How long would it take until you worked up the courage to start raping and killing?

How long would it take until you worked up the courage to start raping and killing?

48 hours




What if the loop stops right after you did it?


Edge of Tomorrow or Live.Die.Repeat

What's the difference?


Edge of Tomorrow or Live.Die.Repeat

this one

What;s the difference?

What if the loop stops right after you did it?

After 1000 days you're safe I'd say. You can always kill yourself.

That's why you follow my plan.

1. Find nearby guns so that you can pick them up in the morning and kill yourself in case things go south.
2. Rape.
3. Find transportation options so that you can travel.
4. Rape in far away places.

>Rape in far away places.
the new album by the hit Somalian band, August Rapes Red

stomp my own head in

I'd probably ease myself into it.

Edge of Tomorrow or Live.Die.Repeat

youre stuck in a blizzard, you cant travel

i would start before i knew there was a loop

I always wondered, why didn't he just try to stay awake through the night?

why do you keep making this same exact thread? it's starting to get old


What about trains?

you know you wouldn't have to rape?

it wouldn't take that many days to find an attractive woman in that town that immediately responded to your advances, if you just hit on everything that moved

while enjoying her every day you could try lots of different things on other women, eventually you'd have your own personal harem of women who wanted it and wouldn't report you to the police when the loop ends

H-game adaptation when