I tried... I really did... but the only songs I liked on it was downtown train

I tried... I really did... but the only songs I liked on it was downtown train

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its a slow burn. eventually it'll click. for me it was a thing where every time i listneed a new song would click. and especially when anywhere i lay my head clicked i seriously felt like i was gonna cry, his voice and the horns outro was seriously one of the most perfect things i'd ever heard.

Rod Stewart did a good job with that song.

You listened to the wrong one.

Holy crap, downtown train is the worst song on that album..you are in dangerous need of some taste there, bud.

tom waits is my pleb filter

You have to be harmonically and rhythmically inept and tone deaf to like this album. Consider that a compliment.

I love this album, but I rarely listen to it because it feels so depressing.

>but I rarely listen to it because it feels so depressing.
I love depressing music. That album is in my top 10.

i like the one where he does the funny voice like a black guy

I wanna complain about music too!

pic related is way too repetitive to be considered anything above a 7/10 and most of the songs overstay their welcome

t. rockist

I know right? Wildflower was so much better.

Took almost two years to click for me.

Here's your problem OP.


That's literally the worst song on the album wtf

Am I a pleb if I hate his voice?

I spun my car out in the snow listening to that song and thought I was gonna die, but I was happy I was listening to one last great song.

You start a thread... for this???
HAHAHA no one cares if you can't like it faggot, it's your loss
A thread was deleted when you made this, you know?

Btw, if you don't like this catchy album, don't ever even get near to CB's Trout Mask Replica, for your own good


damn bro dont go insane

no you are far far above these minstrelsy loving plebs in this thread

seriously op, can you stand him even in that song?

honestly yea i kinda like it its not like the sickest thing ive heard but its aight

Gun Street Girls

If you like Downtown Train you should at least like Hang Down Your Head as well.

How could a person not enjoy Clap Hands?

If you like beatboxed songs listen to real gone

Am I the only one who had this click on the first listen? And why does everyone feel the need to defend themselves for not liking it? Nobody gives a shit if YOU don't like an album, thats up to you. Honestly with the amount of people who dont like Tom Waits I wouldn't be surprised if they had their own Steam Group.

Blue Valentine > Black Rider Demos > Nighthawks > Early Years vol. 1-2 / Bone Machine > Swordfishtrombones / Rain Dogs > everything else

not to sound like a try hard, but im surprised tom is so successful. really thought he'd be more of a pleb filter, but seems like everyone i know likes him a lot.