Remind me Sup Forums, why do we hate muslims again? Assuming we're all straight white males here, they don't seem to be targeting us.
They beat and rape women, shoot up jewish supermarkets and kill faggots, but they don't seem to specifically target the straight white male.
Why not let them do what they want until the moronic left, who gets hurt the most from muslim presence, sees the light and decides to join us?
Remind me Sup Forums, why do we hate muslims again? Assuming we're all straight white males here...
Uhh are you implying white males don't get attacked in Europe?
Even if that were true, its no excuse to justify islam.
Are you retarded? They want to kill all non-muslims. But if you are willing to pray to a pedophile be my guest.
fuck off
Read Koran.
Stop justifying islam, shitskin
I dont want any harm to come to gays, women or jews though, fuck off ahmed
becuase they are trying to take over europe. i have no problem with them in their own countries.
>Remind me Sup Forums, why do we hate muslims again?
because they hate europe for being white, non muslim, more beautiful and intelligent, and actually are invading us?
Se what happened to the Yazidis, mudshits always hated them for no being muslim and having a large population of blondes with blue eyes. Now their men are genocided and women are slaves. This is what the mudshit wants, even the most moderate.
That's because to them we're nothing more than collateral damage, or an added bonus.
They're taking all of the fun bits
> highly religious
> extremely nationalistic
> hates women
> hates gays
> hates jews
basically what pols wet dream
Sug kuk. Du vill suga muslimkuk eller?
because it's not the stone age anymore
>Greasy Spaniard shitskin thinks Muslims are jelly of him
Your kind are catholic arabs. Swarthy wogs and nothing else
dom är bokstavligt talat pol, vad är problemet?
>they don't seem to be targeting us.
Did you miss that time they killed ~3000 white males at work?
They're attacking and killing all non-Muslims. More than that they're killing everyone that's not their particular brand of Muslim too.
They're a cancer on the earth and just because they're killing extreme degenerates now doesn't mean they won't comes for us later.
They kill any first worlders you absolute buffoon, Mohammed
Tar det som du vill suga Jamals kuk. Inte konstigt Sverige är cuckat.
Muslims are a death cult. Their doctrine is false. They follow a warlord smart enough to keep himself at the top through cultist tactics. If you look into the history, it's all false. Zero foundation. Violent expansion, etc, etc. It's just a false "religion."
Christianity is the answer. We need Traditionalist through Christian morals and the Bible.
Plus, muslims hate everyone. They will destroy the left, then they will turn to destroy us. They want everyone to be into ninja women and stop eating pork. FUCK EM
Islam is anti-nationalist.
Du hatar inte ens muslimer lika mycket som muslimer gör
I don't, they just need to stay on their own soil. Other than that, they have a fascinating culture with unique architecture, curious mythology and quality food. Donairs are delicious.
Because the world cannot progress under Modern Islam, if Islam takes over humanity is doomed.
Especially Turks.
Shitskined cancer. Fuck off.
These Yazidis people do look pretty beautiful
Spain white haha
because its basically Sup Forums but theyre not christian
>why do we hate muslims again?
Because we are being variously blown to pieces, beheaded, disembowelled, shot, stabbed, and otherwise battered to death by them on a daily basis. Although our government is doing nothing about this, and is infact assisting them with their little mission by allowing thousands of returning jihadis back into the country after their "holiday" in Syria, Iraq, Turkey, etc etc etc
It wont be long before we all know someone who has died at the hands of the religion of peace.
har du ens dödat muslimer? muslimer dödar muslimer heeeeeeela tiden. Jävla cuck
we aren't being terrorized by muslims
we're being terrorized by a small group of radicalized muslims who want to turn us against ALL muslims, so that the peaceful muslims join their cause with no other choice
you muslim-hating idiots are their sheep
They rape little boys, kill dogs and dont drink or eat pork. They are anathema to our way of life fuck em