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looks like black pink is still shit

cutest girl in the galaxy~

yeri ㅠㅠ

old and plastic

Just kidding. I don't know if Jonghyun means blue moon in Korean. I just made that up.


I'm assuming there's a really high chance SHINee will go on an indefinite hiatus, and their dome tour in Japan will be canceled, but I wonder if they'll do something for their 10th anniversary. Like a celebration of 10 years/remembrance for Jonghyun/final appearance for Onew before going to the military.

we already know it doesnt


but blue is the official color of shinee

She should have been the one called Kim Lips



My girls.


or kim uggo

gotta go find this set
she's so pretty

it's too bad the entire company can't cancel all their schedules at least for this month

Yoohyeon though

Talk talk talk

Turns out you just need a death to get the least talent groups in the same room

for a while i thought dongers was spooky but she's cute now

are you gonna continue whining all night?

looks like that one idiot is still upset over his pikaflop

is taeyeon going to be ok at her concert tomorrow?

>Jonghyun dies at the day of final exam (12/18)
>can't study for shit
>teacher postpone the exam for the (12/20)
>Jonghyun's funeral day, can't study for shit
>exam was laughable easy
>i'm now graduated
thanks Jonghyun


Fake news

Sua id cute

You picked the wrong Pristin member my dude

she's always super cute and pretty too

>p-please talk about my nugus
>d-do it or i'll complain abou it instead of just posting them

>will taeyeon be okay tomorrow

there is no tomorrow

dirty show leavers

probably not

True that. Trump is a man of taste. He'd have a better waifu. Pic related

Poor man's Kim Lip


Don't be weird

>implying there's a right choice


Dont worry about it

>exo is at the airport right now
sm is going to kill them


crashing this plane


christmas with bebsol...

post sua

they have concert dates in japan

Dreamcatcher is the best nugu group.

Pristin? More like Prischin. Get it? Chin?

why would sm be mad at them? they had to go

they aren't nugu anymore

the gayos gonna be sad af

I mean, there's obviously the two best, but that's just me being bitter about the death of ioi

Was Jonghyun 27? That would put him the same age as Cobain, Winehouse, etc?

light of my life


Honestly, nugu groups release better music. Because they actually need to release good music to catch the attention of the public. Big companies can release mediocre crap and the public will eat it up anyway.

yes he's born April 8, 1990

They are in Korea.

Watching the car leave at the end of the video felt a bit surreal. Reminded of the final scene in their 1000 years always by your side MV, where the bus is leaving.



he's listed here now

Explains while Twice LOA was the best era.

her hair is so pretty

>nugu groups release better music.
not all
it depends a lot of the producers in charge
some nugus have the luck to work with good producers like sweetune, monotree, ryan jhun etc

that doesn't make sense since they don't catch the attention of the public contrarian

then why are they nugu? checkmate

With the exception of SM

ya lost me

Man, uggo Pristin is not a meme


you know what that means


This is not how it works...

>tfw outlived every one of these losers

sucks to be those guys

shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up

Is Jisoo okay

because the vast majority of the population has shit taste in music. aka why all popular american music is garbage

no shes still ugly


You're entitled to your wrong opinion

she comforted herself to a struggling trainee


She's recovering from her polio and doctors expect her to be walking again soon. Until then, we have to be satisfied with car pics

that's exactly what happens, taeyeon can pump out any old garbage because legions of idiots will eat it up regardless

is this one of those cringey posts that are most likely female you guys were talking about

so is she over? that was like a goodbye

if they had your life they wouldve kys themselves way sooner

“Singer Taeyeon will bury her ‘close friend’ Jonghyun, who has become a star, in her heart and set out for her concert”. Taeyeon will perform all 3 dates of her Christmas concerts. No change in plans.

I meant Lovelyz Jisoo
I didn't even know there was another one



The post read like a male autist post

Youre confusing public with fandom