
my thread edition

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Best cum poster

what if """"denmark"""" has been spamming anime back and fourth with itself on its phone this whole time?

would that make it the most autistic poster weve ever had?


hmm yes... anime...

*eats burgers*

I was excited to share my day with you guys, but this thread is bad. Maybe another day...

nth for don't bully!

So FINALLY I managed to get some ok tier woman to my room and I showed her my literature collection. Infinite Jest was laying on the table and laid my hand on it and said "It is pretty big, you know what else is big?"
Well that didn't go well. I actually read most of the books (sort of) so I was kind of excited to use it to impress her. But it didn't go well. What did I do wrong?

>He's not American or Filipino



I work 4 hours a day

The reason was probably the melon, the cat ears and the eye patch fetish peoples.

>David Foster Wallace

my garden cuttings are starting to form sprouts

aw shit free plants

Should I read IJ? I've been avoiding it because /lit/ memes it so heavily.

Moved my computer into basement and am now at an extra comfy temperature

Thank u air conditioning

Can I move into your basement? I wont do drugs.

Do whatever you want

sure i have an extra couch down here

How do you deal with knowing that you're one of the 80% of men that will never pass on their genes?


god my fucking stomach hurts. think im gonna vomit

I'm glad

it's probably better for the evolution of humanity

dont care

>Canadian "people"


I'm not sure if I know this. What if I have bad luck. A child would be my death.

kys now

Still wanna smash dough

no i am not

what the

my gf

REALLY wish i was a wealthy salaryman in 80s japan


my gf



meh i wanna cum in a wet boipucci anyway

>mexican politician celebrations

>wet boipucci
the only way an asshole can be wet is from shit


Were you lurking in this thread?

Or you know, lube?

>tfw my bf asked me if I'm autistic


I'm the anti-homosexual police.

go back to brit

this, except reversed roles



good man

>go to trader joes semi drunk to buy alcohol because of alcoholism
>start a convo with cute tiny indian girl
>tell her my job is ending
>ask if they're hiring
>She gets me a job application

Should I do it boys? I spend mot of my money on food anyway. And it's a bock from my house. And I bet they get a discount. And I bet they don't drug test. It'd be an easy job where I can meet people while I become a normie while looking for good work in my field.


national company will always drug test
grocery checker is a shitty job anyways



>national company will always drug test
Lmao get outside neet. No they wouldn't, they'd have no employees if they did. Also prop 71 passed here years ago.

are you a girl

do you have skype

please touch my penis



*anything with a pulse

A-am I cute /cum/?

Ignore this poll!

I love eggs to be honest.

This looks really yummy.

>three gay flags

weed is legal here and everyone still drug tests
if they use national insurance company they will drug test. wouldn't expect a dumb druggie to be logical tho


The Anglophelia in this thread just gave me a flashback.

15 years old, horny 24/7 and in secondary school (high school).
Go on this chatroom and talk to this 10/10. She was called Asani or some shit. She was Slovakian.

We went on cam and she didn't look like she was amazed by what she saw but when I put my mic on she started beaming. I'm from London but I don't speak like the working class which American girls really like.

She was from Hawaii but she was blonde and blue eyed, had size C tits and a smile that made you think she was a virgin whether she was a whore or not.

She also had a chill as fuck attitude like a dude weed person but without the weed. She was drinking vodka but she was pretty sober and we had fun.

After she heard my voice she showed me her cute tits and her cunt and after various sessions I got her to put various things up her asshole.

She said she liked the look of my cock and it gave me such confidence for the first time in my life it's as if I broke past puberty.

So if you happen to be in this thread, thank you Asani.
I have never cum gallons over anyone but you on webcam.

I've worked for national companies before and they don't test because that'd be fucking stupid.

You're a neet and you don't know what you're talking about. I know what I'm talking about, look where I live. i'm not talking about the fucking state department.

t. dumb druggie that can't stay clean for a week

If you don't think Catlyn Jenner is beautiful then fuck you, dude.


/ace/ - America Canada mExico

ur welcum ;)

lost my cum folder

>not /cux/

why do you repost everything i post denny bear?


it's very cute!!!

Quebec and Cascadia should both be freed.

Denmark does not have its own general so I hereby decree that we accept all danish refuge in cum, Hence cumd


thinking of gfs

What does Bill Nye engineer?

>i just saw my mom cracking salt onto premade fries she took out of the oven
>tfw she's had a kidney stone in the past 5 years and has gained a fair amount of weight in the past 2 years

feels sad man...

truths (falsehoods)


ramen in general looks like it would be fun to eat

Thank you! Ur cute too user

why is this thread so dead

people leaving to dixie
int is dying too as well

You've never had it? Lmao

authentic ramen and gyoza from a little ramen place is GOAT

I have really good tits


shoyu or miso

bet you could titty fuck yourself bro


omg :3 thanks

what is considered a good salaray for the USA, Mexico and Canada for a 30 year old engineer?