1. Your country

1. Your country
2. Does it have rich folklore

1. Sweden
2. Yes, tro

Other urls found in this thread:


1. France
2. Farily rich, i'd say

>1. Your country
>2. Does it have rich folklore
Yeah, i would say so.
Also, trolls are not a Swedish folklore but Scandinavian

1. Faraguay
2. nah

West mongolia

Even my city hinterland has rich folklore

2.Absolutely yes

1. Norway
2. Probably, possibly, but it's dead now. Some still believe that Saami people cast curses on them, though.


Great thread, Sweden.


But it does


1. Spain
2. Yes. They inspired Gaudí to build Casa Batlló.

1. Mexico
2. No

forgot pic. Casa Batlló is inspired in the legend of saint George and the Dragon that a popular myth says that happened in a Catalan village called Montblanc

1. Poland
3. No, because nearly all of it was destroyed and forgotten

All we have nowadays is a few customs that got adapted into Christianity, a couple of regional legends, and a very vague and incomplete ideas about our old mythical creatures.

1. Flag
2. Plenty of them

Redpill me on canadian folklore

Not a lot, but we haven't been open for business as long as some of the others.

yea, extremely

Does Sasquatch count?

Your city is probably more population than norway


Not really, no

1. Spain (Castile)
2. Yes and its highly underrated

What about the guaraní mitos like the yaci-yatere, pombero, etc.

1. Britain
2. Very much so. T. Hellhounds

Yeah, Swedish and Norwegian folklore is practically identical and broadly Scandinavian, with local differences of course.
you have a mainstream franchise based entirely off of your folklore user