Latino master race. 2.2 BILLION views in 6 months. Will soon become #1 youtube video of ALL fucking TIME!. And Latinos are complaining about their countries and bad economy and shit. Who cares that you are 3rd world if you are #1 in the world (youtube). I would be proud.

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Que asco

Is this song good


it was the same with gookstyle i give it 4 years top before another song takes #1

Is gangnam style still the #1 youtube video?


dope song thbh

well it took it 5 years to get to the top.
this one is only 6 months old.
it is projected to reach 5 billion views in 2 years
even dr evil would be impressed


If you are older than 30, than yes
Kids don't get that kind of music
You need a certain level of maturity and knowledge of music styles.

No, not at all. I don't get how this shitty song became a hit.

yes, but it is only 2.8 BIL or something like that
esposito is #5 but it is getting there

>walk down the street
>Despacito coming out of every toilet seat store


well of course. fucking 2.5 billion views! that's a lot of toilet stores around the world!

gangman style also took 6-9 months to beat the top song at the time, even if this one gets 4 or 5 bil, it will still get beaten in a year by a future popular song

i heard it so many times that now is annoying

pfff that's nothing
>71 millions in a little bit more thank a week
latin music will take over the world


also, I've literally never listened to that song


possibly but the youtube audience is also growing like crazy

you are just jealous that anglo music is shit
pink floyd a few million views hahahaha

So the population of Latin America is about 3 billion. And it is not just them viewing. That means that a lot of people in Latam haven't heard it yet. Ask your parents and their grandparents. Introduce them to despacito! Everyone should know it!


Yo soy El KiwiANO in Chile and I hear Anglo music far more often than Latin Pop or Reggaeton

sharing my favorite latin tracks

because latinos have bad taste

J balvin is trash, maluma the goat

quite the complete opposite of what you said

I've seen the comments section on YT and there are lots of arabs, romanians, pajeets, and people who don't understand a word of he song listening to it

CHI's need to fuck off. This is Puerto Rican music, and Puerto Ricans are the undisputed masters of LatAm music, everyone knows this.

>3 billion
what? there is not even a billion here, in fact i think not even half a million

Seeing Anglos singing despacito when I've been a closer reggaeton fan for years. Ree 2bh.

The population of South America plus Centro America (including Mexico) is ~574 millions

I don't get the hype behind this song. It sounds like just another generic song.

it's exotic. also justin bieber.

Shit song

this is the most 3rd world basic song ever

I can feel my IQ going down every time I hear it

It must be more exotic to me than for Americans who are used to Mexican stuff. I can't understand 70% of the song and it still sounds like generic song number 1 million. I can't understand people's tastes.

what the fuck happened to good spanish music?

This, songs exactly like this are a dime a dozen in south america. OP confirmed white

>use the word two BILLION and not two thousand million

A fucking aberration

it never existed, chi
latin music in america is largely restricted to latinos themselves








Why do normies love it so much?

>Who cares that you are 3rd world if you are #1 in the world (youtube).

Hahahaha based nigel

There are a lot of gringos doing videos about this place lately because of the amount of views they get.

just joking mate. i love billions!

You are just jealous because British music is shit. So 20th century. Ze beatles hahaha. Latino music is the future.

Brazil videos on youtube is a special case, too.
I am shocked how many views those funk kids generate.