I asked my family to fill out a blank map of Europe and compiled the results

I asked my family to fill out a blank map of Europe and compiled the results.

You mom's banter game is strong

Your sisters must be geographically challenged

Your mother seems to know what's up. Bet she's shitposting on Sup Forums behind your back.

I approve of this map.

kill your mom
she's cringy

t. Drunk Warmongers

emily is not from fucking here because you're not allowed to name your kids emily here

Living in a giant meme country with a funny accent shaped like a fucking boot has its advantages.

The pain of living in "kind of a rectangle" must be real.

I was literally taught how to tell these states apart by "Wyoming is the north rectangle."

This. I like OP's mom.


>choosing low-contrasting colors like black, brown, red, orange
Why are you a humongous faggot?

did you inherit autism from your mom?

>low contrasting

Those are high-contrast colors, you fucking idiot. The dark colors can be read against the white map.

haven't you posted this like 20 times already? I swear I've seen this thread over 20 times in the last 3-4 years I've been browsing Sup Forums

>East Germany

inb4 OP's mom, who obviously posts on Sup Forums, scolds him in this thread

oh look it's this thread again

exactly this

Your whore mother didn't make this.

>the person who thinks Russians are warmongers also believes that Poland is Austria


i like your other sister

and noone noticed
>Palestine isn't a real country

i'm shitposting on Sup Forums behind your mums back if you know what i mean ;)

T. Fake sweden.

it's not worth a mention past the first time tbf

nobody even guessed what is the name of this funny looking cute little country named croatia :(((