Turkish Queens

When did you realize Turkish women are highly attractive and sought after?

Living in Turkey must be a dream come true...

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Just looks like one of out Latinas

lol this guy

MENA and latam is the same

>loves Dragonball Z

Clearly a Slav-Arab mutt

Would still impregnate tho

wtf are you talking about, she looks like a fat cow. you must be that annoying Iranian leaf

Nope. I'd kill for one. Must be a paradise living in Turkey. Beautiful Mediterranean weather and prestigious women

same :-DDDDD ?

majority of your ancestors on this board cleaned my ancestors toilets as their job

Only Balkan subhumans

thanks for the laugh

Mix with Turk, get a Serb.

>a roach tries to talk to you

>amerifat trying to talking down to anyone
lol get Juba'd in Iraq please

that nose tho

No European woman can compete imo..


How do you actually know that she's a mutt? Her face is not even clear
stop shitposting lad.

anyways average turk girl usually looks like this or a depigmented version of this

Looks like a typical Cuban or Colombian grill

Turkey is helping out so much in Somalia to harvest the qts

or this

why are sandnigs in the USA so invested in black american culture? her twitter is full of this shit + free Palestine, Israel is le genocidal country

yes she looks very typical .
what is the racial background of colombians or cubans?

they may not be qt but compared to western girls they'll at least be loyal, want to cook for you, happy to raise children with you, and be jealous and defensive for you.

a proper woman

>free Palestine
greatest ally :3

they are very hairy

>what is the racial background of colombians or cubans?
like 20% native american and 80% spanish/portuguese/southern european

>native american
WE wUz

nope, more native,less europe.

I honestly don't know but most native american country in South America is Peru/Bolivia and they're 80% Native American
Mexico is like 30% 40% native american and others are half of that

Can confirm. But Turkish women are usually friendly and open-minded.

t. lived with 2 Turkish girls

>dumb roach thinks anyone cares what an insect thinks

>t. lived with 2 Turkish girls

did you end up calling pest control?

USA is literally the most pathetic country in the world
>lose against rice farmers
>lose against commie gooks
>lose against somalian niggers
>lose against taliban
>escape from Iraq and leave it to Iran because Juba killed some amerifats
Why don't we just go to Incirlik and send amerifats to where they came from?

and i still remember crying US soldiers who enslaved by iranians.Lol just pathetic...

And through all that, I'm still superior to a turk, someone worth less than the shit in India's street
>Implying I'm American

>I'm still superior to a turk
you are not if you're wh*Te and christian. wh*Te christians have been our slaves for a long time
>i-i'm not a-american

>two angry roaches
El Oh El

true, Turks don't make as good fertilizer

>Be Turk
>make an amerisubhuman/wh*Te dog assblasted
>he calls you angry
top kek :DDD
I would beat you for fun with belt everyday if i were your father :DDD

>literally "muh ancestors" argument
>an insect thinking he's superior to a human
bro you are literally fuming rn and I am laughing

Leave the Turkish women alone you filthy pigs

>160 cm
>120 kg
>"h-hey k-kid, u-ur insect"
this is what usually happens to your kind underage :DD

>u-ur resorting to muh ancestors argument
my country and people have history, unlike yours :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Fuck you motherfucker pig eater

Bro everyone can see how mad you are, you can get the last response if it makes your e-penis bigger, it won't change the fact that no one takes the ramblings of a dirt creature seriously.
>Implying I'm white
I am Greek

>start to insult t*Rks for no reason
>get rekt
>h-hey u-ur mad
btfoing your subhuman kind is my favorite pastime :D

Ben bir köpek görüyorum

She would look pretty good if she lost a bit of weight t b h

muchas cucarachas enojadas en este hilo
