What is the average height of men in your country?

What is the average height of men in your country?

How do you treat manlets?

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I wish I had American blood and not inferior Anglo shit.

i am 1,90m, average man here is 1,75-1,79 or so

>i am 1,90m

The average height of non poor men, I'd say is 171cm to 175cm. Most are manlets but average is rising from generation to generation.

172 centimeters I guess

They are treated bad, everyone makes fun of them but our women are womanlets, too so a lot of them don't have a problem finding someone of their height. The only couple that I've seen were the woman was taller than his boyfriend was literally me and my ex, I'm 178 centimeters tho she was just very tall

I don't know the average, but no one cares about height here, i have many friends with girlfriends who are taller than them, and i always see couples walking in the street where the woman is taller than the guy

1,80m is the average height of men where i'm live

STFU Russia

we treat them with polite banter

5'10" / 180cm.

I'm only 6'/183cm, so I can't really judge.

>STFU Russia

1.76-1.77, We treat them normally.

>From North Dakota.
>6'2", most of my classmates at least 6', I'm a little above average
>move to Halifax when I'm 19 for gf
>literally the tallest person in my university classes and in my office of 300 people once I graduate
>every time I meet someone new they comment on my height

I never met so many manlets til I went to Mexico for my honeymoon

the average male height in russia is below italy, a country infamous for dwarfism infected men. you really should shout louder, boy

Map is a joke. Russia is huge and consisted from 190 ethnicities, people in every region have very different appearance but some cuck calculate average "Russian" lel

Around 5'7?

I treat them normally. Short guys are cute desu

I'm live in Russian north region, people here are same as in Scandinavia. If Moscow is infested by southern manlets it is not my problem.

it's a thread about averages...

Our Empire consume half of earhglobe. Term average for description of citiezens of our Empire is quite stupid, we are too different from each others.

>i have many friends with girlfriends who are taller than them, and i always see couples walking in the street where the woman is taller than the guy

amerindian men with white women, bad news for congolombia.

>Our Empire consume half of earhglobe
>71 percent of the Earth's surface is water-covered
at some point vatnik, do you ever consider: wow, the shit that i spew on the internet is just completely mental?

rebelled ex-Russian so rebelled. Your entire country is nothing more than our rebelled province.

lol u mad xD

you wish, spaniards are short as fuck, the tallest people in here are always black

like uk or france, amerindian height is the lowest in the world

Around 1,70 m - 1, 75 m. it depends on the region. People for the coast are like 1,75 m - 1, 80 m while people from the andes are like 1,7 m

why the fuck are spaniards so deluded, you're the same as portugal or romania, your average is literally 2cms more than in here

t. costeño
the tallest people in the country are from the pacific, the second tallest ones are from the northern andes, people from the caribbean coast is shorter than the country's average

nah, I'm a 1,7 king of manlets. It's painful to see girls on the street measuring against myself

Do European men wear this type of jeans generally? LOL

only gays akhi

passive homosexuals aka. pidarushkas wear them

I am 174(5'8) and I feel very small

Most women are my height or taller
90% of men are taller than me

>The average height of non poor men, I'd say is 171cm to 175cm.

*why you always lying*

I'm 165 cm. Somebody please feel sorry for me!

I'm so sorry

> that flag
> that height
I feel sorry for you user, but more importantly how did that happen? Norwegians are among the tallest people in the world

Average height is probably around 1.70 - 1.80
i'm 1.88
i don't care about """manlets""", it's a stupid term, in fact my best friends are under average height. if you are not interested in girls it doesn't really matter, nothing better than short bois!

One guy i play music with is 1m67 and managed to pick up a really pretty 1m77 estonian chick.

He's does not even look good.

1.72-1.80 for white people
if you want to average together everybody for whatever reason I guess it would be 1.70-1.77

Only people stuck in 2007 and gays

Thank you.

Generations of short people getting together, I guess. Also, I'm not Norwegian. And I didn't really eat that much, while at the same time working out pretty hard when I was growing up. That may have contributed to stunting my growth. I'm by far the shortest person in my family.
It's not a huge issue, though. I still manage to do most of the things I want to. The only issue is that women find me repulsive.

female alert

how do I get a tall gf

Also the girls are in fault for being tall monsters in this generation

You have options

1) Have huge charisma
2) Be rich
3) Have a monster dong

Well nah, i'm only 173cm and i feel like most girls my age are around 165cm

pick your poison

well, you can still make a fuckton of money and try to compensate, some girls won't give a fuck about your height. Where are you originally form?

Like 5'10.5 for whites iirc

6'0, out of the 30 or so guys I work with there's about 4 taller than me and a couple my height. About the same at uni and in most places I go, if you're 6' you're probably the top 20% height wise

1.60 m maybe.

I'm someone who walks among dwarves and goblins.

Didn't like half the baltic population leave to work in western europe after you got your independence? Don't the baltic states have the highest EU depression and suicide rates?

maybe rebelling was a bad idea?

didn't like half the usanian population leave to work in mexico and the other half got shot after 911?

yeah, that's how stupid your post was

I can't. I've picked an education that entails pretty much guaranteed employment, but it won't make me rich.
But it'll be fine.



It's a really sad story. I wanted you guys to do well like the real Scandinavian countries.

I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure most of that population decline is just ethnic Russians returning back to Russia.

you don't have to be an expert to have common sense. which btw is a way of saying, yes, you're right.

I'm only 182cm

Already went to the doctor and got diagnosed with manletism, glady i'm not a turbo-manlet, i've had some friends being put into mental institutions for being shorter than 175cm.

Don't know what the average is, but I'm a manlet, 165 cm. People treat me like they treat everyone else, I've never been bullied and no one ever mentions my height. I get zero interest from women, though.

>The ex-communist countries that joined the European Union from 2004 on dreamed of quickly transforming themselves into Germany or Britain. Instead, many of their workers transported themselves to Germany or Britain. Latvia’s working-age population has fallen by a quarter since 2000; a third of those who graduated from university between 2002 and 2009 had emigrated by 2014.


Russian's aren't leaving. They get way more welfare in EU countries than they would in Russia. It's the native college educated balts who are leaving. It says so right here in the economist, a reputable western journal. What I find shocking is that our Estonian friend is denying that his country is in decline and refuses to address the issue.

>his country is in decline

>The suicide rate in the Baltic states is the highest in Europe and one of the highest in the world. The rate has nearly doubled over the last decade. Why are so many people in newly independent Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania choosing to take their own lives?


I don't get it. You have freedom. You have democracy. You have free market capitalism. What more do you need? HRT?

go take your pill you scizo xD

name calling is not an argument, friend. You and the rest of Eastern Europe are in decline economically and population-wise. I'm just stating the facts here.

So instead of bringing facts to the debate, you've chosen insults and personal attacks? I expected more from you

i wasn't namecalling. i called you an imbecile, which means you don't have an idea of what's going on here.
and as far as facts go, that's exactly the reason why i called you an imbecile. you need to go over the facts again and then assess your shittier than shit tier shitposts


go troll somewhere else now. i suggest /balt/. they've been sad and lonely so go entertain them with your stupidity

made a screenshot before you delete your post.

I highly doubt that

saved ;)

Memes aside, is 175 cm manlet tier or not?

I feel painfully torn between "short" and "average"

The average height is probably around 184 cm, or 6 foot.

Why are these fucking bastards shitting up my thread?

it's our thread now. you can fuck right off nigel

Average height is 185 cm, but up north it's probably around 190 cm

do you know what an average is is, you autist? obviously it's a sum of all ethnic groups, that doesn't mean it's not the average russian.

fuck off lanklets

172cm reporting in

lol where the fuck do you retards come up with these numbers?

get me that shit from the lower shelf alri? i'll trade you one delivery from the upper shelf


I could literally fuck you in the arse and my knobend would pop out of your mouth


I'm 5' 10'' and I have friends that are 6 2 and 6 3.
It's really not that noticeable at least to men. They are tall but only a bit.

You would have at least 6'' shorter than someone to actually feel shorter.

What? I'm 5'8" and start feeling short around friends who at 5'11"

Friendly reminder

That's around 4''.
So, I guess it's close.

Maybe I'm a little taller than I think or my friend is a little shorter. I keep measuring myself, and find that I'm 5' 10''.

I've met people who claim to be 6', 6 2'' and I don't feel like I'm that much shorter.

I'm also not saying that you notice a difference. 4'' is noticeable. I look up at my 6 2 friends by a few degrees. But I don't feel like a manlet.

If I stood against someone that was 6 4 and above, then I would start feeling like a manlet.

that's because height is a meme, anything between 5 foot 8 and 6 foot 3 is either indistinguishable or not as noticable as people seem to think it is side-by-side.

I understand what you're saying

I have one friend who's 6'6" and holy shit


Average height is 173cm
>tfw being a 170cm manlet and wandering around street see many women who are taller than me.

Hello, Cyprus

Don't think it's true that the average height in my country is 180cm. I'm 193cm but feel the same as people around me

The real question is how tall are the women and how easy is it to get a visa?

Gookettes are really that tall?

187 cm here and never kissed a girl

Human growth hormones are given to kids.


>Human growth hormones are given to kids.
Is that why koreans end up with those big jaws and end up having surgery?

It is possible. Some Koreans though have extremely weird body proportions. They have extremely long torsos and short legs.

Idk... 170-180.
I'm 182 a i'm usually taller than 90% of the people.

There is a doctor at the hospital where I work and he is the tallest fucking Indian I have ever seen. Dude is at least 1.95m and very fit. He has probably fucked every attractive nurse in the building.

The rest of the Indian doctors are 1.75 and below. There is a Bangali doctor who is a total dick to everyone, including his patients, and is only 1.72 lmao.

Sorry, meant to say he is 1.62.

Would you say open defecation contributes to the manlet tier average height of Indians?