
no one made a new? edition

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creasing that Aisha voted leave, didn't see that one coming


Ha think you just got bamboozled mate!

why was this allowed?

the funniest thing about this post is how you aren't using https everywhere

hey friends

i had a few looks because it was the first time i went to this church (stopped going to mass years ago) and the Father told me he had never seen me before and asked me a few private questions i stayed evasive on because im not going to tell him my private life in details and then he just told me he hoped to see me often from now on. i think all the old people who love to bootlick the priest were upset because we talked for a good 10 minutes together

what's wrong with it

keep trying but I can never build up the courage to stab myself to death


Austria promised France the Austrian Netherlands, but in return, Maria Theresa would receive 129,000 French troops and the promise of 12 million livres every year until Silesia was reclaimed by Austria.

Austria's actions alerted Frederick the Great, who decided to strike first by invading Saxony, commencing the Seven Years' War.

Frederick's actions were meant to scare Russia out of supporting Austria.

Russia, under the direction of Empress Elizabeth, sent an additional 80,000 troops to Austria.

Spain, bound by the Pacte de Famille, intervened on behalf of France.

Sweden, seeking to re-gain Pomerania joined the Franco-Austrian-Russian-Spanish coalition, seeing its chance when virtually all of Europe opposed Prussia.

Prussia emerged from the war as a great power whose importance could no longer be challenged.

The war destroyed France's supremacy in Europe until the Napoleonic Wars.

reading letftypol posts makes my brain hurt because they make that little sense



WW2 was a crime

it's VERY autistic

woke rap
if you're an insecure, pineal gland deficient gimp don't waste your time listening


any gayman in?


>why yes, I am a NEET



was just the jews plan to gentrify everything

some metro stations are flooded because of the current rain

but some of you must be cultured enough to know the parts of a stove even though you live in cardboard bwaxes

>i think all the old people who love to bootlick the priest were upset because we talked for a good 10 minutes together
i think the priest wants to fondle your bollocks m8


>nice cup of redbush tea
>fresh sheets
>new PJs
>cold shower
>used a clay face mask

feeling VERY fresh lads


love her

Top 5 cities in USA
1. Salt Lake
2. Vancouver
3. Missouri
4. Cancun
5. Detroit

do you know the answer

any gaiman in?


Yeah we usually have dangerous gas-lines embedded into the walls already

we had to learn the names & locations of all of those for history exams


we need to balkanise Germany again tbqh

turns out, little monkey fella

Any Yanks here ever been shot? What does it feel like?

tad gay

yes why did you not side with the germans? you bombed their old stuff too

fuck papers

The Dutch are the only Germanics I like, and they're spiritual anglos anyways.

i love feeling fresh like this before bed

but it annoys me that i wake up sweaty and depressed because of work

we like our food to be cooked and delivered m80

nah im not 8 years old but he acted very insistent

careful lad or you'll give me an aching hard erection

Butterworth filters


Why did Hitler hate churches, European architecture and European people?

*fights you*

he was a jew

Dutch are based. Fact.

the lads

yuzu ???


why did he hate my granddad's chippy?

you can see is bitch tits through his shirt.

this is the power of the oestrogen in the water supply

look at his man tits

must be all the oestrogen running through his veins

still cringing about the whole aisha thing last night

conversation with a grill on bumble is going quite well lads

at what point should I ask for her number?

obese cock gobbler

love their mdma

not in English.I feel like you would use a particular word for it but I have not found exactly which word you use.

yeah but don't you have old buildings like hundreds of years old with old stoves

I'm gonna deliver you your face you brat


you gays normally know what to eat to be thin
what's your daily meal plan?

paris is getting flooded lads

fake image

approximately how many Tim videos has everyone watched?

he was a jewish plant
he bombed their targets for them

the holocaust was just a cover up on their part


flooded with pakis

I don't have one, no matter how much I eat I don't put on the slightest bit of weight. I can eat whatever I like. Still as twink-y as ever.

hitler was a jewish agent
>helped push the holocaust lie, thus giving modern jews the ultimate excuse
>killed lots of innocent white people
>destroyed europe
>essentially allowed jewish architects to build new shitty european buildings

this is england

alright leftypol keep your mantits on

I've watched none. Don't care

>I'm gonna deliver you your face you brat
go on then

you niggas heard nines went broke that's a myth
my new whip coulda been in tokyo drift

nah with water

go to bed ken

drooling retard

These jews sure are up to a lot of sneaky tricks. Thank god I found Sup Forums or I would have been ignorant.

the holocaust happened but it was basically just the jews getting rif of all the poor uneducated working class members of the race

the elite really hated them

reckon living in a place like this would bore me senseless.

if i were living in olden days i'd be in london hitting up all the opium dens of westminister

Looking into Open University courses lads

once again lying in bed naked drinking wine and listening to the olivia tremor control

13555 videos

ive never actually watched a video of him singing until yesterday i skip the parts as soon as he does


isn't that a massive meme?

ok here i come


You will be purged.

ah yes, the virgin university

saw a stunningly beautiful lad at the restaurant, gorgeous blue eyes.

want to start drinking desu but timing it to pass out after sunset
