>"MUSTAFI, son of Albanian parents!"

This fucking disgusting cuckland.

Soccer was never this political before. If Germany would win, our media would use it for months for their disgusting multiculutralism and xenophilia propaganda.

We can only hope, guys, we can only hope.

>tanned germans


heard it too and it got me mad. This country is a lost cause indeed

>being this autistic over a harmless comment in an irrelevant divegrass match

Best thing is cucks on Sup Forums defend it. Guess 90% the German flags on Sup Forums are Turks.

Everything is a lost cause, this country, Sup Forums, everything.

Don't worry my white friends I'm sure Germany will recover as it always has just hang in there aryan brothers.

it's your fucking fault for giving third worlders working permits to hurr rebuild cheap and quick

poland was just as devastated as you but we couldn't even dream of inviting sandpeople over

now we're an underdeveloped shithole with 99% Polish citizenship and you're a technological marvel filled to the brim with sandpeople

was it worth it? lmao

You funny Churmans

>son of Albanian Parents

wait, so just like
>ozil, son of turkish parents
i wonder how albania feels about this kek.

Eh, when it's the first fucking thing that pops up in their leftist minds, you can be damn sure they'll use this shit for months for propagating multiculutralism if Germany wins more games, specifically thanks to sandniggers. How is this harmless?

That's not Mustafi.

pic related is Mustafi and he looks more German than many Germans. His family may be Albanian but they are from Macedonia. And Macedonia, as some people know, is the home of Alexander the Great, a blonde, blue eyed general.

to be honest, from a Sup Forums perspective it isn't so bad

shows people are still aware of the differences between him and real germans.

>Alexander the Great, a blonde, blue eyed general.
Who wanted to create a Eurasian diarrhea race.

I hate anyone named Alexander.

>implying macedonia isnt greece

Holy shit, Germany

They're just putting more fuel into the tank for the big fire soon to come.

mimimi multi culti shown to work.

>pic related is Mustafi and he looks more German than many Germans
Jetzt mal nicht übertreiben.

I didn't imply OP pic is Mustafi.

Nothing about what you said matters. Even if our commentator lied and he isn't "the son of Albanian parents." This is just another proof how our leftist cucks think, what their real intention is.

They're all sitting in front of their TVs right now hoping Khedira scores.

Doesn't look German. Wtf are you on about?

pic related is also a typical German. Who looks more German, this dude or Mustafi?

This guys's eyes are a lot lighter and more blue than Mustafi's.


I'm just waiting until the Euros and World Cup no longer are played, they were supposed to represent countries and now they have more nationalities in the NT than most domestic clubs. Germany is a huge example with it's Turks and Poles, England the same with its Jamaicans and I'm not even going to fucking get started on France. For years I thought France had colonized African countries, little did I know it was the other way around.

>actually watching this propaganda
>current year

>implying that doesnt carry over to Sup Forums

>quasi-human slav talking shit about other untermensch

You are refballinh Ukraine hard right now, Germoney

Reminder that Lena came to her senses and dumped the mudskin.

Fuck off Nazi

Albanians are white.

Degenerate skank.

>said the nigger

>"perhaps we shouldn't import people by the masses from muslim shithole countries"
>"b-b-but muh Zlatan, Sweden is nothing without immigration!1!1!!1!"

There isn't a single group of people more braindead than soccerfags, I hope ISIS blows the stadium up

Slovenes would surprise you. Go visit one day, you can drive to Milan in a couple hours from there, do a Slovene/Northern Italian vacation.

Slovenia is not like other Slav countries (extreme German influence) After all it was German for most of its history.

>do a Slovene/Northern Italian vacation

I've wanted to do this for quite some time, from what I've heard Slovenia is beautiful and surprisingly first world for being Eastern Yurop. Preferably I'd rent a car

Not that one pls, we don't have that many shitskins. Wait until France vs Turkey or a game like that.

Yeah, they avoided going from communism to war unlike they rest of the YU nations and they have a tiny population so economic recovery didn't take very long.

This. Fuck these good goys with their divide and conquer tactics.

Not anymore.
At least not the Albs I see.
Most albs are sandniggerish and they call the white albs gypsies and trash nowadays cause theres only a few of em left.

Unironically watching the """german"""" """""national""""" team.

Why are people saying this? I actually know many Albanians and they all look like sandniggers.

Besides, it doesn't change our media will use this for their shitty multuculuralism propaganda.

Zlatan seems pretty based though, he doesn't let the swedish media browbeat him about shit like MUH FEMALE FOOTBALL


But that's Khedira.

And his kids look very white actually.

>Blonde hair and blue eyes

This tbqh

Albanians look white. Problem is they are muslim
Like the bosniaks

You better not be hating on Miroslav Klose


>And his kids look very white actually

Miscegenation is wrong user.

Well since he's a Bosnian muslim more like beastiality than miscegenation but still.

>turks and poles

there are like 2 or 3 turks on the german team. Klose and Podolski come from ethnic german families.