Russians will NEVER know the feeling of being a closest friend of USA, the Greatest Nation in the World

>Russians will NEVER know the feeling of being a closest friend of USA, the Greatest Nation in the World

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Poland stonk

Is Putin afraid of Polish birch-trees?

why? would poles/balts shoot putin down?

Nothing glorious about being friends with the Great Satan. Especially for a country as Christian as Poland.


Nope, actually a Polish diaspora.

>Benefit from living in a Greatest Country in The Multiverse TM
>Talk shit about it
Typical ungrateful Poolack.

What did she mean by this?

>This one's for Angela.

>greatest country in the universe
kekd audibly

The optimal route wouldn't go through Poland anyway because the earth is round

Putin fears the Estonian

First, America is definitely not the greatest country on Earth.
Second, I never wanted to leave in the first place, so I can complain all I want.

Well Putin shot them down when their president was there...

>you will never be married to Ivanka and Duda's daughter

Why do we bother living?

Fuck yeah bro, we stand with you!

Why won't you go to live somewhere else then?

Yeah man, The United States is a great country. If you don't like it then fucking leave.



The USA is just sucking up to Poland because they are quickly losing friends in the EU.

Formerly the UK and the Netherlands countered the anti-Americanism of Germany and France. But now the UK is gone they are afraid that the EU will become anti-American.

lol these polacks turning into drumpf shills

really as expected

Poland BTFO by Ivan. Many kurwas will be heard.

roru ziisu porakkusu taaningu into dorampufi shirusu
riri asu ekusupekutedo

Jesus and someone calls Serbia bootlickers


>Russians are friends of USA in the closet

was that supposed to be funny

what a cringy Sup Forumsack. in addition, your accent sucks too, you cant laugh at anyone else.

>sucking US balls this hard just to survive

Lame desu.

>your accent sucks too

>US is great satan
>Israel is little satan
>UK is trivial satan
>Poland is ______ satan



>jap thinking he can speak english without sounding like a retard

You have to be fairly fucking stupid if you think the Japanese flag user is actually Japanese.

the us doesn't have any friends

your accent sucks too


this what putins bootlickers keep repeating here

how can Russians and Western Europeans compete?

What am I looking at?

>japs in charge of not taking things seriously

I think in this case Japan needs to apologise.

putin's airplane route

Literally nothing wrong here

>being a closest friend of USA, the Greatest Nation in the World
>actually believing another country ia greater than your own


>Sobieski in the background