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you are american

you are a flag

the younger the better you are at learning a new language. which language btw? as a english speaker you should have it easiest with other germanic languages

what language

Learn the basic grammar just that you know where things are.

Find a patient native in your target language and just start chatting with them in it. You'll struggle.

Try translating stuff. Example: lyrics

Consume a high amount of content in that language: movies, tv shows, music, news

Intuitively we somehow think this is true, but it is not.

Adults learn faster than children.

The more existing knowledge you have and can relate to, the easier/faster it is to understand and learn new concepts.

Children simply have more time to learn.

Spanish for real

Irish for fun/hurritage reasons

I studied Latin in school along with Spanish

Watch telenovelas like I'm doing. They're not interesting but man it's helping my fluency. I used to only be able to understand acedimic spanish on paper but now I can understand when those naitives talk at 10000000 words a second.

Because you're an ameridumb

Where do you get them?

>the younger the better you are at learning a new language
is this really true though? children cant say much after 3 years

>They're not interesting
bad move bro
especially taking into account that spanish is a fairly common language and there's a lot of content being pumped out
you could probably find videos on youtube about whatever hobby or interest you have, and since it won't be boring to you, it'll be better

young ppl learn easier, you are learning a language from your parents authentically, without a book as a baby

YouTube. Don't tell anyone but currently watching "Reina de Corazones" or "Queen of Hearts" on there. It's all free. Turn on Spanish subtitles so you know what they're saying (they talk too fast for a learner to understand immediately). It's low production value and sort of boring but there's some hot scenes and some milf gets half naked a bunch of times.

First episode:

Oh and the English subs are quite bad. They're mostly correct they just choose weird wordings and translations.

Get motivated. Make a routine and stick with it. I look at pictures of cute Nip girls to keep me motivated. Let your dick guide you.

Yeah some are alright. I guess I'm just watching the stuff that doesn't really appeal to me. All the comments are girls saying something like "el actor es tan guapppoooo Quiero su muchhoooo". Haha they aren't that bad I guess

You should learn to read first. Also, turn off the capitals on your speech to text


i've been learning english since i was in 3rd grade (around 10 years) and i sucked at it until i started watching english movies and went on english websites. i still google translate words or look up the spelling if it doesn't look right sometimes

yeah, telenovelas are a girly thing
you could find any big budget american movie with spanish (with the option of Spain's spanish or LatinAmerica neutral spanish) dubs
hell, even some big popular video games get dubs

Because you don't need it


I stopped reading after "brain chemistry" and "literally built to absorb information".

Physiologically, our brains work exactly the same way and do not change except to redelegate areas into more specialised tasks as physical growth and development makes available new faculties.

The idea that children have some special advantage over adults I expect is so attractive to people because all they're looking for is an excuse to give up or not even try.

>dubbed movies
I puked a little bit inside my mouth

>The idea that children have some special advantage over adults I expect is so attractive to people because all they're looking for is an excuse to give up or not even try.

This is my suspicion as well. So many people claim it, but no-one can prove it.

you are retarded, i know kid who has Slovak father, Italian mother and they speak to each other in English+ she goes to French kindergarten, she speaks all 4 languages fluently and shes like 8 years old.

>special advantage
I read it's about brain plasticity or some shit like that. The brain is a like a sponge early and then it becomes more difficult to learn things.

The point is most kid don't learn grammar, orthography nor a deeper understanding of the language. That's why we have like 5-6 years of (native) language class in school.

Your English is quite good, Pablo

You're dumb

I don't see how your anecdotal evidence is relevant..

Good for her?

I'd be impressed if an 8 year old spoke fluently to me in even one language.

Yea? The brain functions in the same way still, always. What the concept of plasticity is about is that the brain has been shown to be able to delegate functions to whatever brain is available as and when it becomes available to achieve an optimal configuration according to parameters we are still researching.

It goes that if you lose half your brain, for example, the areas of brain that still remain will reorganise itself in attempt to make up for the functions that were lost by the other half. An optimal configuration is sought such that it provides (in however way it determines the importance) as many functions as the remaining brain can cope with. But if you still had both sides intact, the functions will be split between those sides instead.

As a child's brain develops, it distributes it's functions consistent with the concept of plasticity.

The child's brain is indeed different, i. e. it is in the process of developing. But if anything, it should imply it is less capable than adult's.

Seems unreasonable to assume that a less developed brain is somehow better at "absorbing" information than a more developed one on the basis that the brain "changes" over time. Even just logically, why should it change into something less capable??

that's a bit rude tbqh

It's not our problem that your shitty language doesn't have actual dubbing talent :3

But we do. It works better for animated movies though. Movies shouldn't be dubbed.