What are Sup Forums thoughts on these countries?

what are Sup Forums thoughts on these countries?


Worse than Russia

its to europe
what subsaharan africa is to the world

Kinda backwards but still nice

I am Pole

finngolian subhuman
germans are subhumans

I normally split like this.
Northern ones are nice, southern ones are too third world to be considered Europe.

>Not third world

That's eastern and not central Europe tho

I am a Greek

its not nice you slavic subhuman

>Ukraine and Belaruse are better than Slovenia and Croatia

so what is Russia? Easterner Europe?

north asia

I thought Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia are shit.

Not African shit, just Central Asia or LA shit.

It's not only economy that counts for me but also the cultural and society based development.
But pic related is probably more accurate.

Shut the fuck up turk no one cares about your opinion

belarus and ukraine are shit

croats and serbshits are the same scum

slavs are subhumans

How shit?
If you look at the numbers alone, like GDP and all Ukraine is closer to some African country, but it's European so it can't be that bad right? Quality of life and all.

It's one of the country that's difficult to imagine what it's like.

>croats and serbshits are the same scum
That's were I'm not sure.
I don't know much about Croatia but I don't have a high opinion on Serbs.

>slavs are subhumans

Hidden treasure

>cultural and society based development.
Slovenia is more german than balkan in that term then

they are just white trash
dont waste your time learning more about that filth

they are the same trash

slavs are subhumans

he is right though. we slavshits are scum

and btw russia isn't europe at all anymore, not even eastern europe

what are they called?

(Apart from Poland, Ukraine and Riga)
Literally who

That's why I changed it. Didn't think of it when colouring it.

Why are so many Russians on Sup Forums so self-hating?

we aren't really self-hating, we are just honest with ourselves

Proxy cucks with soros bucks.

You really think that?

useless shitholes full of subhumans looking different from real humans

Not really, they don't chimpout for nothing. Only niggers and Germans do this.

Subcountries with subhumans people. It shouldn't exist

>Not really, they don't chimpout for nothing.
go to a germ school and observe the polak or balkan trash

Why? Because they don't hate their own countries and don't allow gay marriage?

i must add a polak map on this pic

t. Samir

iki we don't understand the memes of your broken mind

>greece not on this map

I'm sure he wrote this with a pen he didn't make on paper he didn't make in a house he didn't build in a society with laws that he had no hand in creating preventing him from being murdered for being such an insufferable old contrarian cunt. But yes, everything is me, me, me, humans never do anything as a collective and god forbid somebody express gratitude and pride for that which others have died to give him.

no wonder Sup Forums is full of nationalists

>Ukraine and Belarus better than Slovenia, Hungary and Croatia
Sure thing Shevschenko

neat Facebook comment

Croatia is a hellhole.


Still has some nice parts (the italian ones).

Belarus and Ukraine on the other hand are 100% shitholes

no it really isn't

"central europe"™ is artifical georgafic term created by eu part of eastern europe because they're like alcoholics "starting a new life today"

poland is shit the rest is nice

t. man with no qualities of his own of which he can be proud

The Best of Europe.

ah yes, because everything you do is on your own. Never mind you live in a house you didn't build, eat food you didn't go to, attend a school you didn't build, learn a curriculum you didn't come up with, speak a language you didn't invent. Everything is in a bubble totally focused on the individual.

This Schopenhauer faggot needed to commit suicide.

fair enough, but if you live in a shithole like Poland, there is not much that people who died have given to you

why are you projecting so hard? You do realize that in most countries nationalism is't some fringe ideology that only football hooligans subscribe to right? That's only the case in your indoctrinated putrid antifa shitpile. Go torch a car or something, you very accomplished individual, you.

It's not 1990 anymore iki, Poland is a far more pleasant place to visit than Germany is.

buffer zone

Rightful Commonwealth clay

shut up, if it wasn't them, you would be speaking German by now

thanks to german monies
if poles want to thank people who helped their country, they should thank us

Do you actually expect sympathy or gratitude for having to send eastern Europe money? Top kek. You broke it, you pay for it, most people learn this before the age of ten.

no thoughts

Good post.


Most people dont pay what they broke.
USA fucked up Iraq, Lybia and Syria, and they dont even think about fixing it
So yes, a bit of gratitude would be nice

Half of that clay belongs to Lithuania

Shit countries that think they are shit because of communism, even though they have been shit for the last thousand years.

The niggers of Europe basically, notice they use the same argumentation as we wuz niggers. That's because they are niggers.

You do realize that nationalism is a brain cancer?