The people on Sup Forums from third world countries are liberals

>the people on Sup Forums from third world countries are liberals
>the people from first world countries on Sup Forums all have radical political views
really makes you think

Care to expand upon those thoughts?

>troll fags on Sup Forums
>radical political views

Really fires up those neurons

delusional retard lol

People who disagree with majority values in their society tend to seek others outside of it?

pseudointellectual muzshit

>t. NEET who never went out and is trapped in his room

t. delusional retard

do you really think everyone on here is just pretending

Yes. Sup Forums is very anti mainstream culture thus why third worlders are more liberal and westerners tend to have more radical political views here

no just shitposting
At least in germany the majority are hardcore normis.

not on Sup Forums though lol

Hmm, yes, hmmm...

>>the people on Sup Forums from third world countries are liberals

i only see those alt-righterk 3rd worlders following americas ass

The only thing i care about INT are memes and russian twinks.

america is the most "liberal" and western nation out of them all lol
retarded gook
don't care what you care about, irrelevant to the argument at hand

you must be a real newfag or are saying a pointless thing

>Sup Forums
Maybe 4 years ago

what the fuck are you trying to convey with your post nip

It's all shitposting until it's not

I blame Sup Forumstards
That board is cancer

Liberal only when it comes to racemixing. But other degenerate lefty ideologies like 84 genders and wage gap are not priority in third world country. We're more concerned in putting basic meals in the table rather than debate useless 1st world issues.

>i only see those alt-righterk 3rd worlders following americas ass
you mean slavs

Pls don't speak for all us. Thank you.

the way you are a casual racist shows who you really are and you are just following americas ass

you are a typical american alt-right wannabe from 3rd world wittingly or unwittingly

pathetic but its what it is

lol okay

Good. Your not a third world country anyway.

why do nips on this board not understand what "humor", "sarcasm", or "bait" is?
is it because of your retarded culture or are you all legitimately braindead?

protip: people aren't serious here a lot of the time
>muh racism


You're country surpass USA in obesity.
Cartels are billion dollars industry.
You borders the Greatest Country in earth.
Your claims being a third world is invalid.

>nips on this board