Abuses his status to get Mr. Bungle kicked off dozens of shows

>abuses his status to get Mr. Bungle kicked off dozens of shows
>takes away the livelihoods for all the members minus Mike Patton, thus ruining their personal lives
>never even met anyone in the band except Mike Patton
>inadvertently contributes to the demise of one of the most innovative rock bands of the past 30 years
>all because of some obscure tabloid feud about dance moves from a decade ago
Are RHCP fans on Youtube who try to paint him as the good guy in all of this mentally retarded?

Other urls found in this thread:




The Red Hot Chili Peppers one of my most hated bands of all time. I haven't enjoyed anything that they've ever released and it doesn't surprise me that Anthony or whatever his name is that sings for the band is like that he's hella childish garage for fucking years

Keeping Mr. Bungle off the air should be considered an act of charity.

Trevor Dunn is better off than him


source for them claims?

sweet charity huh?

I don't know what that refers to.

holy shit I love RHCP now

I'm not really an RHCP fan but it fucking sucks to have your bandmates die on you because of heroin and then have it mocked on stage by a bunch of screaming weirdos.

poor junk abusers!

Good for you if it hasn't affected you

>According to Mr. Bungle themselves, Kiedis had never met or spoken to anyone involved with the band aside from Mike Patton.[103]
>bassist Trevor Dunn remarked "It really screwed us up. It screwed up my life in a personal way."[103]
>a 2004 Rolling Stone interview confirmed Mr. Bungle had disbanded with Patton revealing, “We could have probably squeezed out a couple more records but the collective personality of this group became so dysfunctional, this band was poisoned by one person's petty jealousy and insecurity, and it led us to a slow, unnatural death. And I'm at peace with that, because I know I tried all I could.”[13]

>a 2004 Rolling Stone interview confirmed Mr. Bungle had disbanded with Patton revealing, “We could have probably squeezed out a couple more records but the collective personality of this group became so dysfunctional, this band was poisoned by one person's petty jealousy and insecurity, and it led us to a slow, unnatural death. And I'm at peace with that, because I know I tried all I could.”[13]
This article doesn't even mention Keidis or rhcp. It's implies that he's talking about a Mr bungle member.

You don't know what you're talking about.

No you don't.


The thing is, the only song that was really influenced by RHCP was 'Epic', and that wasn't even by Mr Bungle! It was Faith no more. By the time of the first Mr Bungle album, Mike Patton had stopped acting like Keidis anyway, Mr Bungle and Patton had nothing to do with the peppers at all after the Epic days (with the exception of the songs Squeeze Me Macaroni and Girls Of Porn)
So the only reason he tried to kill Mr Bungle was because it wasn't as popular as FNM and he wanted to hurt Patton in some way or another

Bands like Mr. Bungle are literally the sonic equivalent of that stupid idiot from high school who went around saying "hahaha I'm too crazy already I don't need drugz to be nuts hahhaa xD see how crazy I am" then did something like start shoving a banana up his ass in the middle of the lunch room or standing up in the middle of class and saying the word "Fart" really fucking loud or something to demonstrate the he was quirky when in fact he was just a huge attention whore who tried way too fucking hard to look weird because mommy and daddy either gave him too much attention when he was a child or too little. How can people not listen to this and not go "holy fucking shit if these people think this either sounds good or think it's 'interesting' in some way they're even worse than noise artists, because at least those people are aware they're just being provocative for the sake of it but this avant-metal/post-prog/spazzcore idiots actually think they're breaking new ground in rock n roll or proving themselves in some way to be musical genisues"

Seriously if you want musical genius listen to real innovators; Schaeffer, Adorno, Sun Ra, Stockhausen, Fripp, Davis, Eno, and so on, don't waist your time with this caffeine-addicted psuedo-hipster 14 year old who probably still likes metalcore and deathcore "ironically" and has just discovered the bands that influenced Dillinger Escape Plan which aren't shitty hardcore or metal

No, you fuck with drugs you get what you deserve.

Anthony Kiedis is a hack and a piece of shit, same for his dead heroin junkie homo lover

I’m assuming this pasta is about their debut album and not California, right?

They had an album called California, scheduled to come out right before Californication. And Keidis made up some excuse about wanting to appear original to new european audiences since they both had a euro tour at about the same time.

Patton is a whiny, whinging loser...he sucks giant donkey balls.

>Bands like Mr. Bungle are literally the sonic equivalent of that stupid idiot from high school who went around saying "hahaha I'm too crazy already I don't need drugz to be nuts hahhaa xD see how crazy I am"
> don't waist your time with this caffeine-addicted psuedo-hipster 14 year old who probably still likes metalcore and deathcore "ironically" and has just discovered the bands that influenced Dillinger Escape Plan which aren't shitty hardcore or metal
Says the 19 y/o edgelord cuck who's only been out of high school for a year and listens to shitty p4k music

Yeah I know of that, still, California had nothing to do the the Peppers musically, so I dunno

waaaaah California drug man was mean to ebin meme man

This rivaly just goes to show they are more alike than not.


> hella childish garage

Well, it's not untrue.

For the first album maybe

It's some hardcore projection

I like it when pasta is actually right on the money.

Reminder that the copypaste was originally written by this guy

It's pretty sad when a guy with this shitty taste in music can still BTFO of a band you like.



Love you hard girl, you gonna moan-a




>Anime reaction pic
>Autistic copypasta
>Has nothing to do with the conversation
Who wants attention again?

No, it just means we don't have to take anything he says seriously

Mr. Bungle certainly did.

obviously the guy posting anonymously on an anime website you mongoloid

embarrassing "taste"
He didn't discover any of those artists by himself and has no idea what he truly likes

We have to do very little in life, that doesn't mean we aren't silly depending on what choices we select. Ad hominem, for example, that's a silly thing to engage in, don't you think?

You're literally doing the same thing

both bands suck in their own way


Mr. Bunlge is in actuality unlistenable shit and I'd take the peppers any fucking day, any fucking day. I'd listen to I'm With You for christ's sake

this Mr. Bungle is shit
seriously just Phish for teenage stoners.

>doesn't like great band
Surprising? [spoiler]No[/spoiler]

Other than the Japanese and Anime boards, I don't think anybody cares about Sup Forums being an 'Anime website' anymore.

Have a boo hoo (You). Doesnt affect you if you dont associate with degenerate scum.

Watch out, we got a low-energy, anime posting, numale over here.


>and much much more

of course Trevor is better. toured with Melvins.

I hate that I'm defending a tripfag but this is an awful post

I was talking about his jazz bands and Qui, not that overrated dadsludge band


you're onto something user

Wait so RHCP fucked over Mr. Bungle?
I knew there had to be some reason other than their tunes that really made them succ



People unironically hate Mr. Bungle for being supposedly “lel so randum xD”

That just shows how pleb this board has become.

succ is still fucking funny right? RIGHT?


That's a weird way of saying 'intentionally'

>based Mac
I thought your post was supposed to be discrediting him

>alt normie music

>Are RHCP fans [...] mentally retarded?

Fucking this

>being this insecure
Oh look it's another episode of 'numale pretending he didn't adore 2 and salad days when they first came out, but now claims to hate meme demarco'

Drugs are one of a handful of good things in life, you fuck with drugs your sad outcast life is slightly less sad and slightly less outcast (talking to drug dealers counts as social interaction).
Also, every worthwhile musician abuses drugs. You're on the wrong side of history friendo.


overcooked pasta, not good

What are you doing here, George Clooney?

yeah " epic" was a good song, nice 311 rip off, with the " hooba dooba dooba shooba daba de da ". Faith no more is a garage band compared to RHCP.

> albums recorded with john frusciante
faith no more = 0
RHCP= a lot


either provide a citation or go back to googling cuck videos.

I just know that this must have been written by the "RHCP isn't pop rock" guy

>nice 311 rip of
311 weren't a relevant band in 1989.

I loved this band since I first heard them, they have some of my favorite licks and the lyrics aren't abysmal, but ever since frusciante left snaggletooth has just been ruining everything he built the band up to be
feels bad, man

Thisis actually spot fucking on. Could not have articulated it better.

I bet you believe people are inherently degenerate. You understand nothing about people.

Phish is phish for teenage stoners

I fucking hate pedo mustache dude

Nobody cares about your opinion Brandon, kys already

>I'm forever near a stereo saying, 'What the fuck is this garbage?' And the answer is always the Red Hot Chili Peppers

>John frusciante is a good guitar player

Keep saying that when your 32 living in a crack den sucking dick to get some more of that "happiness". You are a weakling, a failed human, you will never achieve inner peace

Epic came out a year before 311's first album, kek

Frusciante is good but even he can't save RHCP from "GONNA SLAMMA MAMMA JAMMA" Kiedis. Like it's not really a competition. Kiedis is one of the worst vocalists of all time, while Patton is one of the greatest.

Incubus' S.C.I.E.N.C.E. > Anything RHCP has ever done

shekening goys


Pinnacle of nu metal




This album sucks. Proves RYM will rate anything highly if it's weird.


Shut up.