What is it like to have a government that doesn't hate you and try to genocide you?

What is it like to have a government that doesn't hate you and try to genocide you?

I seriously don't know ...

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Wouldn't have a clue

If only your government could kill you... It'd be awesome.

this g*rmans must die for their crimes

I miss Bilel

He was a good boy just sad

>le merkel is bad childmeme

Name one western government that is on white peoples side you can't.


Not sure if it counts as western but Poland

Merkel is right g*rmans deserve genocide

Don't know as well.

They are doing it tho. you should be happy since you would love your new arab neighbors much more.

Ours just hates us and thinks we are thieves.


lol except the fact we allowed immigrants to settle here, what exactly is wrong with germany?
I can't complain, im living a great life desu.


Your grandchildren won't as a result of point 1.

>implying i will have children



Yeah the rising peadophile rings in UK agree totally


Im not even german so i would probably just harm the genpool lol

White people dissapear in France. I'm so angry. Sometimes i forget i'm not white.

Yes, thinks. They can't prove shit.

>lol except the fact we allowed immigrants to settle here, what exactly is wrong with germany?

Well, literally everything we had/have is going to shit thanks to your first point.

Government already passed laws to censor the internet because of "hate speech", read your mobile communications, cameras pop up everywhere...

>social security
With the cost for the refugees it will go to shit. It is expected they will cost us 400 billion the next years. No more money for your lazy ass or the grandma that never worked because she had 5 kids.

Have fun with the regular smartphone inspections on dark streets, done by these IT professionals. Just look at the crime statistics of 2016.

Probably getting pretty good with quotas for every minority out there...

Everyone asks for more foreigners in official roles because they can deal better with their own kind. Have fun getting pulled over by a Afghan and a Russian cop.

Merkels just fucks up the EU by pushing refugees on other countries which will probably be great for our economy

Well... thanks Merkel I guess.

Canada is grant on steroids when it comes to cuking, we take 400k a year in shitskins in a country of 35 million.

*Germany spellcheck on phone is fucked.

u should build a wall...

We have the Atlantic and Pacific oceans hasn't stopped us cucking ourselves.

Our white population decreases by nearly 1% annually.

>German complaining about Genocide

I mean what comes around goes around.


>I can't complain, im living a great life desu.

Fuck off, mass replying Autist.This board is basiclly Sup Forums lite anyway.With /r9k/ thrown into the mix.
You should move to Maine.Or somewhere in New England.I'm enjoying it while I can, before it becomes culturally enriched with Turdskins or Chinks.

>This board is basically Sup Forums lite anyway.
Still using that as your default response, janny? Going to tell me now how "they used to ban the jews"? Hmm?

I'm not a Janny.You dumb Frogposter.

Well down here in Scotland our gvernment figured out how to keep us white!

The nationalists decided that they'd make this country so shit the sand niggers just wouldn't come here!

Now we've got no free speech, jobs (a huge percentage of people are self-employed earning under the minimum wage which explains the low unemployment rate), the relations between England and Scotland have been so artificially fucked up by them that the rest of the UK population wants us out so we can starve to death or become another European parasite state leeching off the Germans and French. This all due to the nationals implimenting the worst possible education and economic policy which resulted in the complete collapse of the education system and our deficit which had previously been recovering from the UK economic collapse suddenly quadtripple due to the obcene ammount of overly-socialist spending. Not to mention the complete collapse of Christian values (fuck Irish catholics, Protestants only) which has resulted in moral degregation of the need to do hard work for his country and God and for laziness and sexual degenercy to take ahold!

Man I love living in a 90%+ white country!

I always liked Scotland more than England 2bh.

I'm from Calgary it's not as bad here.

Just because i said the truth. It's fucking ridiculous!

>This board is basiclly Sup Forums lite anyway
No its fucking not you larping wannabe german

It's not the truth just because you have a retarded and unpopular opinion.

Yeah I like American too. Masses of Scots moved over there back in the foundings so it could explain some of the cultural similarities.

Isn't Finland? Or have I been misinformed

>Can be arrested for posting wrongthink
nope nothing wrong there

>Nazis getting arrested for posting Nazi stuff
lol like i care

>I always liked Scotland more than England 2bh.
who doesn't?

You are lying and losing.






How do we save France?

We can't. Look Greece and Sweden...

Thanks to you i know that feel too, "bro"

You're not alone.

Each year Germany disappoints me a bit more.

I think modern europe needs more non-whites because just 50 years ago Hitler killed all the non-whites living in europe

Now we are even the reason for the retardation of French voters...
Well, seems we are almighty.

Just stop allowing refugees into your country and man up and have a SHIT TON of babies. Do you understand me? It is your duty too the German nation to have a ton of babies to ensure German survival, NOW GET TO IT.

Become Russian.
Putin has raised the ethnic Russian birthrates above replacement - the only white country where this is the case AFAIK.

You can't make babies when you don't believe in God. The German churches are in a sad state, and I see very little effort by nationalist movements to revive them. Of all the European countries Germany will take the greatest effort to fix.

The Netherlands and Sweden have more babies than Germany, Poland, Spain or Italy.

and half of them are named muhammed


>a government that doesn't hate you and try to genocide you

Well that's what you get for losing the ww2. I'm not going to say that we are better, we are in much worse situation than you actually. The only winner of ww2 was US of A.
Blame USA.

your government doesnt hate you broh. none of you euros have gubments like that. y'all liv in beautiful lands and yeah maybe you take in some stinky africans but you live in the best countries on earth. america is like mostly a festering shithole full of a voter block of stinky evangelicals who hate me because im degenerate.

USA gone from 85 % white in WWII to what, 55 % white now?

Only the Jews won WWII.


oh what you hate black people and mexicans?

Just have babies and raise them to be proud of who they are. That will solve the problem,