How does Sup Forums deal with the fact that you'll never have sex with a significant amount of qts...

How does Sup Forums deal with the fact that you'll never have sex with a significant amount of qts? How did you learn to settle for mediocrity?

A background into my situation: I am a 23 year old, virgin man and I am starting to realise I'll never have sex with many beautiful women and it hurts. Everytime I take a stroll through the city I see an endless amount of sexy girls with amazing bodies and it pains me that I'll never fuck ANY of them.

I use to blame it on my bad physical state, but now I am healthy and toned from years of eating right and working out. Then I blamed being poor and unsuccessful but I got ky Master's degree last year and I am earning significantly more than median even though I am young. Still no success. I am just so UGLY and am not willing to settle for a woman who is equally ugly.

Annoys me too friend. Eat right and eat out, and just have messed up facial structure.

How do I learn to accept ugly girls?

doesn't bother me at all,I had sex once with a 8/10 latvian qt despite being a manlet and a 6/10

you just gotta be "exotic"



Just be yourself, it's what I do :^)

if it's any consolation, attractive girls aren't necessarily the best in bed

>How does Sup Forums deal with the fact that you'll never have sex with a significant amount of qts

It isn't

Your obsession with this is a sign that the rest of your life isn't in order. Literally get over it you mong.

i just dont get women idk maybe im just autistic

Just pee yourself.

My life could not be more in order than it is.

>finished all my studies within the minimum amount of time
>got a job
>zero (0) debt
>healthy body
>can cook

What more can I do?

Dunno then lad. You seem shallow so work on that maybe.

ugh, aren't you fuckers famous for having a red light district or something?

just go pay for it and get over it.

I literally only care about a girl's looks

PERFECT! use a prostitute then!

This or

Ok, I have decided I'll go to the prostitutes this week.

>needing a Sup Forums thread to remind you prostitutes exist
I thought you were morally against paying for sex or something. why didn't you do this sooner you mong

I have had sex with around 23 people:
>2 beautiful
>5 or 6 cute
>2 or 3 meh tier
>3 men (all fat)
>the rest were chubby or downright fat girls, and one didn't even have a nice face or anything. She was just a gross 135kg+/300lb+ giant.

Because I don't think it will alleviate my problems.

Also I will try it out once but to satisfy my libido I will have to do it weekly which is too risky. Fucking a prostitute 52 times will guarantee a disease.

I've fucked dozens of women but most of them weren't very attractive. It was still fun.

I have a huge fetish for a certain type of girls. If I can get one I don't need a dozen others.

And Id prefer to stay single than date someone who isnt my type.

if fucking whores won't satisfy you, and your ugly, and you feel the way you do.

this is the ONE time i'll use this because it fits the situation


extremely rude and quite illegal

>Id prefer to stay single than date someone who isnt my type.

Also, this is a great way to be. Trust me, I've been married for over 14 years to someone who isn't really my type

I don't really care, I was never meant for that kind of life. Went to parties and never liked it, went drinking and never liked it, went to clubs and never liked it.

you are a shallow insecure idiot. how about you try looking for validation outside of your non existent sex life first.
You know, try to become a better person

So what do you do? Sounds depressing.

Same but I am horny so I still care
I am not looking for validation. I want to fuck attractive young women, that's it.

I don't necessarily care for a gf or for a girl's adulation or interest. Only wanna fuck her.

Fucking hell man, have you ever shown these digits to a beautiful woman? She should be impressed by them.

you're not going to find your life partner on an unauthorized electro rave anyway.

I don't. I get extremely bitter whenever I go out and see qts everywhere.

First one is not me

>I am not looking for validation. I want to fuck attractive young women, that's it.

oh. well have you tried going on college parties and filling up the insecure looking freshmen girls then?

Well it's a good thing you live in Finland then where you won't be made to feel that way.

Finally someone who understands.

Maybe I should move to Saudi Arabia or something.

Two of my long-term gfs so far have been way out of my league looks-wise. I can't complain desu.

Yes. Didn't work because too ugly.

Couldn't care less, I have extremely low sex drive so when I see what most would consider a hot girl I don't feel anything.


I use video games to forget about my problems.

>0 debt

Get a loan and get cosmetic surgery

This desu.
I am good looking, successful, confident and rich but I tried to live the chad life and it was not for me.

I would sooner stay home and play games, jerk off and watch Anime than look for girls.

Being manlet is suffering

It's unnecessary. Women don't care too much about looks.

White sharia is the solution to our problems, friend.

> north american men
> sleep with 135 kg landwhales for free

What the Fuck is wrong with you lard loving bastards?

The thing is I like a very specific flavour of girls. With a bit of a puffy egg face with blonde to white hair. Both ugly and pretty girls come with those features. I dont have high standards and Im fine with both as long as they match my criteria.

If a girl is a brunette or something thet might as well be male to me. So its not really voluntary that I reject other type of girls.

Im not OP btw.

how's that even possible
do you have some medical condition that distorted your face

>A background into my situation: I am a 23 year old, virgin man and I am starting to realise I'll never have sex with many beautiful women and it hurts. Everytime I take a stroll through the city I see an endless amount of sexy girls with amazing bodies and it pains me that I'll never fuck ANY of them.
It makes me feel comfort that people in the Netherlands feel the same stuff as me even if I have to pay denbts, REALLY puts things into perspective...

If you're ugly it's possible to pull a girl if you're charming and confident because once you get talking to her, she might start to like your personality and get mildly emotionally invested in you. Then she might make out with you or perhaps fuck you almost out of pity or just as a nice gesture. The thing is, she will never genuinely desire you like she would an attractive male and that is what is shit. The best part about pulling a girl is the validation of worth and not just the physical pleasure of it. If she doesn't desire you then it's not really validation

I feel worse for you because you live a country where girls are probably dresssed sexily for the entire year.

Here thankfully only the ~3 months that the weather is decent are bad. All the girls expose their curves n shit

The genetically inferior are shunned wherever they are in the world.

So how do you cope?

Escapism via video games, movies, anime etc.

you should go ugly one. Know yourself.

I am 25 now, I hae done these things for most of my life, I even played some music, and let me tell you, you are gonna snap one day, mate, and it isn't gonna be pretty...

For me I used to simply just focus all my time on my studies. I got my bachelor and master in mech eng cum laude, now I work and odn't really have a clue what to do.

Here is a VERY STUPID IDEA user:
Actually try to locate girls and ask them on dates. Online, social events and friends friends coworkers.

Being well off is good. But actively pursuing girls is what gets them to your bed.

Bet you I won't

OP's mistake was his attitude.


Sucks, but you should have known that once you finish academics then you actually need to find jobs, salaries etc
How much?

I'm turning 19 this year, so that's some time away. But we'll see, I've had a similar feeling for some time that sooner or later I burn out.
I've never enjoyed studying anything I have no interest, and doing something tedious doesn't make me feel any less miserable.

well i'll give him credit for actually getting laid instead of complaining about not getting laid.

that's the rub, people who complain about not getting sex just have expectations higher then their ability. you have to start somewhere.

>I'm turning 19 this year, so that's some time away. But we'll see, I've had a similar feeling for some time that sooner or later I burn out.
You are. Everyone eventually does, finnbro. It's just a matter of time. The only thing that somewhat remedies this is if you have many hobbies, interests, and self awareness.
Self awareness of your situation makes ou feel bad in the beggnning but afterwards you will feel complacent.

What happened to you once you reached your breaking point?

I completely erased all my friendships and started smoking weed daily. It feels good nowadays. I don't feel anything but anger and sarcasm, it's fine. I think.

you need to get properly rich to negate genetics
even then the girls will want to cuck you if having babies is involved

Why would you? Either get a good one or remain alone. Settling for trash is the ultimate defeat and death of any self-respect.
t. 24yo KV

I agree with this. When you begin to settle for things that don't turn you on simply because you want to reach a certain social status, you have become a fake man and you are th eworst of mankind.

Ah, I thought that by snapping out you meant no longer being able to make do with vidya, movies and animu. I have no real life friends to begin with, so.

Well, those things won't make you feel fulffilled anymore, you are going to star feeling a bit bored, then a bit more, a bit more, a bit more....You see hwere I am going.
There are limits to how much repetition a man can endure. Although perhaps yours are far greater than mine.

I've settled for trash but at least I'm not a KV.

anticipation of vr

Are your parents ashamed for having such a beta son?

>the only thing that really brings fulfillment to my life is family. least you have that. My family is the same as me except they are....more villagy? I can't translate my thoughts well.
Just do a pleb tier drug, you can start either alcohol or weed. At least the pain is softened this way, friend.

You don't have to settle for trash but you can make use of a mediocre looking FWB or two in order to gain some experience.

Nah, I'd rather just kms.

I am not looking for experience though, I just want to feel happy for once. Perhaps. I don't even know anymore.
I am convinced you are me. Although I used to have close relationships as it is hard to be COMPLETELY antisocial here.

It always seems a bit extreme to me, suicide. Although I have tried it once, never will I try again.

I can only speak for myself, but without my practice fwb, I'd probably still be a lonely virgin. After gaining some experience and confidence, getting with girls became much, much easier

You shouldn't, there is no reason to torture yourself like that


Also, it isn't the virginity that bothers me, as much as not being wanted.

I basically got with a mediocre looking girl for a short-term relationship-like fling because I didn't have any clue about how to get with the girls that I really wanted to be with.

The insights and experiences I gained from this (how to flirt well, how to tease girls, how to get from having a simple conversation to making out and eventually having sex etc.) all helped immensely with getting with really desirable cuties.

I try not to think about it too much...
But in summer, female sexual harrassment is pretty bad
Creepshooting can help
Dreaming it will get better
Watch other men stare stealthily and be sad
Telling myself I can only blame myself
Sleep deprivation
Staying in
Last but not least, masochism : imagine yourself as the great strategist, who actually *wants* couples to smooch and fondle in his face, wants to be treated like a dog, like Severin in Leopold van Sacher-Masoch's Venus in Furs (german).

You don't have to.
If you start dating someeone that you aren't attracted to, it's going to be a bad relationship.

Just wait for that one girl, or some girl that is attractive enough for you.

If she never appears, at least you can hire prostitutes to get rid of your virginity or whatever.

You can't "Wait" for a girl to suddenly come in your life. You have to take action, use tinder, get to know girls through your social-circle etc.

If you are waiting for love you will never get any love.

>tfw 30 year old virgin
>for my 30th birthday, tried to have a prostitute and lose my virginity
>found a nice Greek prostitute online
>arrange to meet with her at a nice Hotel
>in the days before started feeling really fucking nervous about meeting with her
>go out and buy lots of Greek Yoghurt
>decide to make her feel at ease by offering to eat Greek Yoghurt from her vagina
>when I arrive to the hotel I have to go to the reception to get my key
>the guy at the desk says 'oh I see, a lovely lady just arrived for that same room'
>start to feel nervous that he is aware I am fucking a prostitute
>don't want to seem like I am
>laugh and say 'haha actually I am just delivering a few things to that room'
>take out 3 tubs of greek yoghurt, and £150
>tell him to deliver them to the room
>he agrees
>i go home, prositute never tries contacting me again

I hope she ate it at least



God I fucking hate normies so much.

He's right though.

Sorry for breaking your illusions ;^)

it will only get worse when you get older and become inferior to younger men

I used to think like you through all my teenage years. I was wrong. All pride you have disappears after you become a 20 year old kv involuntarily.
t.21 year old kv

Dont hate the player, hate the game.

Well I'm OP, 23 virgin (kissed 3 girls tho) and still am not willing to pursue uggos

>I'll never have sex with many beautiful women and it hurts
just fuck hookers you idiot