
fun fun fun in the sun sun sun edition

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is it true that Alaska has no gun laws?

want a mestiza gf

cue image of Jeb Bush's wife


That isn't a picture of a mexican tranny midget though

i want to impregnate a nice chinky qt

thinking about maybe at some point getting a PhD in political science specializing in Public Policy and research agriculture policy


thinking of genociding c*lifornians

good lad

>Germanic profile
>this is a Slav
wtf, I love Aryans now!

>getting a PhD
they don't just hand them out, you know.
for that field, you'd be better suited having work experience


haha i have no idea what im doing with life besides my extensive plan i have in a organized binder with sheet protectors haha

>/cum/ right now

where is a good place to sit and listen to people's conversations with having to spend money or risk people speaking to me?


want irl

>work experience
what type of experience?


Public transit
Busy mall
Art Gallery/Museum

okay im going to bake the bread now.

maybe that will stop the crushing empty feeling deep inside me haha. ill post pics in a bit.

look up some farming lobbies online, and ask if they have positions for interns

didn't like it, bud. too poppy. nothing really interesting going on

that wasn't the one I meant to post but I don't like deleting

>when someone replies to me with an anime pic


i'm kute

well I'm hoping to get an internship with the state house of reps. my local guy is on the agriculture committee and I'm family friends with his cousin. plus my school has one of the best agricultural programs in the country so research I would do there would be very respected.

you cum?

Then you would be in my neighborhood ;)

will you take me out to lunch every sunday?


Yeah as long as you put out afterwards.

I will not be doing that sir

Then why the fuck would I take you out to lunch?

mexican posters are weird
They never reply back. they always make bizarre posts

for friendship

"danish" posters are weird
They never reply back. they always make bizarre posts

Oh okay. But we are getting separate bills

>Faded music festival is happening a few blocks down my condo
>a bunch of cute boys with nipple piercings walking around topless in the streets
Why are you tempting me lord?

REALLY need an apartment for the fall 2bh

What song makes you cry?

For me it's Hey Jude, my dad got me a Beatles CD when I was 5 or 6 for my Walkman and he died a year later, and the news was broken to me as I was listening to that song

i put oatmeal all over that dough.

bitches love oatmeal.


"cute(xy).jpeg" user:

>anime faggot
>literal real life faggot
>stepdad that beats him
>absolute SHITE taste in music
>works at a fast food joint
>just lost his hard drive

can't think of a more pathetic individual ITT

even the smelly looking guy with the crooked nose has more potential to make something out of himself

you said you were gonna post the bread trapito...wheres my fucking bread you fucking canadian whore

>tfw made a new friend

>can't think of a more pathetic individual ITT
A "German" chink who pretends he has a gf

I have an aboriginal girlfriend


>still pretending

am i shadowbanned or just making bad posts?

sadly the latter

Would you join a /cum/ discord?

ahh heres your you footkraut
or are you another one?


you only get replies when you ask questions

Thoughts on /brit/?

god no

May to invite Labour to help create policies amid Tory plot to oust her

At least 33% Rasheeds


just report them

Plan A vs Plan B wasn't a question

gong for a smoke, see ya lads

d-don't get l-lung cancer senpai

bong for a smoke, see ya buds

Any Yanks here ever been shot? What does it feel like?

>going outside to smoke when you can vape perfectly safe inside

Got a shot in my arm once, got a lollipop

it's fine, cana.
want some smoke?

i think everyone gets shot when they're vaccinated

Are you jealous that I'm looking at other boys Denmark? I'm on phone right now so I can't grope your bum.

already did and it SUCKS

my older cousin shot me with an airsoft gun once when we were kids

Hmm so it's not a meme...

there already is one? shit
i just made one
ill post an invite later tonight, hopefully this one won't suck

make me a mod, im an oldfag

>check out movie about space
>"i am very important astronaut i go to mars :DDD"
>"Is very long trip so i make water creating machine"
>breaks water machine
>"ohhh no mission is failure :DDD"
>Goes to mars anyway
>lands, steps outside in space suit
>"no one has ever lived here"
>movie ends

Make me a mod, I'm like the third oldest oldfag in /cum/

>/cum/ discords


We should have a /cum/ IRC. Or better yet a /cum/ BBS

>be American
>see black man with gun coming towards you
>cross the road quickly to avoid him
>get shot by cop for jaywalking
>run up huge medical bill but can't pay it
>get shot by doctor for stealing his labour

maybe somdeday, it is ruled by manitobans at the moment

These exist

don't let cara in

British "banter" is exceptionally weak tonight

Further proof immigrants can't integrate

I set up a BBS one time and got a few goys from Sup Forums on it. Was fun until everyone lost interest


Today while waiting at the bus stop there were a bunch of british tourists with sunburn walking around, and some brown mexican-looking guy drove by with windows open and some weird reggaeton sounding music blasting loud, and besides me in the bus stop there more tourists and everywhere I turned to I could hear people speaking in english or spanish and loud music and there was a McDonald's just around the corner and all I could think was "this must be what being american feels like"

sounds like cancun or miami

t. Alberto Barbosa

it's too hot

t. lobster

Ikr I only slept 3 hours last night because of how hot and stuffy my room was.