Nordic country ratings:

Nordic country ratings:

1. Norway
2. Finland
3. Denmark
4. Iceland
5. Sweden

There is nothing nice about Finland


Finland isn't "nordic", it's a separate mongoloid race with a vastly different language and shouldn't be considered in the same category as the other scandinavian nations.
I'd rate the nations like his:

Fareo islands

t. abdul and mohammed

1. Greece
2. Norway
3. Finland
4. Denmark
5. Iceland
6. Sweden

Small flag fitting for a small movement

1. Finland
2. Finland
3. Finland
4. Finland
5. Norway

cool, but I'd say


Faroe > Rest

Where's Greece?

ok official nordic rating:

2. Estonia
3. Greece
4. Brazil - Argentina
5. South Korea
9001. Chile

huge gap
the niggers of the north.

Why are people so fucking obsessed with our countries? Stop coming here and stop talking about us. You are not welcome.

>You are not welcome.

1. Sweden
2. Norway
3. Denmark
4. Iceland

Too little too late Magnus.

1. Sverige
2. Norge
3. Island
4. Danmark


1. Denmark
2. Sweden
3. Norway
4. Finland
5. Iceland


Estonia will apply once they get depressed like the rest of us.

North Germanics > rest of the world

It's too good with too little profit for the Real Best Countries. They give us more people to later enjoy more sweet and fattig Freedomâ„¢.

WTF I love the UK now

>Iceland ranked among the lowest by most people in this thread
I better go eat a handful of anti-depressants.

>Finland isn't "nordic"
This. We're more Baltic in the geographical sense than Nordic. How hard is it to understand

Thats because your food is disgusting. You better get culturally enriched.

>finns say this but balts don't give a rats ass about them
Estonia is your only brother and we are your only friend no matter what you say.

>implying (You) weren't taking them already


Keep in mind that most of the people rating are foreigners who have never visited any of the countries, so their opinions are formed by Sup Forums memes and therefore meaningless. Your country is definitely among the best in Europe.

Fair point.

That's true, thank you Danefriend.

Your other linguistic/genetic brothers have already been assimilated by the evil russkies

Been to all ban (Faroe islands), and Icela d is nice in its own way, but it's not really a fair comparison, them being underpopulated, underforested volcanic rock in the middle of an ocean.