Tfw every band name I come up with is taken

>tfw every band name I come up with is taken


just use it anyway and pretend you never checked

unless you can only think of obvious shit like the germs or the smiths or whatever

be original you fuck

Invent a letter.

They'd probably sue

I'm trying

>lmao dude what if we call ourselves "The The"
>lmao what if we call ourselves "Live" haha get it

There is no relevant band called The Baiters. It's the perfect name:

>Sounds like The Beatles
>reference to Internet culture
>can have tongue-in-cheek sexual metaphor

Because you're not creative. If I were to make a band, it would be called Dead At Twenty because that's when my depression hit peak sadness and I attempted suicide.

Add a "the" or an "s" to it. Or is the band small enough to not bother suing you? Go for it most bands dont bother copyrighting

Be yourself

that's not creative at all

did you check if "cheesy fromage" is taken?

Make your band name some word that isn't a word.

Using a formula, c meaning consonant and v meaning vowel, CVCVCVVC


You'll look like a pretentious douche but you'll be a pretentious douche that doesn't have a lawsuit.

Yeah it is fag stop being a fucking hater.

Just make it fucking anything. Band names really end up to be unimportant. All that matters is if your music is good, no one gives a fuck about the name

Just add your country or a year or 'New' to the existing name:

>New Beatles
>Beatles US
>Beatles 1984

Or just double down:
>Beatles Beatles
That can work for anything
>Nirvana Nirvana
>iwrestledabearonce iwrestledabearonce
>Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran

This is wrong on quite a few levels

Transcribe it in katakana, it'll win you bonus points with weebs.

Can I call my band Guns and Roses?

Why not Cannons & Daffodils?

Guns and Guns and Roses

Guns and Moses would work as a christian rock band name I assume

the guns

Gun and the Roses

Choose an easy to pronounce word or phrase in another language.
>Espina y el Dolor

just be better than the band whose name you stole

Runs and Goses


>the thorn and pain

what did you mean by this

I thought for a moment this said "thom and pain"

>the chinese thorn york and the pain

The Anons won't sue you


pay me op

heres a band name, call yourself be original you fuck

Puns & Doses

Shitting Cunt is a cool name i think


here're a few

>monkey fonics
>paris burning

The Guns and the Rose Chain

Don't steal this but my band name is going to be The Walking Heads

Call your band "Beatles" without the "The" and you are done

>Implying modern bands have the resources to afford lawyers. Child, the industry is dead and so is label support. I mean it would be a fool move to steal name of successful band, but nevermind the unknowns.

Fuckin name yourself Kawaii Krusade


>The Pecan Sandies
There, all three

you should finish what you started at 20. how's that for a band name, cunt

Watch a movie you like and use a line from it as a band name

add or subtract "The" from it &/or pluralize or make singular

the cult/cults
mountain/the mountains

No band called Hilter and the Jews. Credit me.

use the wu-tang clan random name generator

name yourself the sharp knees

The Guns Guns and Roses and the Roses

Make sure your band name is long, it decreases the chances of someone else having already used it

Brice and The Burgoo Boys

just put some numbers on the end.
nobody has Blink 398 or Sum 73
avenged 16 fold?
this shit is so easy op why are you so uncretive

theres a band out there called Our Moms Drove Us Here, try harder

The Beetles

The Revolving Escalators

The Good Nights' Sleeps

Spoiled Sound

Elder Box Beetle Band

What about Happy Waldo and the Salty Monkey?

share the names you came up with mutherfucker

we will help

The Bait would be better desu

Laundry Manatee... pls dont use, im waiting to use this someday

name it after a demon sigil or obscure deity

you could name your band "Psychic Fungi Of Mass Destruction"

my band name is unpronouncable asemic writing which changes each performance and release

Jammin' Steve and the Ragers
Made Moloch
Northwest Port

I really wish I could have thought of the name GORESHIT before Goreshit and used it for something much more interesting than anime breakcore.

Anime breakcore is a lot better than whatever genre you would've used the name for; (I'm assuming grindcore)

Gabber, actually.

- tack your country's code on the end

- tack your city name on the front

- tack "Jr." on the end

- tack any old adjective on the front

- tack a number on the end

- spell it wrong on purpose

- use your birth name(s)

- stop caring and accept your non-existence Discogs page will have a parenthetical annotation in it

I was about to start a heavy blue grass group but Cradle of Filth is already taken. :(

Call yourself
Griffin cobbler

Make up a gibberish word and use it.

name the band after the 2 last things you saw. you can change it a little

I have the best band name ever but no musical talent or desire to start a band.

keep a diary, be observant of things your hear people say and write down things that sound interesting to you. look through the stuff you wrote down, make random combinations of them and do exact phrase searches for them on Google. if nothing comes up (or nothing that comes up is used as a name) then you're golden. Also just read. some band names come about as a happy accident resulting from words occurring next to each other by chance (Modest Mouse for example)

believe me, not everything is taken, you just have to be creative and look in places you wouldn't typically think to.

Thats a nice name

Never ever do this btw

I tried making up band names. Fun challenge

Australian furry band

>Alive Alive
Not taken

Modern bluegrass band

>Take My Hand Don't Look Back
Not taken

>Morning Champagne
It's been taken, but I can't be bothered to listen to their music to hear what genre it is