don't even know what to answer to except obvious shit like cycling bears playing balalaikas tbqh

>4 showers a week

Are you literally a monkey

>Tfw once a day

>and always a quick one after sexu

>Spaniards are lazy and siesta because of le break hours
False. Spaniards work a fuckton of hours and that break in lunch isn't 2 or 3 fucking hours long as assholes tend to exaggerate, it's literally 30 to 45 minutes. On average, Spaniards go to work at 8:30 AM and go home at 7PM. Siestas are more common during vacations or weekends and almost never during the week.

Everyone is poor as Fuck outside of Moscow

Moscow is 50 % durka tatar chechen

Wolves attack people in rural Russia

Putin loves Russian muslims (tatars etc)

Russians are shit soldiers and rely on heavily outnumbering their enemies

Everyone is an alcoholic

Yes we are indo-euro therefore h'white

>Country was invaded by x therefore they are x rapebabies
>spaniards are arab rapebabies
Very low amounts of arabs moved to spain, and in the reconquista muslims were forced to convert by Castilla and later kicked out anyway
Not sure if portugal or Aragon (catalonya) had such measures against arabs
Alcoholism, slavchavs, road rage, trashy houses full of cigarrete smoke

no. all we have is maybe being hairy and spain's towel thing

>Everyone is poor as Fuck outside of Moscow
It's relative. Non-Moscow citizens get substantially smaller salaries, but the cost of life is, subjectively, is also lower. But if you live in a small village or town built around a defunct coal mine or shit like this, then yes, it's fucked up.
>Moscow is 50 % durka tatar chechen
Pretty much. Plenty of Caucasians and Central Asians around there.
>Wolves attack people in rural Russia
There are cases when bears or shit like that leaves forests and seeks food in some settlement. Same thing can happen in rural Canada or the US as well.
>Putin loves Russian muslims
I dunno about love, but he utilizes and prioritizes Chechen and other ethnic elite pretty well. He turns a blind eye to the rule of despotic rulers there in exchange for "stability" and having durka durka in check.
>Russians are shit soldiers and rely on heavily outnumbering their enemies
It's not an ethnic stereotype, but a question of military history you, I presume, have no qualification to discuss.
I don't drink at all.

The race politics were the one thing where all of Iberia agreed. We kicked out the moors at the same time as Spain AND we didn't have any Granada for the extra 300 years.

Both of which are pretty much true, though. We also eat a ton of fish.

I guess we inherit a lot of Spanish stereotypes of lazyness and siesta because people assume we're like them, whereas we make fun of them for it as well.

in all chinese countries, we call russia '戰鬥民族' which basically means the tribe of war.
we think all russian are alpha that climb the tallest building just to take a photo or fist fight bear naked in the snow.
you can probably use that keyword to find a lot photos and videos about russia too. :^)

Tatars are secular. Literally nothing in common with arabs in Sweden.

Neat. It's obviously not true.

>our women will have sex with westerners for money
My aunt did it for free

Why is Galicia a drunkard? I mean , we love wine and coffee liqueur, but it's not that significative

It's significant, Manuel.

Yeah, soz.

>Russians are smart
Being smart in Russia is not safe for your brain.
>Russians are sober
Being sober in Russia means being a national traitor.
>Russians are strong
Using Zerg Rush tactics =/= being strong
>Russians hate homosexuals
Russian men are the most homosexual men in the world.
>Russian women are the best
Check out abortion, divorce, HIV statistics, and you see that russian women are the worst.
You bluepilled faggot cuck omega bitch tits ass piss shit reddit.

Brits and Irish love a beer much more than any region in Spain

Can i have her number?

she's not interested in arabs

It's all true

>You bluepilled faggot cuck omega bitch tits ass piss shit reddit.

Are you ok тoвapищ? Did you have a stroke
Also I'll still take your women, if they sing ruskie songs to me it's all fine

I dont know stereotypes about my country (I dont know if it even exists), so whatever

>hairy and live in mountains
>hate russians
>farm goats
>make wine
>hate armenians
>hate abkhazians
>hate south ossetians
>everyone's last name ends in Eli, Uli, Ali or Dze
>hate gays
>removes kebab rather well
>is an American state

Actually how does this make you feel Mtskhvqprudeneli?


>can pronounce that perfectly

>Thailand is full of tranny
We only have like 3-4 of them in each of our classroom. For adult, maybe if your office is big, you might have ten of them. If you walk to a grocery, you might meet 2-3 of them. That number maybe x10 if you are in popular whoring destination but that's it. We don't have that many trannies.

>we only have like 3 or 4 of them in each of our classroom
>we have 10 of them in the office
>this is normal in Thailand

I have never seen a transsexual in real life. 3-4 per class is insane

what are the stereotypes about romanians?
i only know the one about gyppos
which is false
they're at best 2million out of 19

>hairy and live in mountains
not hairy in the west, nor living in mountains.
>hate russians
nope, only ultra-nationalist russians
>farm goats
nope, we herd in swines or cows, sometimes sheep in mountainous regions. But animal husbandry is not so widespread.
>hate armenians
Again, Only ultra nationalists
>hate south ossetians
there are more ossetians living in Gov.Controlled Georgian than "s. ossetia"
>everyone's last name ends in Eli, Uli, Ali or Dze
*Dze, Shvili, Eli, Ia, Ava, Ani, Iani.

how do you feel about this:

also do you prefer the Dideba anthem or the current one? I like the older one better desu

But frenchs DO eat frogs and snails, people do it too in Spain

Canada as well, also viande de chevaline

meh, a video.
I prefer modern one. Old one had weird lyrics. it sounded like some fat guy standing with drinking horn saying toast, rather than anthem.

>All Americans are fat
We have plenty of Americans who are in shape or thin. Especially if they can help it.
>All Americans are ugly
America is a very superficial society and we actually care a lot about our physical appearance. Generally when you go out the young people are attractive-normal looking. The parents look like parents but even then you have milfs.
>All Americans are stupid
While America is severly lacking in certain departments, your average White Normie American isn't stupider than your average European Normie or East Asian Normie.

They're all true, all of them.

Fat guy with drinking horn saying a toast is really unique to Georgia though, that long ass toast before every meal plus the whole throat singing thing is something unique.

Now it's a pretty generic trumpet anthem, but whatever

What were you doing around 2008 when the russians rolled in? Why is your language so difficult with eight consonants in a row per word? Are Circassians really that hot?

White Americans arent stupid as in they have low IQ, they have low what we call "allmänbildning", which translates to something like general knowledge

>>Country was invaded by x therefore they are x rapebabies
Well, most posters here are either virgins or sexually frustrated autists, so everything with them revolves around fucking. They imagine history as a non-stop rape fest.

>americans are fat
i know several (3) skinny americans

source? personal interaction or Sup Forums?

>What were you doing around 2008 when the russians rolled in?
I was a kid by then.
>Why is your language so difficult with eight consonants in a row per word?
Its very rare and only after reformation it became like this. most places where it is "v, it should be "w" or "u".
>Are Circassians really that hot?
ok tier

do old people speak or understand russian?

>It's wrong
No it's not
>It's wrong, we take on average 4 showers a week
If you don't take at least one shower every day you're fucking dirty


>If you don't take at least one shower every day you're fucking dirty
That's only true if you're fat or sweat like a pig because of the heat or physical work.

Do people do horseback riding a lot?
Do they still keep the St george and the dragon legend alive there?
How do people feel about zaza pachulia?
Do you consider yourselves european or asian?

I'll think of more questions later but it's late and I want to sleep

Madloba. I think that's how you say it. :-)

>That's only true if you're fat or sweat like a pig because of the heat or physical work.
No matter how little exercise you do you're always going to sweat a little over the course of a day

>Do people do horseback riding a lot?
>Do they still keep the St george and the dragon legend alive there?
Yes. There are some additional legends in mountains, where its a bit paganized
>How do people feel about zaza pachulia?
dont care. it was just "hes Georgian, lets vote for him". We dont even like basketball that much, we prefer rugby or football.
>Do you consider yourselves european or asian?
european. there are some additional snowflakes that push "we are so unique, we are so special that we are our own one member group"

i've met a german who believed that alexander the great was the first german emperor
so i guess germany is pretty americanised

>French people are skinny
compared to murrikan you are
>French people eat snail and frog legs
implying escargot are not part of your cuisine
>French people don't wan't to speak English
I went to France several times, and happened too much often (an knew they understood). And on the same matter most french will ignore you if you don't speak perfect french.

>We're all called Angus
Only know one person with the name Angus. Common names are Lewis, Harry, Michael, Caitlyn

>We're all short
Not et all
The height of Scottland people has been increasing massively over past few generations.

>Scots wear skirts all the time
We really only wear em at special events like weddings and festivels. Sometimes they're worn at funerals.

>We're all ginger
There's more people with ginger hair here than there are in other countries, but they're still a minority.

>tfw got 3 of the names in your post
b-but im welsh and english!

but are you stingy?

The term was invented by a Dane, you mong.

I suppose we have British names and not regional.

Some of us, sure. Our culture has gone to shit since the end of the 1800s (Scottish Englightenment period). There's massive drug and alcohol abuse and violence is high. Really depends on where you live here. If you live in the East coast, places like Edinburgh and Aberdeen you'll find nice people and wealth. But if you live on the west in places like Glasgow it's poverty and crime.


Stereotype my country

My father (conservative nationalist soldier) particularly respected (pious) Russians as honorable enemies which do not backstab like the English or rape and torture like the French.

Also, what are the stereotypes of Turks and Turkey? inb4 cockroach

I've never heard a single stereotype from Portugal, in fact, it's barely ever brought up in conversations

t. scots grandma who is scrooge mcduck rich

Considering our large diaspora, it's fairly good news, desu.

The French think we're both hardworking and dumb, and that's what we think of our French diaspora as well, since they are always the worst of our diasporas.

Everyone else I've honestly ever heard nice things about. We're not huge troublemakers, I don't think, and we're not relevant in the world stage either, so.


>French people don't shave their armpits
>It's totally wrong

Most of us think you guys always bring baguettes on a paper bag but other than that nah.

Fuck off you weren't asked.

Actually the only thing I've heard about Portugal has been talking with brazilians who say that you guys are arrogant, but I don't know, that kinda seems like an historical buthurt, kind of like a lot of people in hispanic America dislikes Spain. I personally haven't talked a lot with portuguese people so I wouldn't know

Most arabs in here are called turks

>Also, what are the stereotypes of Turks and Turkey? inb4 cockroach
That Turks call all Russian young women coming to Turkey "Natashas" and think they are sluts (which they are). Though it's more of our own stereotype.

>finns are nordic
we are baltic

>finland is scandinavian country
we are not

>finland is white
we are mongoloids

>finns have blue eyes and blonde hair
we have dark hair and eyes

>finns are tall like other northern europeans
we are very short

>finland is socialist paradise
we are poor shithole filled with NEETs and suicidal virgins

>finns must be good looking because they are ""nordic""
we are fucking ugly mongoloids

I had a bf who was a Finland-boo and studied Finnish on his own. He had some Finno-Ugric traits to his appearance.

>He had some Finno-Ugric traits
is this your bf?

why are there so many gay russians on int

Nicely memed.
Why not?

don't worry, i won't touch him

Well, the ex-colonies should have opinions about us, sure.

Brazil's usually varies between thinking we we're shit colonisers to loving us because Portugal reminds them of a more peaceful place that's achievable.

Also, there's a newer current of thinking that says something along the lines of "Brazil has been independent for 200 years, it should have course corrected anything the Portuguese might have done", which is honestly a healthy way of thinking, even if the first is true.

But in General the Brazil/Portugal relations are much more amicable than Spain/Spanish colonies, I'd say.

It's kind of the same here, but disliking Spain is mostly an internet thing, a lot of people actually migrate to Spain

Blaming the colonizers for our shit in the current year is the easy way out, corruption is what is fucking us over, I think that whether or not that has anything to do with colonizers is pretty irrelevant now

What a weird looking human. Like one of those baby doll heads put on an adult body

>Stereotypes about your country

here are two

Met a br girl that unironically thinks portuguese are evil
So dumb
Dont all latinamerican countries teach about le evil spaniards stealing their gold?

>or rape and torture like the French

French never raped nor tortured

You're most likely misleaded by these false pics of the Algerian War that are in fact pic of Spanish soldiers from the Rif War

>Met a br girl that unironically thinks portuguese are evil
br girls aren't particularly well treated here, desu. We've associated their accents with being a whore, so they get a bit of a rough time.

>eating crepes
>having american flags
>everyone is female looking

is that what you consider the norwegian stereotype?

I don't know, but this picture has been posted often so I guess there must be something.

They don't even eat tacos, so very un-norwegian of them

Her friend was unironically a whore, the stereotype is well deserved

>Argentines have big noses
Not really, its only that our neighbours are all amerindians that have small noses
>Argentines believe they live in the best country in the world
We don't, but if you push our buttons we go full autists about that
>Argentines like socialism
No, half of the population is Peronist, which is a pseudo fascist movement (in the actual meaning of the word). About 30% is anti-peronist (dead-centre in the political spectrum). The rest are retarded and have no real impact in the course of history. Just like you. You anime lover faggot. Stop watching cartoons.

>Canadians love hockey
True, but not for everyone. Although everyone I know who doesn't like hockey either likes another winter sport or doesn't care for any sport at all

>We always wear plaid with winter hats
No to both. Plaid is semi-rare among the newer generation, and those winter hats are just wor for the memes

>We hunt
Only small townies whose only other option is getting intoxicated

>We say hoser

Almost never where I'm from

>We say eh

Regional. My area is replacing it with "hey", which is kinda stupid since it take more effort to say, hey?

>It snows constantly

Here in southern BC it rains in the winter

>Russians are smart

Don't invent stereotypes.

When did we rape and torture your people?

btw, you're from Turkey, you can't complain about all those things.

I don't think you're dumb. Your diaspora is not so bad, stop whining.

It was a joke