Democracy was a mistake

Democracy was a mistake.

Papi Moon is so hot, I'd let him pound my Latin boipucci with his BKC any day.

It's your fault for going full-retard and electing him. Democracy is a good thing

kys you disgusting faggot

and even if you are a faggot please get some standards

Fucking piece of shit degenerate gay faggot decadent. Burn in hell

No you don't understand

Democracy is very dangerous in Korea, one bad election is enough to ruin everything.

There used to be very strict national security laws to stop people like Moon from getting anywhere.

It's amazing how white he looks

caliphate is the only answer m8

Um, what's wrong with being a homo? :3

Maoism is an only answer

>that post
>that flag

Look at the fucking picture memespouting faggot.
He has white facial symmetry.

Nothing but stay calm and normal and don't talk like a degenerate decadent

>pound my Latin boipucci with his BKC

우리가 이겼습니다


벌레새끼야 자라

why don't you like him desu

They're jealous because they can't be alpha-male like him.

See this is exactly what is wrong with Korea these days. If you don't suck Moon's dick and say that he was the greatest thing ever you're an Ilbe user, an old man, a stooge for America/Japan/the rich or whatever.

Disgusting slave mentality.

This just shows Trump effect is in actuality a left wing surge worldwide.

Moon is adiehardconservative

*Moon is a diehard conservative politician

Please tell the truth

America can always coup him :)

I don't talk to beast like you

This is a normal Korean's pathetic idea of discussion, just insults and dismissing other's opinion

Please just admit you are lying

You won't because you are shameless

But in your heart, you know that you are wrong

I concur with this statement.
Conservatards BTFO

Democracy is retarded, freedom is bullshit, peoples will always pick the worst possible choice if we don't control them

t. Phillipe Petain

Can you explain why you don't like Moon? And be more specific than "leftie"

>the mutaween is here

I reported you to mexican police


this guy knows his shit

korea shouldnt have taken a presidential system but a parliamentary cabinet one at least to prevent populism from going too far

문재인 literally means "problem man"
t. Korean


hes really average azn tho. you can see these bosses everywhere in such hardworking tired offices