
Just a few days ago three people died because of overtime-work, OVERTIME.

It seems korean couldn't care less about pushing workers work unhealthy amount of hours, even to the point they need to skip meals.

Why can't they chill a little bit more?

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Capitalism was a mistake

lack of good beer

at least people count their deaths.


Is it possible to be NEET in Corea?

I am.


It's true

>Dying of karoshi instead of being milked every last drop of cum from the body.

What a rotten way to die.

otherwise they will die either way. the fewer workplaces, the worse work conditions.

I've heard some people don't get paid for working overtime. that's harsh. japan and south korea.

How do decent Korean media report them?

Japs start to care about it because of western media these days

It's not my problem because i'm a not poor NEET.

>a country with literally 0 resources and once poorest in the world
>can only survive through hard-work
>becomes rich through hard work

m8 not everyone has oildollars and can just sit around while money flows into your pockets

people must have became slaves of company under deflation and recession. now Japanese companies are improving work environment because of lacking workers. but companies still hesitate to pay well since they're afraid of recession

Denmark doesn't have oil money you cuck and we're almost just as rich as the Norwegians.

Serves the wagecucks right, if you ask me. That's what happens to those who've sold their souls to their family and boss.

Is it even productive to work ridiculous hours?

After around 9 hours of solid work, my concentration plummets

yeah but you're the equivalent of a province and depend on germany/other parts doing well.

says who? your unions?
fucking lazy people, I swear

It's a partly meme.

Your country is a good example. Mexicans work very long hours yet their country is still poor.

>implying Korea wouldnt still be a third world shithole if it wasn't because they had America to depend on

It's called trade, leaf.

>inb4 "but muh european union"
Only makes the paper work slightly easier.

>9 hours
>not being able to concentrate afterwards
u wot.

so if we worked fewer hours we would become rich?
holy shit fa m (You) just fucking solved mexican economy, what a fucking genius.

This week I am going to work (more like stay at workplace) like 0800-2300

calm down, my dude. I'm saying quality matters more. It's possible for people to work 8 hours and achieve more than someone who works 12 hours.

Just not as well.

Do you enjoy it?

What I'm trying to say is that wealth has almost nothing to do with productivity, the wealth of a country comes from the equality index and institutions infrastructure as well as government regulations and laws .
It's nice thinking that you earned those 10 EUR in one hour because you are just better at flipping burgers and frying shit than some other teen age kid in Mexico doing the exact same while being paid 1/8th of that.
Mexico is very productive nation, in fact most manufacturing companies measure individual productivity and will fire you in a heart beat if your hands don't move as fast as the production itself, turning screws is not rocket science, hell even turning screws of a jet engine is not rocket science. You can be producing one million USDs in products a day but the lack of regulation and lack of fair wages in mexico is what stops the internal market from growing, not because we don't have 5 weeks of paid vacations or because it's extra hours are not always paid.

its easy to be rich if you are a small country like denmark or norway.

Also easy to be lazy. I don't like that about north-europe. hard-work is admirable and a good way of living. just not so much you kill yourself of course, and you need to have passion.

Yes and it is only the way you have to go

desu chill life is best life. I wake up around 10 and work begins at 12 :3

Death due to overtime-work is a good sign of great economic progress. Their children will be the ones to reap their rewards in the future so those kind of workers are actually very wise.

What children?

What do you expect from careereans

the avarage children per woman is 1.2, one of the lowest in the world.
Korean women don't have the freedom (time and money) to have many children. I find it a little bit sad. Many korean women loves children, but simply can't.

China was even worse about it though, with their one-child policy. So cruel to humanity it makes me sick. I see the logic, but it's brutal. They are a little less strict now, and that's good. China have so many problems.

How is one-child policy cruel to humanity? I think overpopulation is the true cruelty but you will never experience it anyway so that doesn't matter.

There is something called freedom. Freedom to choose, freedom to live your life the way you want it. You can't do something so basic and natural as having children. I find that very depressing. Do you know how much value people lose? It's like living a life in a cage. No thank you.

Yes, overpopulation is a very challenging and gives the country many difficulties, many which are not solvable. I will however, never call one-child policy something else than cruel. Overpopulated and not. I understand why they do it, doesn't change the importancy of the matter.

No matter how cruel a policy is, if it makes the future of a country better then it is a better policy. Look at China now, almost the same economic level as the US and in the same rank with Russia in global firepower. Your tourists are the Chinese.

In the end, the only thing that matters is the economy and money.

Also, don't forget the forced abortions, up to birth when that policy was instituted. It was bestial. The police would forcefully drive pregnant women to clinics to get their children killed.

ah yes because socialism is much better

>their ungrateful children will waste the fortune in three decades

Fixed for you.

Sacrificing yourself for the benefit of your descendants (who, if you are man, might not even be yours) is worse than being a cuck.

Koreans have the same overwork problems as Japs do. Yet all that work is highly unproductive because South Korea and Japan are some of the most unproductive countries in the OECD.

They should copy nordick countries where they work very little but it is highly productive work.

A frenchman only has to work 4 days to work the same amount as a Jap in an entire week.

>Japan and Korea are using billions of papers and gallons of ink just to make a high-quality animation
>they make most of the cars than all other countries combined
>electric appliances
>most unproductive countries

Productivity is calculated by the amount of GDP produced per worker per defined time.

Korean workers work a shiton more than a Swedecuck to produce less GDP per capita. If koreans worked much less, their productivity would increase and they could actually enjoy life.

In USD terms of what they produce, it takes them far more effort than the average European to produce the same value.

You might have noticed that in Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong and other wealthy Asian economies, people are only slightly wealthier than the leading European economies but have to work insane hours.

This is the definition of inefficiency.

Well you definitely don't earn much, like 2k USD a month? Back home you'd be poor as fuck. Why don't you get a real job?

Nigga he'a not talking about turning screws or flipping burgers, he's talking about mental work - an industry severely lacking in Mexico, which is why your economy is shit.

Nigga, there are alternatives to capitalism that aren't socialism. Fucking retard.

I'm so fucking glad I wasn't born on Korea or Japan.

Thank you based God!

I'm in the military, so I get to save pretty much my whole paycheck. :^)

How is Brexit going? I heard the sterling is still falling against every other major currency.

It unironically is.

t. Trayvon Miguel Noseberg

Time to hand over your white card if you really think so.

I hope the economy crashes so I can actually afford rent or get a house. I live in London, there are more yuros and shitskins than actual people.

People are shitting on you but studies show that even 8 hour workdays are rather unproductive during parts of the day.

I knew someone who worked in Japan for like a decade and he said that even though people are at work 12 hours or whatever a day there isn't the same kind of production you'd see at a Western company because they just kind of hang out at work.

Not him, but I will never ever take lessons in socio-economics from a mouth breathing military faggot. You guys are some of the biggest welfare queens.

KEK. The only noseberg are people shilling for capitalism online.

Every reasonable person knows capitalism is the only way for a functioning economy. It's only when jews get in the picture that everything gets fucked up.

>jews pervert capitalism, screw everyone, start wars and enslave people as worker drones
>other jews start calling for social justice and communist revolution under jewish enlightened leadership
>whites get killed and enslaved either way

>dumb Sup Forumstard blaming all the flaws of capitalism on "da joos"
Newsflash: The global financial industry would still fuck everyone over even if Jews weren't a thing. Even Hitler realized capitalism was garbage. Thats the entire point of fascism being a third way.

No, capitalism blows. It maximizes personal choice, but it is a false choice.

There is no direction in a capitalist society.

There is a reason why governments have to conduct more difficult scientific research - no entrepreneur will invest in something that may not pay off in their lifetime.

Anyone who unironically embraces capitalism is either a retard or unimaginative.

There are so many negatives of the system, it makes no sense why we as people should stop and go 'yes this is the perfect society' when we've transitioned from system to system throughout our history.

In short, you're a retard or drinking the kool aid hard.