Country rating

Post map of which cunts you think are 1st, 2nd, or 3rd world

Key: blue - 1st world
Yellow - 2nd world
Red - third world

>Southern Cone
>first world

If this was true I would live there.

Why is Greenland yellow? It's part of Denmark

I put them as first world because Chile is in the OECD

why is india red but china yellow?

>Argentina first world..

Mmm... I have never been in Argentina but I don't think so, maybe its true who knows.

Here's the blank map

I've been there and It's the same as the rest of latam. Make what you want of that

Mexico is in the OECD too

this, we're a shithole, don't come here

that doesn't mean anything. We're about to enter OECD as well and we're far from being 1st world. Turkey ain't 1st world either

>Libya second world
>Saudi third world
>parts of South America is first world

So as Mexico
Funny Mexico was there first

first world countries are those whose migration is superior to emigration

> implying some others apart from Bolivians go Argentina..

OK, we won't. :D i put Saudi as first world

Someone pls make their own version

>A country with literal slaves is first world because they have Oil

The standard of living for the native Arabs in the Gulf states is very high though. The Pakis and Indians they import aren't permanent immigrants, just temp workers.

Not bad but libya should be red and Egypt should be yellow

This is close, but in term of real quality many of these blue countries should be yellow. Like Argentina and Chile. South-america is not even close to North-east asia level. Also Saudi-Arabia.

> North-europe is incredible powerful, but not because of long work hours. More because of resources, low population and smart politics.
> USA deserve to be in the top, but not even in top 10. They were powerful 60 years ago. They have lost a lot of power, money, respect and control since that time.
> Intelligent countries like Japan and south-korea have rised amazingly fast and well sine WW2. They will probably keep growing in the future. Don't underestimate the asians, they do a lot of things right. Along with the growing nation of China.

I made a new and improved version, what do you lads think?

Colombia is fourth world.

I only made Egypt red because of a video I remember seeing of some European girl getting group-assaulted there during one of the revolutions. I assumed shit like that could only happen in a third-world hellhole, but maybe I'm wrong.

Whatever you say f a m. This took over 9000 hours in photoshop btw.


Costa Rica, Brunei, and North Korea are definitely not third world. Although The DPRK is very authoritarian, the quality of life of the average citizen who is not a political dissident is not bad at all.