When will Brazil become a world super power?

When will Brazil become a world super power?

10-30 years

Why so many Brazilian related threads? Fuck off

But when will they become uma delicia?

Some some love huey

When politicians stop being corrupt.

Have you ever licked a girl's arsehole?

No, that sounds disgusting. Why would anyone do that?

Tastes nice

this is a meme created by a British economist
i don't care about, muh!, superpower; i just care of not being this shithole


yes, i have
just because i asked to fuck her assshole, then she replied - only if you lick it
and, no!, it doesn't taste nice - taste like shit

Did she not wipe?

yes, of course - washed it
but you can't simply remove the taste
it was worth it tho

Brazil has no economic freedom. It always liked to centralize power.
It'll become a superpower when it it implements more classical liberalism.
Chile is the country with the highest HDI in South America and guess what they are the ones with most economic freedom.

Brazil is places #140 in the heritage foundation index while Chile is #10

>The judiciary, though largely independent, is overburdened, inefficient, and often subject to intimidation and other external influences, especially in rural areas. Corruption scandals have undermined trust in both public and private institutions and contributed to Brazil’s decline in the World Economic Forum’s 2016 Global Competitiveness Index.

>The personal income tax rate is 27.5 percent. The standard corporate rate is 15 percent, but other taxes, including a financial transactions tax, bring the effective rate to 34 percent. The overall tax burden equals 32.8 percent of domestic income. Government spending has amounted to 39.5 percent of total output (GDP) over the past three years, and budget deficits have averaged 6.4 percent of GDP. Public debt is equivalent to 73.7 percent of GDP.

>Organizing new businesses remains cumbersome and bureaucratic. It is costly and time-consuming to launch or expand a business. Rigid and outmoded labor regulations undermine employment growth, and the nonsalary cost of employing a worker is burdensome. The new government has pursued more orthodox policies than its predecessor and plans to cap increases in budget spending and eliminate automatic indexation of entitlements.

>Chile is the country with the highest HDI in South America and guess what they are the ones with most economic freedom.
Yeah but we are a small country, even a micro country compared to Brasil, so we can afford economic freedom because it's easier to supervise that taxes are actually paid by people and companies.

Brazil is the country of the future
t. Stefan Zweig

Would you lick my arsehole?

are you a woman


then why not


When they will be tired of life full of sex, violence and football. Enjoy sunshine bros!

I don't like football or violence, and never had sex. Can I live in the Motherland?

post ass


do brits call this thing an ass? hm

Nah, a donkey.

I was just trying to be funny