Do you like Russians Dewey (SMINEM)?

Do you like Russians Dewey (SMINEM)?

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>Russians are subhuma-

boy sminem cool

I would selectively breed him to make goblins for a live action roleplay(LARP) themepark

>tfw share border with finns so they throw these abominations at us

we will keep sending our finest specimen to russia until you give karelia back

>t. never seen a Finn

Why do even handsome Russians hace that retarded haircut?

They all start balding when they are born but that haircut kinda hides it.



Why is it so airbrushed?

I don't know

I think he just has incredibly greasy skin.

before Sup Forums >depressed ignorant who believes in hollywod tier fairy tales about the life outside of his country
after Sup Forums >reasonable patriot and who knows every weakness of your country

Dude, that's a graduation ribbon.

Do finns make good anime?


i have the same it's normal haircut how is it retard ?

jesus fucking christ hahahaha. those pictures never stopped to amaze me. how is it even possible to be this fucking ugly? really? which race is this?