Forget what Muslims tell you in English. This is what they tell each other in Arabic. All real tweets.
Forget what Muslims tell you in English. This is what they tell each other in Arabic. All real tweets
Other urls found in this thread:
You are doing God's work, Britbong.
Please, continue.
A peaceful people only radicalized by white Christian males destroying their native homelands
How can I find these originals on Twitter?
Could anyone make a tweet where they say they're muslim and that islam supports lgbt and allah loves gays as much as anyone else. I want to see the reactions
baka senpai
Its like watching a Sup Forums thread.
Type in the name of the person who tweeted and translate from Arabic. This guy translated a bunch:
Nice bait faggot.
Can we spread these images around instead of gay flags? It'll only make the normies hate Muslims
>you will never be apart of the winning religion that beheads gays and conquers europe
Underrated post
Tweet these at Trump. Tweet them at Milo. Tweet them at Islamaphobia advocates. People should see this before the media spin the narrative.
Not to incite violence but to bring some honest perspective to the discussion.
#I'mWithHer now
Lewa, what have you become...Ribery and Benatia are a bad influence man
OP you need to make an image containing all these tweets.
This needs to be spread around the web.
-grinning face-
If there's any serious effort to circulate these, prepare for ISIS to launch into all-out attack within a week or so.
So you're saying that we should coddle the terrorists, do everything they say, otherwise they will get violent and kill us
Nice passive aggressive death threat you canadian piece of shit.
Send them to their employer
>Italian flag
>il gladiatore
Yeah, but it often makes no sense.
That guy translated them himself as he speaks Arabic.
And put in Azalea banks tweets fer good measure. Account suspended vs not
this happened because Bush invaded their homelands you dumb conservative
Who cares? Fuck the gays.
Come on faggots, shower me with your tears.
you need to post those on normies sites, here we just cirklejerk
>their religion isn't even 2000 years old
Literally Scientology tier
No fucktard. The Islamic war against the world far pre-dates the war in Iraq
How the fuck do I search for only Arabic written twitter messages with english hash tags?
Dubbbbs confirm. Good strategy.
No the muslim is doing gods work.
sorrry senpai, but you have to send the actual twitter links so I can verify you are not bullshitting with the translations.
Still not too late to convert.
Why does he have a Polish football player in his profile picture?
Don't bother, it's a fucking nightmare.
I can translate for u, got nothing better to do.
have you tried looking them up?
These don't seem that different then the average Sup Forums poster...
This. We're playing right into their hands by harassing the many for the actions of the few
I've never seen angry shitposting tied so closely with scripture before.
>the few
>another mudslime
go back to your fukkin spider hole you piece of shit terrorist mexican sryain
Go fuck yourself kike.
Lewa is a muslim? Did he convert or something?
Just let this guy translate them for you
Put these on Reddit.
>american politics is corrupt
you should point out that
> every right-wing Christian hates homosexuals
is a ridiculous generalization
You're welcome.
Exactly. It's only bad when muslims do it.
versus what's said here, which is equally as sad:
Hate knows no skin color.
As usual all Muslims are hypocrites, they're the gayest fucks around, oh my mistake it's not gay if you're fucking another man in the ass as long as you're pitching and not catching.
Oh and little boys count as little girls if you put a dress on them and make them dance around.
I need to see sandniggers reacting to this.
thats like reading /pol posts
Don't you mean 'Allah's work,' Mohammad?
>Its like watching a Sup Forums thread.
Pol doesn't hide behind religion.
>Sup Forums is literally non islamic ISIS
wew lad
I'll wait for thread to archive a make a collage, thanks OP this is absolutely based.
islam has been waging war against the west for over a thousand years.
Same shit, faggot.
Well done leafbro
how many people has Sup Forums killed
Tweet this image at all the accounts shown itt.
Kek wills it.
pretty much whats being said here
Fucking Emma Watson. First she shills for peace and love and they she writes stuff like this
What a goddamn cutie.
I hope to god that you're fucking archiving some of these tweets.
The site is if you don't already know it.
>These don't seem that different then the average Sup Forums poster...
Exactly, except that liberals don't defend Sup Forumsacks homophobia.
Based. Thank you for your efforts.
It's funny, considering all muslims are pedophiles (of boys only) or fuck goats and prefer to kiss and hang around with their male friends the whole day and only have sex with their wives for procreation