Lol does anyone actually stay there instead of going to europe?

lol does anyone actually stay there instead of going to europe?

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I don't know if you know but foreign legion kill illegal in the forest of Guiana. Don't try

It's been invaded by you monkeys already.

there's not even army in french guiana

brazil was going to claim it once


brmonkeys try to cross the border to make anchor french babies, niggers, drugs and ariane, that's all i know about this place

What's the point? They'll just surrender upon the first sign of gunfire.

Sure bro

We should start a mass migration movement and then once we reach 50.1% of the population, we anex it

It's GDP per capita is like 20k U$ (lower than argentina and chile, for example), and the capital looks like a rural town (pic related)

You sound butthurt.

If it's that shitty you wouldn't even want it

>The French Foreign Legion is a military service branch of the French Army established in 1831, unique because it was created for foreign recruits willing to serve in the French Armed Forces.

They are not french so making them surrender wont be that easy

I just don't think it's right that an european country has a territory near my country.

No, half are french anyway
check wiki

We could annihilate you.

Why not? Do you have any rational basis for disliking it besides you being an angry monkey from the jungle

Around half of them are French, instructors are French, the commandment is French, not sure what's you're point
anyway, what does your army does beside killing poor niggers in favelas??

Asians are supposed to be polite and not angry racist fucks like you.

Having more land is always good.

Yes but French Guiana is the richest territory of South America if you took it over you'd probably ruin it

Leave the Frogs alone unless you want to get nuked

Because it's 2017, colonialism is over. Go suck white cocks elsewhere gook.

>it's 2017, colonialism is over

... and here comes the butthurt

It's not, check it's GDP.

It's not colonialism, French Guiana IS France.

The sun never set on the French empire, negro.

based Korea

Please, he's not a Korean. English is too good.

A neglected, forgotten part of France.

We introduced people over there, therefore it belongs to us.

what are you talking about? there were and still are indigenous people living there, you weren't the first

French are actually tough when they want to be.

About 12% now. There are in minority

My french teacher was born there kek.
She was the most beatiful woman i have ever had the pleasure to let my hands venture into her art, her beauty
I'd burnd down a forest with myself in it only to imagine being caught in the redness of her pussy, her flames of hair turning me into ashes.
What a girl.

What happened to them? I am curious.


are you comparing GDP per capita by PPP? That's stupid and so are you

beautiful stuff m8

t. a fucking portuguese colonist descendant

why do you complain about euros owning a piece of land 1/100th the size of brazil but you don't complain about USA owning the whole rest of that entire fucking continent ?
what about the fact you wouldn't make use of that place but we have a spaceport and military base there ?

just fuck off go back to building houses or something jõãõ

Ideally I could fly to French Guiana, live in the capital for a few years and get French citizenship without ever stepping foot in Europe. Sounds cool!

Do you know this story ? An american murderer went in french islands to escape to death penalty. France does not support death penalty, so it can't have an extradition


>brazil was going to claim it once
Lmao don't think you're a superpower, even at football we beat you haha
Based Korea reminding huehues the hard truth


Absolutely ebin

Some French girls are broken it is true. I remember one of my holidays in Paros island I was eating in a fancy restaurant and 3 very cute french girls sat in front of me and I was watching them order in a very beatufiul accent and it was very nice.
