
How will the future look in the future? 50-100 years? 500 years?

I mean, europe, especially north-europe are rich because of resources, low population and smart politics.
America are rich because of companies and talents, but for some reason they keep getting more debt and war.
North-east asia work really hard to reach achievements, which I have done in very short time after WW2. These asians do a lot of things right.
China and India are growing quite much by GDP, but India lack many things yet.

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Genetic modification will change everything completely.

"Hey, can you please change my genes so I can have natural blonde hair instead of black? thank you"

Here's my theory:

The U.S. will continue to be the dominant superpower. The waves of immigration that are currently going on will begin to contribute to society much more within in the next 40-100 years.
Companies will continue to flock to the U.S. so talents will also come with them, and our economy will continue to be by far the best in the world.
The ""problem"" we have with war will only continue as long as there are companies that are openly hostile to the U.S. or her interests. This is something any superpower would do, and it's retarded to pretend it's something only the U.S. has done. People pretending that humanity has evolved above this are fucking retarded as well, since evolutionary evidence suggests the more advanced a species or civilization the more violent they may become.

Western Europe will likely begin to feel the true effects of immigration to their country within the next few years. With the result being they all become much more prosperous, due to the increase in workforce. However due to their lack of resources and landmass they will likely stagnate at some point.

Eastern European nations face a similar dilemma, however their growth will be from recovering from Communism finally. They will all become first world, and fairly prosperous but still be a step below their western counterparts.

Russia will likely develop technology to tap into the resources they have in Siberia. Once this occurs they will likely retake their seat as the Rival of the U.S., however this does not necessarily mean the Cold War will resume.

China will likely fracture eventually due to the massive amounts of corruption in their country, and the fact that their population continues to grow.

Japan will become more independent, as well as continue to grow.

South and North Korea will unite

Pakistan and India will rid themselves of nuclear weapons.

>inb4 wars between cyber-augs and gmo super-natties

The Middle East will be about the same, with maybe some territorial exchanges. However the "third world" countries will be second world by today's standards but likely not up to par with anyone else.

Africa will continue it's developmental process and will likely become similar to the situation with the countries in the Middle East.

South American nations will likely become first world by today's standards however, still not up to standards set by Europe/USA.

Canada, Australia, New Zealand will all continue to grow.

Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, will likely continue to grow for the foreseeable future. But will hit a wall that is the limit of what communism can go to. Once they reach this they will likely become like modern Russia.

So basically the world will not be much different. Most countries will continue to grow. I believe that there will have to be a new class of country if this occurs. Countries like Germany, Canada, France, Japan, UK, and maybe 1 or 2 others will become known as semi-superpowers.

Whilst Russia is a global superpower. Yet the U.S. will still hold the distinction as by far the most powerful nation, not only of that time period, but all of history.

We will also likely be colonizing other planets in by 2500. Likely under the lead of the U.S.

The future belongs to those who show up. webm very related.


population numbers mean nothing if you don't have the government with the ability to put it to use

Civil wars breakout in western countries over ideology. China and Russia will seek to prolong the war to gain an advantage over west through simply being able to function at the time. India will become mostly open defecation free, but will still get bullied for it. African countries become the new India/China. South American countries will remain mostly the same. Middle-east will still be unstable.

>population numbers mean nothing if you don't have the government with the ability to put it to use
They're going to flood into democracies in Europe and North America because Africa is going to remain dysfunctional in the next 50-100 years. In a democracy, numbers matter.

>African countries become the new India/China.
Which ones? Nigeria depends on hydrocarbons and the rate of flow will decrease, while their population keeps increasing.

you're pretending that nations would allow 10's or 100's of millions of people to immigrate to nations in under a century. That's absurd. Even the U.S. has never had those types of numbers

Lot's of African nations are resource rich. Once they find ways to use and implement those their economies will begin to boom.

>you're pretending that nations would allow 10's or 100's of millions of people to immigrate to nations in under a century
The population of hispanics in USA increased from 0.8 million in 1920 to 50 million in 2010.

Expect more communist faggotry :/

Communism/radical socialism is supported by most non-whites including even in flag related.

Capitalist systems are only maintained in the non-white world via imperialism or dictatorship. When the mob gets their hands on the government everywhere, expect gibs and cancer.

Here's the citation.

>in 1920

Nigeria, and South Africa. Mostly Nigeria.

>Mostly Nigeria.

It's the largest economy in Africa.

No, but really genetic modification is just going to exacerbate the gap between rich and poor people in an unimaginably way.

Christendom will stop being charmed by Islam. The cat is out of the bag: Islam has been infiltrating Christianity, both corrupting and giving us gifts like science and math and astronomy. Hopefully we'll find a way to make use of the good while throwing away the bad, although I think it's more likely we'll end up look like the dumber anti-Islamic parts of Christian extremism in my country. Awake to the Mohammedan threat but also obsessed with muh babble book and muh dinosaur Jesus. Atleast we won't be manipulated into killing each other over and over.

Scandi - especially your country - is petroleum-based today. You'll go back to being irrelevant fishing villages with almost no intellectual life.

The Indo-European languages and religions have found each other again. We'll probably have the European IE religions persist into the future, although that looks ridiculous and unbelievable and cosplay right now.

Sub-Saharan Africa (and the tropics in general) will creep towards technology and higher intellect a little bit, but will probably surprise everyone by dropping back to pretty much the level of development they had before 1900.

Muslims will probably go through a bunch of explosive wars amongst themselves that will look suspiciously like the European Wars of Religion.

I think the surviving Eskimo and Indian and Hawaiian tribes are in for the long haul now. The attempt has been made to genocide them, it hasn't entirely succeeded, and now they're here. They'll slowly develop their own educational and intellectual institutions and begin to look more like southeast Asia - nothing real leading and impressive but not total shit either. I think we've seen the last of them getting genocided without being able to do anything about it.

I really have no idea if we'll ever learn to quit trusting the White Walkers. Here they are trying to lead the entire world again, and completely embarrassing themselves, again.


>Scandi - is petroleum-based today

Pretty long post for someone who doesn't know what he's talking about. Very American tbqh

nobody is going to give a fuck about genes for minor mundane shit that doesn't affect people.

people will try to get genes that makes their children smarter though, that's almost a guarantee to get your kids above others this way

this but only a lot more niggers, lot fewer hwhites and everyone is speaking brazilian


>America are rich because jews know how to put on a shoah

fix'd 4 you clueless scandi

We will all get rid of our bodies in favor of imaginos bodies

Oh and none of the current nations will exist in 500 years, rather a confederation of earth, and confederations of solar system colonies will exist instead

what a disgusting shitskin future

120 million in 2010 →60 million in 2110


A lot of western European countries will change into South Africa with walled ghettos for rich whites and decimated city centers full of allahs and nigs.

USA and SA will blanda up and carry on getting hit just a bit by the blanda but enough to get less relevant.

China and Japan will rule the world.

Centra/Eastern Europe will be the "true" Europe left.

Africa won't change.

Russia will be as rich/poor as it is now compared to the west but will have more problems with muzzies who will want to follow the western Eur route and destroy it.

ME will be always in a state of war.

>Centra/Eastern Europe will be the "true" Europe left.
you are slavs
not europeans

>Disgusting shitskin future
There wont be any humans as we know them, human minds would be transported to quantum computers and will have artificial bodies based on complex nanotechnology. These humans would be unimaginably superior to any current human being in all characteristics.

Greek > usb stick subhuman

>is "Greek"
>doesn't work
What a surprise. Make place for the Macedonian masterrace

subhuman immigrant
jealous of Greeks

>wars between cyber-augs and gmo super-natties

Laputan machine. Better luck next time aug fags.

>usb stick
Greek education everyone.

It will likely be a quantum computer, then again I don't expect a sub-100 IQ Greek (Lazistani) to understand what that is and how it works.

Sorry, I am not jealous of inferior trashcans.

Come back when you grow up and bow to your Macedonian master.

>How will the future look in the future?
Me in 2050:


you are
Greeks are better than other humans
and you are a jealous subhuman

You can repeat it all you want. But your screaming in a desert. Nobody will ever believe you.

Won't it be hilarious if none of these guys are iki, and instead 2 actual Germans who think that they are trolling each other.... or rather making us think that they are trolling each other, but in reality are making these posts according to a pre-determined plan

i can prove it
it just makes you inferior subhumans mad

>America still hegemon
>Chinas GDP will surpass the US but will the average chinese man won't feel the effects
>Europe will have darker features
>Russia will chimp out
>Suadi and Emirates will have revolutions
>South America becomes comparable to Europe
>Korea's will not reunite
>Africa will become how China is now
>Iran will continue to be ostracized
>India stagnates


>minor mundane shit

why are leafs so retarded

south america will never be like Europe

Greeks are better than other humans

100 years is a long time.

>Blonde hair or blue eyes makes you white

this is minor mundane shit. some may get eye color change, most will give 0 fucks.

and latinos are subhumans

CRISPR is going to cuck the white race exceptionally hard, and noone will even realize it because it'll come to them wearing a white face.

western powers have been trying to stop this, but it can't happen.

>The Indo-European languages and religions have found each other again.

>LARPing this hard

shitskin with inferiority complex

nigger, they're going to try to find what's most profitable. Plenty of people want to make themselves white-looking.

That means eye, hair, and skin color. Things like nose shape are kinda complex (not that it matters much in the scope of things)

>he thinks I'm a shitskin

back to your hovel, Mehmet.

your post is very asian
you subhuman

oh wait, are you that greek guy? LOL

you shitskin