Build waterpark next to the sea

>build waterpark next to the sea

why do meds do this? seems insane to me.
who wants a shitty waterpark when you can bath in the sea

Back to the trenches Hans

are you retarded?

because they make more money from a waterpark from tourists than the sea

The entire Mediterranean Europe economy is tourism so they need to find a way to make money because beaches are free.

If tourists stopped going to Portugal Spain Italy Greece etc and you guys(Germany) stopped giving them money they would be 3rd world countries tbqh

>bath in the sea
Waterslides are fun. Not everybody likes digging holes in the sand, Hans.

They should charge non-locals a SMALL fee to use the beaches.

>Back to the trenches Hans
good that you mentioned it.
you cant dig holes in a waterpark

>are you retarded?
I dont to bath in piss water?

do not worry
Greece will always be a tourist country as long as the human race exists

its not germany
dont worry

>that Baltic red
Even Lake Erie looks like it gets less algae, and they've had a problem with algae blooms.

but keep in mind
america is a shitskin country
while northern europe is not

fuck off Iki

fuck germany

>not a single med has answered yet

I am a Greek you german subhuman
ask me about the best place on the planet

does Greece have waterparks?

i used google

looks like you dont know Greece, looks like you are not even Greek

Baltic sea is basically a fucking bog at this point.

Fucking Russians and Poles.

every european country has waterparks
Greece is the waterpark of god


>water rides
>fresh water
>controlled environment less susceptible to caprices of weather
>no sharks, jellyfish and shit
>no sand that would get into everything
>more convenient access to food, drinks, toilets and shit

I love sea, but there are benefits to waterparks as well.

this guy was never in a Mediterranean country

I'm going to put syrup on your pancakes

pancakes are Greek

Iki pls

I wanted to post the same

I prefer being in swimming pools to the salty sea desu
not a fan of sand either

Why would I ask a Greek about my country?



190M people
GDP/ Nominal $284 billion (2016)

10M people
GDP/ Nominal $466 billion (2014)

Only poorfags swim in the sea here. In fact, most Americans who go to the beach never get in the water.

>Only poorfags swim in the sea here


And my syrup is 100% pure Vermont, sweet thing

>If tourists stopped going to Portugal Spain Italy Greece etc and you guys(Germany) stopped giving them money they would be 3rd world countries tbqh

ok sandnigger

>says another sandnigger

>says another sandnigger

>cries in unemployment

honestly... have you ever bathed in the mediterranean in summer?

I was born in the Atlantic and i'm living in Dénia now, the mediterranean is like a hot soup right now, a swimming pool like that is 100% more attractive that going to the local beach full of guiris.

not really though

im sad that the situation is like it is and that some of my friends have it bad (thanks eu), but im not actually unemployed myself

Jajajajajajajajajaja pic related

Tiene usted un trabajo amigo? Jajajajaja

Jk En realidad me encanta Espana porque siestas, churos y paella pero es evidente que su economy es terrible.



Ustedes son mas Arab de nosotros tbqh

dat unemployment rate for 25s and under

i never knew it was that bad LOL. like what the fuck is that 50% of young people thinking about? fucking mama boys

>Ustedes son mas Arab de nosotros tbqh