Where were you when you first heard it? What were you doing?

Where were you when you first heard it? What were you doing?

in my house listening to music


I thought it had a cool groove when I first turned it on, then Beefheart's vocals came on and I couldn't stop laughing.

Driving. Worst drive of my life

Reminder: if Veteran's Day Poppy doesn't give you feels, you still don't "get" TMR.

It was around 6:00 PM and I was eating some soup and playing mahjong. One of my happiest memories, oddly enough

t. pleb

I looked it up on Youtube because I saw and on here and hated it at first.


talking to avant teens on mu and rateyourmusic

bouncin on my boys dick watching the lion king on low volume


I expected something different, but I still got surprised.It's an amusing feel.

jerking off

in 2006 (yes, that time ago) in my house. loved at first listen. miss the days when this album wasn't memed into oblivion.


In this thread. This album is garbage

How new are you?

in my previous dorm, playing minecraft.

jesus christ it's way too fucking long. i listen to a lot of albums for the first time on my bed in the dark and while i did stay up for the whole thing, eventually i was just fucking sick of the shit. i think it'd be an amazing 35-40 minute album (something like Faust's s/t) but there's no need for such blatantly offensive experimentation to last an hour and a half. i'm probably never going to listen to the whole thing at once ever again.

new enough to know this album sucks

Playing tf2