How godless is your country, user-kuns?
> Not religious (21.8%)
>Christianity (20.1%)

Yay! We finally beat those dirty x'tians! *Tipping maximised*

Other urls found in this thread:

30% atheists

It's roughly half agnostic, half culturally Christian.

4% no religion

Oh fugg. My country is New Zealand


Why are are you still full of shitposters then? You should be more enlightened and intellectual.


If by fedora you mean the spooky chinese cults who pray to 2000year old ruins and graves of long dead imams and sultans for lottery number then it would be the 0.7%.

Not godless enough—and I say this as a Catholic. American Protestants are the bane of humanity.

I bet you listen to Milofag news.


Rubbish statistics anyway.

I don't recall ever being asked.

Religion isn't like race or bloodgroup where you could accurately compile from government data.

People change.

>I don't recall ever being asked.
What is polling and sampling?

>People change.
That's why I'm tipping. Fedoras are winning.

I think lots became atheist because very few Australians care about religion. My grandmother was one because she didn't care.

Tell that to you chinese kin man, I'm not the one who told them a 2000year old animist monument from acheological site in the swamps filled with 5m pythons wandering around at night can give you lottery numbers.
A friend of my mother ran down a mountain when he runs into a bunch of cultist wearing all white and muttering weird stuff in the jungle at 2am.

>listening to a racist sodomite
Wrong """denomination""" my friend.

100% anime biliever

>bunch of cultist wearing all white and muttering weird stuff in the jungle at 2am.

That's the ironical KKK not fedora bros.

>quads and dubs
Koolaid. My grannies were taoist and then born again christfags. Shameful.


But anyone who doesn't understand everything does actually have a religion.

Freedom fries speaks the truth.

>American Protestants are the bane of humanity.
Religious cretins are in every sense the tribal remnants of prehistory.
You're all fucking scum.

>But anyone who doesn't understand everything does actually have a religion.
This is the dumbest thing I've read today. Well done.

>Well done.
I can smell a degree of irony.

>polling sampling

That's why it's rubbish.

Show me the parameters of the survey and I can be even clearer in pointing out the obvious to you.

Ask them yourself, butthurt religious scum.

how many people in japan believe in yokais ?

I don't see how pointing out your idiocy makes me religious.

By the way, assuming you are a citizen or PR here, under Singapore law I could have you arrested just on the basis of this public thread you've posted. Notwithstanding anything else Sup Forums would be obliged to provide an inquiry associated with your IP.