
tube edition

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based nigger

totnes mentioned

Dog's rubbing her cunt mucus all over the furniture again

more like liverpeng

take your oyster card and shove it up your arsehole

>rating universities
>rating cities

>started posting about how robot socialism would save humanity earlier
>people started jumping in and saying 'people derive meaning from work'

surely only tarquins actually push this lie.surely every wagey here is praying for tomorrow to never come right now.

i want to put my fucking boss in a fucking gas chamber and blow up my fucking office and never go to work again REEEEEEEE I HATE WORK!


Thought I knew every station in the Tube but I guess not.
Oh, I see, it's on the Jubilee line. Makes sense.

>Bread used to celebrate the Eucharist during Roman Catholic Mass must not be gluten-free - although it may be made from genetically modified organisms, the Vatican has ruled.

Baffled that people subscribe to this religious nonsense

the wimbeldon wasn't. heard of it plenty of times. watched it a few. just like pretending we don't know about british things

Well he gives me 20k a year as a gift but doesn't let me touch it. I have 80k in an account right

*partakes in some swiss cottaging*



>jubilee line

i'll be behind my desk in 15 hours


>there's a single white girl in the whole of Spiderman: Homecoming
>she has like 2 lines total and is always a background character

So yeah /brit/ if you could just come in and do overtime tomorrow that'd be great...

i have two superiors at work.

One is really chilled out. he just tells me what to do and answers any questinos i have. he'll sit with me if i'm still not getting it.

One is neurotic. he'll come into my office, expects me to drop whatever im doing to do what he wants. if i do something even slightly wrong he will criticse me for it - but conversely he actually cannot teach me anything (because he doesn't know how to do the tasks i do himself).

nice shartburger

how diverse

making me hungry

quite like the idea of an all-female rock festival with nothing but super attractive blond swedish girls lezzing out 2bqhwy

sorry but i have plans already. bye.

good looking people making funny faces

i don't mean socialism as such.

i just mean an economy where the bulk of work is done by robots and everyone gets universal income.

there is still property and a chance of being better off than others based on the value of people's artistic, intellectual or physical endeavours.

how much annual leave do other wagecucks here get per year?

i get 25 days leave +8 bank holidays. up to 10 additional days leave were offered for £4 out my paycheck per day per month but im a stingy cunt

got a good night's sleep, had 3 cups of coffee, hearty breakfast and i STILL feel tired
annoying 2bh

yeh about the same.

exactly 0

Oh yeah, and I'm gonna have to go ahead and ask you to come in next weekend to catch up because your team is a little behind

>he didnt fuck a yank girl in his uni dorm

something off about this picture and i can't tell what it is

second only to the bakerloo

lad on grindr asked me to piss on him

considering it desu

>engels didn't want to run a factory
>yes you can still have a house
>ussr is still relevant
>economic calculation
true (read cockshott)
>labour theory of value
>usa keeps toppling countries
>stalin can't control weather
>proletariat have false consciousness

how do you get time out of work then? what if you want to go on holiday?

Location of the interesting brutalist flats in the Kingsman film.


Thought they might be CGI

23+bank holidays


why would you possibly care?

bet her farts stink

*goes into the festival as a 6'6" hairy man built like a brick shithouse*
*gets stopped*
*tells them i'm a woman and they'll be reported for transphobia if im not allowed in*
*get let in and given 10 free women to shag as an apology for their TRANSgressions*
*shags the rest of them too since i'm the only penis available*

now you know how minorities feel when a film is all white

fucked a brit one instead

30 days + 8 bank holidays.

taken exactly 2 days leave this year and because i'm leaving early i won't be taking any other leave (besides maybe 2-3 days to move to another city)

bit grim 2bh since i shan't be taking any actual holiday this year, but i get paid for the leave i don't take.

I actually can't imagine being this willfully delusional

hello nigger

well no because "minorities" are precisely that. a minority. when a majority is misrepresented as a minority, then an agenda is being pushed.

tomato, basil pesto and mozzerella is a solid combo. would have opted for a baguette or panini over a flatbread or whatever that is though

theres a similar one in hampstead too
the council bought up the land in the 60s and purposely located it as a fuck you to the rich residents

Only 14, but I make $63k starting

Our company is british so I thought about doing a year in London, looked at the salary there for the exact same position and it only paid $40k.

Not doing this as some sort of country dick measuring, just curious as to why your guys salaries are so low?

why do yanks write on yellow paper?

might have accidentally got a full time job

I'm not black I'm OJ

i reiterate
why do you care whats in the spiderman film? just don't watch it

snowing out

A White paper is authoritative reports that inform readers in short to understand complex issues, solve problem and make right decision. In government terms, A white papers are presenting government policies, legislation and public feedback. In B2B Marketing terms, A white papers are long-form content designed to promote the products or services from a specific company. B2B white papers are generally used to generate sales leads, establish thought leadership, make a business case, or inform and persuade prospective customers, channel partners, journalists, analysts, or investors.

Yellow Paper is a formal paper that is used for research. It is type of thesis or research paper of specify topic and have not any legal or authorised value.

We're poor as fuck senpai.
US has the highest wages on the planet so you're always going to be getting less elsewhere.

>tfw NEET
>tfw have 365 days of leave per year

hope you know that this post is available to the following list of bodies

might have accidentally hired some Australian lad

had an american gf while I studied abroad at uni of illinois

was alright

do yanks really keep their sneakers in the fridge?

>dude why do you care if a child gets raped it's okay because at least it isnt you being raped

free healthcare, public transport, lower income tax rate

the UK is unironically the most JUST western country to live in.

Brexit proper did my nut in because it made escaping it harder.

gimmick idea: comprise a speech entirely of hitler quotes and then get leftists to upvote/like/retweet/applaud it

why not
i once thought communism was evil but i came around by actually looking into it

yeah sure i can just build a fucking gas chamber and construct a bomb capable of blowing up a entire office building

silly git


this is one of the bizarrest analogies I have ever encountered

>the fucking state of women on tinder

liked about 4 girls out of 500+

tim mcveigh did it

>I can't watch this film there's too many black people in it

absolute fucking STATE of Sup Forums


do you consider some

it's one fucking film
a fucking capeshit film

could dissect every one of those points but don't feel like it. I've probably already blown you the fuck out on "muh surplus value" here in /brit/ anyway

why does /brit/ attract america's most rabidly ritalin-addled ADHD kekistani 14 year old sperglords?

thoughts of the recent rise of paganism in Europe?

>dude just ignore bad thing
>dude just ignore bad thing

how do you stay warm in your flimsy wooden houses during such harsh winters?


are you the yank with a multi millionaire dad


>its one fucking film
*tries really really hard to ignore the fact that every fucking film has a forced nigger in it*

good post


it's just a bit of banter

>signed up for grindr just to see what its about (not gay)
>didn't even add a picture
>already have lads trying to have sex with me



thanks, a lot of effort went into that one

I think reddit might suit you better


i don't ignore it my man, i just don't care
find something better to obsess over

this is how they're turning our boys gay!!

