I'm despondent, Sup Forums. It's the end of the year and I've liked almost nothing I've heard that's come out in 2017...

I'm despondent, Sup Forums. It's the end of the year and I've liked almost nothing I've heard that's come out in 2017. Please, give me an album or a song to change my mind. Assume I've heard nothing, I'm willing to give anything a chance again/for the first time at this point.

Other urls found in this thread:


flower boi


My oh My


I haven't listened to new music in over 3 years since most of it sucks and there is countless classics I can devote my time towards.

“Peasant” by Richard Dawson is the best and most unique album of the year.

I just recc'd this in another thread but whatever here it is again


Not enjoying these but thanks fellas

These are nice

Will revisit, thanks

Yeah I found so many things this year that I had overlooked in past years, Portishead's Third was probably my favorite

listen to post nightcore b, loads of great albums came out this year


Mouth Moods.

"Flower boy" Highly recommend this album from tyler the creator. His best yet imo

Lil Ugly Mane - Bedwetter Vol. 1

If you haven't listened to Cosmo Pyke's EP "Just Cosmo" yet there's still hope for this year for you

Bumping for this rec

OP still here?


This is my AOTY

If you don't like this, you're a pleb.

>Wings: You Never Walk Alone

actually reccing:
>Tyler - Scum Fuck Flower Boy
>BeWhy - The Blind Star
>Kendrick - Humble

>Kendick Humble