Where did the ''America won ww2 for the allies'' myth come from?

Where did the ''America won ww2 for the allies'' myth come from?

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Where did the "Russia won ww2" meme come from?


non-anglo history books

Like most of the bullshit around today: it came from and continues to come from, Americans.

>Americans dont intervene in WWII
>USSR pushes all the way to France

is this the future you wanted

You did fulfill your interests. Now fuck off from our territory

Snooty ass kraut considering we're the only reason your a first world country. Marshall Plan aka European Welfare you better be grateful. How about making your own army and stop relying on us? Oh wait you cant your Corporations love us too much :DDD


>Not being grateful you were elevated to first world standards in the span of 10 years solely by American relief efforts

Literally Communist. Or Muslim. Or both.

He's just a teenager who thinks it's cool and edgy to be anti-american. Teenagers aren't grateful to the parents that support them. Just let him be.

>Americans don't send Russia any hardware
>Hitler takes Moscow because Stalin doesn't have enough trucks

Most Germans dislike you

Counterattack started before first lend lease protocol took place

That is not asking "It's ____ that America is our ally"

I posted the wrong image

Most Germans are entitled shitheads.

I have an unfavorable opinion of Trump and us policy on global warming etc, too. Even that 62% are not all edgy teenagers like you, son.

Wow I HATE Europe now
Asia new best friend.

So I suppose Russia successfully destroyed Italy, supplied her allies with generous gifts of planes, trucks, radios, tanks, fuel, ammunition, and food, and decisively defeated Japan's navy at Midway?

Their industrial capability certainly did
Ever heard of lend lease?

No but they destroyed nearly 90% of Nazi Germany's army. More Germans died in Stalingrad than in the enitre Western Front



>raw numbers

mean jack. Western Europe was more strategic.

not really

The Red Army lost even more than the German Army on the Eastern Front. Also we took twice as much prisoners as the Soviets did (7.7 million compared to SU's 3.1 million), a great way to neutralize your enemy without having to take a bullet to the face.. We also had an outstanding air force that decimated Germany's war material machine and we captured the Ruhr. The Soviets may have raised their flag over the capital, but at what cost? The point of war is to win and by winning we mean destroying the enemy's capacity to wage war and by destroying more of the enemy than taking casualties. As General Patton once said "No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making some other poor dumb bastard die for his country."

Yes really

I don't know what you are trying to say. Yes, a lot of Soviets died but that doesn't change the fact that they destroyed almost the entire German army. That Platon quote is totally out of place and you're just typing some nonsense.

edgy 4channers who hate the US


Russia/USSR didn't win WW2, but they did most of the work.

This country is such an uncooperative hellhole.
Literally backwards

>He's just a teenager who thinks it's cool and edgy to be anti-american
Hate you break your little bubble but it's really only American teenagers (and poorly educated retards/spin TV hosts appealing to said poorly educated retards) who are pro-America.
As for pro-American, that's irrelevant. Not even your own nation values the life of individual citizens.

>Did most of the work
>took most of the bullets

No, not really.

Go back from whence you came, cancerous normalfag.

Yes. You're fucking wrong. American forces only became properly involved in the war by the time it was already over.

Learn some English and read up on your history, not Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto, untermensch. Pick up a book on General Patton or on General Montgomery. Your spelling is trash.

>unironically denying indisputable historical facts
You are absolutely pathetic

And...? Without us France would've been an SSR. I dont think you care if we claim we did most of the leg work in Relevant Europe. Britain only piggy packed off our bombing campaigns and retreated from France. We also spearheaded Africa.

Do they really not teach you guys that Canada won WWI and WWII with some help from Australia?

I came from here and if Russia wasn't cold they'd all be speaking German or french
Took the most bullets literally what I said

>has no arguments to present
>attacks my English spelling instead (while ignoring the fact than I'm not a native speaker)
what a fucking loser you are

>We had the worst on the West
Huh, always thought it was the yanks.

umm usa propaganda. we woulda been fucked massively if ussr rolled over and died like france did. I think it comes from the war with japan and how reconquering the free world was ''all about the usa'' not that they didnt do anything though. we don't give other countries nearly enough credit

>poor sentence structure

Are you blind? They didn't just take all the bullets, they also destroyed more than 80 percent of the German army

Memes aside, we helped a lot, and he only place you'll hear that are our history books, and maybe a couple britbong ones

>lol he said a silly word
>let's point it out and make him look stupid without actually trying to prove him wrong

>Not knowing what attrition is
>believing that wars are won by sending waves and waves of troops instead of bombing making supplies and outmaneuvering the enemy
I guess Carthage won the punic wars

Patton was an anti-semite and nazi sympathizer.

I'm not part of this thread to argue im just here to shitpost, hans. Wrong burger.

>defending reddit

>if Russia wasn't cold they'd all be speaking German or french

No you dumb faggot. the "invincible" german army that conquered lands at speeds never before seen didnt fall apart because it was "cold". i fucking hate this meme

Good goym


this, combined with ignorance and murriga #1. They also believe they did the most in WWI

Germany wasn't even able to supply their troops on the Eastern Front fast enough due to the Russian winter / mud season so it literally made no difference

>non official youtube videos that look like they were made 10 years ago

Go away Sup Forums and cite real sources.

>>believing that wars are won by sending waves and waves of troops instead of bombing making supplies and outmaneuvering the enemy

isnt that litterally what the romans did to win the second punic war


>Be Britian/France
>fighting for three years
>Literal stalemate
>be US
>War ends within one year

makes me think


i honestly feel bad for france tbqh

Its not funny anymore

Napoleon's army must have also fallen to starving untrained peasants
Attrition is more important than you think

Until they realized it didn't work and tried something different


Hollywood and comic books, obviously.
Personally I'm more interested in where does the "the biggest and most advanced resistance movement was in France" myth comes from.


I am not saying attrition didn't play a role in the eastern front. in fact the size, geography and poor infrastructure of the soviet union and the poor logistical situation of germany might have slowed them down. BUT the weather didnt stop the germans. the russians did. and the geography certainly didnt push the germans back either

Any living bodies with guns would've slowed them down. But guess who supplied those guns as well as ammo, ordinances, food, transportation, and oil. (Lend Lease act)
This why the Americans won World War 2

>American education

The lend-lease constituted only 7 percent of the resources which the Soviets have used in WW2. Most of the trucks were notoriously ill-prepared for the Russian climate.

You weren't the only country contributing to lend lease.

Excuse me for posting mister Goldberg, I will exit this instant.

>Canada and Britain
Holy Kek I love the Canada won 1812 meme However I know its the only thing you have so I'll stop.

More history than canada-desu-senpai.

stay assblasted in your irrelevance

It was our idea and ideas win wars canada,
I never said you didn't contribute, you did a lot


U mean Vin diesel didn't really die trying to deliver a message to prvt Ryan?!
That's not immersive at all

tom hanks, but no he did not die

usa damage control

He did get stranded on an island though.

wrong movie

Counterattack started once Stalin new America had the Japanese on lock in Asia and was able to shift more divisions to Europe.

Also, Soviet momentum was maintained because Hitler had a "West Above All" mentality after the Allies invaded France. He pulled some of his best troops from the East to focus on the West, thinking that were they to fall he could create a seperate peace.

>dune coon

>not realizing that you were defending
>not realizing that you need at least a 3-1 advantage to appropriately attack an entrenched enemy
>still not having 3-1 casualties (in the West)

>wrong movie


guns don't kill people

America won pacific war

Scientists working in seclusion, funded by American tax dollars won the pacific war*

what is your point? We also did 99.95% of the leg work

>Destroy all elite SS divisions such as "SS We wuz Vikangs" and "SS leibcuckdart Adolf Cuckler" etc.
>kill most of german troops with K/D 1/1.3
>started to counterattack
>USA drops a bit trucks
>thanks i guess...
>rape way to Berlin
>put flag on reichstag
>picrelated is what they learn in american schools

We gave USSR over 50% of its hardware desu senpai

More like 99% (not really)

I mean, saying Americans won, when it was a secret project that created the bombs that made their foes surrender, seems a bit far fetch.

>Where did the ''America won ww2 for the allies'' myth come from?
Europeans and self-hating Americans made it up so they could claim Americans believed it and could feel superior for saying it's wrong.
I've literally never heard someone unironically say America was the reason the Allies won WW2 but every time I hear WW2 brought up I hear some shithead redditor or teacher say "Did you guys know America wasn't the reason the Allies won WW2, aren't I smart?"

Pretty sure this too heavily focused on Trump, Canada definitely never scores nearly that high on unfvaourable any other time.

Lel, browsing Sup Forums at night when the posters are 80% amerilards is so fun
The quality of.. everything drops so drastically, it's incredible

> ww1

Didnt the US send like 10,000 soldiers in the entire conflict?

Earrape youtube shitposts

>It's ____ that American ideas and customs are spreading here

The fact that Italy, Sweden and Hungary are all on the same page in answering this question indicates that everyone took it to mean whatever they wanted it to mean.