I dare you to post more European picture than this

I dare you to post more European picture than this.

>all these burgers spamming muslim immigrants because they are butthurt they have no history

I try



hmmm try again sweety ;)


Bach is the pinnacle of European culture.

You guys like this cute little watchtower in my state?



>The Beacons of Minas Tirith! The Beacons are lit! Gondor calls for aid.




Might not have pretty buildings but I gots pretty nature and that's good enough for me

>USA has no histo-

This is not Salzburg. It was such a disappointment when we came there and realized that it wasn't there.


>people live on this cliff

>He doesn't have fascinating nature and
fabulous buildings at the same time


I saw these before. Pretty boring, tbf it was 115 degrees outside and i wanted to fuck off but still

The city I live in is over 900 years old and yet there is not a single building or monument that is more than a hundred years old.

>This is not Salzburg.


Yes, I know by now.

tourist trap


Come home white(I assume) men.

I like Bavaria when it's spring. Mountains are still white, while everything else is green

But I like it here
It's cozy

why do subhumans always post some cherrypicked places with rare good weather

Europe is cozier.

Fugggg that's pretty

Not sure but I'm assuming it has something to do with them bragging about living on the same continent as wonders or pretty places despite them not actually living there

But I can only speak English

Besides Euros hate Americans and I don't want to be beaten

I don't think that you want to see an endless barrage of commieblocks under grey skies.

Greece > america > europe

I want to eat those houses

nobody will visit those places anyway
and those pics are unrelated to this thread
i even ended this thread here


In good Europe, most people speak English.

Can you stop?

Good, know your place. No americans

Just don't reply to him.

best thing is. I can earn high salaries in Munich and still live in the alps. there are not many other places in Europe with this combination.


now i will stay
slavic subhuman

munich is a dangerous shitskin city and the alps are shit

Dumb pastry

At least my country has mountains


any chance of universal healthcare in those fine mountains?

shitskin america
looks shit

Don't need healthcare if you don't get sick dumbass

Enjoy your taxes and estrogen water

us nature is stunning, no question. but can you really enjoy it with 10 days of vacation?


athens looks like a garbage dump, son

keep in mind that you could get shot by a shitskin any day

looks ugly



its not germany
shitskin country germany

what i have noticed is
that you subhumans cherry pick the weirdest places
but come always with Athens if it is about Greece


white subhumans

we should put all french into a rocket and shoot them into the sun


looks shit
shitskin sweden

>we should put all french into a rocket and shoot them into the sun
I second that!

I dont think you are the real iki.

hello, cockroach in germany

Tourist trap

I am a Greek in Greece you french subhuman

Europe may have pretty mountains and buildings but do they have cute animals?


Why are you feeling for? The states have some of the most stunning natural parks in the world. How about you travel your own country and appreciate and stunning it is.


the good thing is that chinese subhumans are more interested in western europe than in southern europe


those asians love their Mozart

which you do since you americans are fat as fuck

disgusting animal



your average trip in shitmany
ugly and boring
full of foreigners


Of course it's ugly it's in Russia.

then post some Greek pics

no shiny buildings in germany or greece or whatever country that produces walking abortion advertisements like you

Into the trash

The ones near me a quite dooky

I said animals not insects

Pretty fit t b h

Can't afford to be complacent in a place whose weather can do funny stuff like change 27 degrees C in two minutes and then drop 32 C in twenty seven minutes

Do any of the Euros here like Colonial American stuff?

Greece is so beautiful
that i stopped looking at pictures
because whenever i look for more
i can not stop filling my folder

austria is ugly and boring

They're too big for insects, aren't they?


>walking abortion advertisements
you mean the average dane?
you subhuman

I like Boston.


Never doubt nature

That city is 26% Muslim so the Burgers are actually right in that regard

western america is so nice
too bad i can never visit it because it is a dangerous shitskin country

Yeah, Brussels is kinda fucked up.

Cape Cod is beautiful

more like 50

its actually quite nice that we keep all of them in the same place so that they dont spread out throughout the whole country

all european shitholes look same

ugly and boring

tbqh, this is a very European thing.
non-whites let their bums beg and starve

Challenge accepted

