Most violent country in the world, leading in homicides number

>most violent country in the world, leading in homicides number
>most corrupt country in the world, every president since 1986 is being indicted for corruption
>undergoing deepest recession in history
>only jobs available are minimum wage for cashier at supermarkets
>minimum wage is 300 dollars/month
>every electronic is at least double the price than in USA because of tariffs/taxes
>rampant degeneracy, most women are whores and 10% of the male population is gay/bisexual
>can't even post on Sup Forums or Sup Forums without 10 people telling me I live in a shithole

Br*zil is literally the worst country ever created. Next time you guys think about suiciding, just tell yourselves "Hey, at least I'm not a br*zilian!"

>most violent countries in the world

Honduras got a new flag?

>they fell for the olympics meme
>they fell for demonstrations against a corrupt goverment to be replaced by a more corrupt one
>they fell for the neoliberal meme

>10% of the male population is gay/bisexual
how is that a bad thing, especially if the rate for the female population is lower? if everyone else is gay, you get all the women for yourself.

>rampant degeneracy, most women are whores and 10% of the male population is gay/bisexual

This one sounds like a good thing desu senpai

The new government is actually far less corrupt than the previous one. I mean, at least they didn't steal multiple billions worth of tax payer money

>they are greek

Not yet. It's still in the honeymoon stage.

"""""""""""""""""New"""""""""""""""""" government

Not really, if you check the promiscuity ranking we are far behind most european countries.

>most violent country in the world, leading in homicides number
that medal goes to South Africa

>most corrupt country in the world, every president since 1986 is being indicted for corruption
Greece is worse

>a brazilian thinks his country is worse than Russia
Haha, you stupid shit. Calm down.

Wrong and wrong.

I am Greek

Nuke when?

It actually is

>everyone in the government was elected in the 2014 elections or has been in politics for decades

user, your own president was Roussef's vice president.


>min wage in Brazil is 300$/month
>here it's close to the average wage
is stuff expensive in Brazil? I can't imagine how they have such poverty if it's better than here, while Serbia is rather more stable

Yes but most of the billions stolen went straight to the workers party. They were the main target of the anti-corruption protests, so as long as they are not in power thats a great advancement.

B-b-ut on music videos, in movies, on tv translations from Olympic games you all are so happy... How come?

The brazilian average wage is 2100 (640 U$) and it's about the average for south america. It's just eastern europe that has really low living costs.

I could say that I'm sorry but I really am not.

>tfw we have better living conditions under occupation

How's that even possible amigos? You have control over your resources and shit

It's been forever since I saw Palestine here, I thought you had been banned or forced to post under Israel flag

Nope, just shitposting less frequently.

>>undergoing deepest recession in history
Is this true? I thought Brazil economy was going up up up

Every government this country had was corrupt and protectionist, this staled the growth. In 1990 we had a better GDP per capita than Uruguay and Chile, now they are almost first world and we still in shit.

If corruption reaches an unbearable level, it will be the beginning of its downfall.

This is why we impeached a president last year and are about to do the same with current one

Brazil was a mistake

Temer's party was the second largest and had just as much involvment in Lava Jato.

Now they are shutting down the probe to protect themselves LMAO!


They lost 13% of their GDP, fell back to Q4 2009 levels, their debt/GDP rose to 80%, currency devalued 70% and GDP per capita fell 16%

pay denbts

>the people being investigated control the investigators


Ethnically heterogenous countries sure are paradise on earth

Cuz asspain and slavshit countries (almost homogenous) are better than USA right? :D

>They lost 13% of their GDP, fell back to Q4 2009 levels, their debt/GDP rose to 80%, currency devalued 70% and GDP per capita fell 16%
We literally lost a decade of progress, this pisses me off. Can you believe an "economist" even said that "we don't eat GDP"? Like it's nothing important

go back to your desert worthless subhuman before I wipe your goatfucking kin off the face of the earth

>Ethnically homogenous


Spain and Poland are leading European growth rates as we speak.
Also USA is a world power, but not a rooe model for living standards. Their inequality is high just like Brazil and different ethnicities perform notably better than others.

And I heard your economy has lost a ton of potential growth as well, so the full recovery will take a decade.

Even Madrid is 90% white. Mátate
t. He vivido en espana

Yeah, the thing is: no one knows how this will end, Temer could be impeached at any moment. Country is so unstable right now that we lost a lot of potential investments.

Things can only get better at 2018 when a new election will happen, and even then we don't know if the new president will be a good one (Lula could even be reelected).

>are leading European growth rates as we speak.
Aren't you leading it because simply your economy took a hard dive and now it is just recovery process balancing it out?


Most economists say we can reach 2014 levels back on 2020, but only if the country grows 4% a year starting on 2018.

>only if the country grows 4% a year starting on 2018.
Literally impossible, none of the necessary reform were made until now

What are you talking? Just pay those damn denbts

Lula was competent. Rousseff was incompetent. Temer is inbetween.

Lula has populist policies, but he is very popular and was far more moderate than many "experts" say.

A far worse choice would be a very unpopular president. Like Temer.

Three reasons

1. Economy is about 10% under potential.
2. Cheap commodities.
3. Devalued euro.

Spain finally recovered their 2007 level in Q1 2017.

Brazil gubmint are commies though

You lost 13%.

According to your central bank, you guys will gain .5% this year, 2% in 2018, 2.5% in 2019 and then 2.5% from then on (it's the potential growth rate).

So 2.5% x 5 = the 12.5% needed to recover 2013 levels. 2022.

Lost decade

Lula was a good president, specially during his first mandate. Our economy grew and poverty was diminished. Dilma fucked it up, tho

You are much much better than Haiti for example. You don't eat dirt cakes. So you are alright.

At least you're not Sudan, Yemen or Syria: no ongoing civil war.

Just curious, can you give Brazil back to indios and say sorry for the inconvenience, we tried but it didn't work, sorry, blah blah? Will they forgive you?

Fucking mutt dogs, kys already. I'm currently doing research on bio-engineering and soon will ressurect Getulio to kick all of your sorry asses

2.5% is literally stagnation, I don't think it will stay like that for too long. The best hope is we get a new president that knows what hes doing next year.


Ayy, just remember that people in fucking Switzerland still aren't all happy.
Happiness lies in the right distance between the reality you want and the actual reality, desu. Those two must neither be too close or too far apart.

it's easy for you to say that.

It is, yes, good observation.

They're all fucking dead