This woman looks evil

This woman looks evil.
Her "smiles" are just wrong. Its just like she is wearing a mask. She really scares me.

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Agreed, something about her is really unsettling..

There's a lizard under the mask

It's the botox. She'll look like a melting statue after four years in the white house

probably the yellow teeth and the gum disease

That's hardly a fair picture now is it? When the camera is that close it distorts the facial symmetry.

I bet she takes this face off when she is sacrificing newborns for satan

> what Poolan has to do with that thing?

how about this one then



i bet she was the "don't stick your dik in crazy" girl growing up, god, those girls tempt me so damn much... probably because i'm a partial masochist.

It's called the mask of deception. She's been lying for reasons of personal and professional gain her entire life. She's a soulless cackling wretch who is given to horrific coughing fits of late.

There's literally nothing wrong with her looks.

How about this

>that flag

She's the type that would be fun for one lay, but then would become a psycho feminist "don't touch me" type of prudish girl who ends up getting fat and annoying.

I fucked a type like that in college and let me tell you, boy am I glad I didn't get wrangled into a relationship with her.


How do you look yourself, you fatass?

And the words in her mouth don't make any since

She is a card-carrying Satan-worshiping cunt.

You are wise to be afraid. She would murder you and each and every one of your children for the chance to be the first woman President. Make no mistake.

Not to mention her laugh

6'3, 200 lbs, dark complexion with curly hair. Muscular build. My father is a Swedish expat and my mother is Namibian.

she scares me too user...
it the face of horror that keeps me up in the night

>my mother is Namibian.
So you're talking shit while you're a filthy mongrel?

She is a reptilian. That's why she will reveal stuff about aliens if she is elected.

She always looks insane. Totally unhinged with crazy looking eyes.

>Hey Bill, can you please give me a foot rub, my toes are so sore from standing all day

She is fucking evil

Fuck off, shitskin.

>My father is a Swedish expat and my mother is Namibian.

oh the swedes at it again

Her eyes are a bit whacko, competent people often have eyes like that.

I hate the cunt, but in terms of features she looks better than majority of women her age. Dat gum disease though (floss kids)

Holy shit.

>dat image
>dat post-modern, post-Marxist, post-Internet artistry
>sheer excellence is a wold where degenerate art has been rendered acceptable.

She seems to have that over-the-top bitchy wealthy soccer mom vibe.

Oh, so I'm a shitskin because I'm not talking shit about Cliton's looks? Solid reasoning there, burger.

they're not all psycho feminists, that's just the college variety man.
>there's the...
>daddy issues
>horse chick
>overly attached "leave me and i'll kill myself"
>blarin biological clock that convince you to cum inside her even though she's not on B/c
the list goes on and on man

She literally reminds me of one of the women in They Live

I look better than a guy watching his girlfriend getting railed by an Afrikaan.

>This woman looks evil.

That's becuse [spoiler]she is[/spoiler].

Somehow that's not enough to stop normies from voting for her. Fucking sheep do whatever the media tells them.

come into my ginger bread house, she is also a witch irl

crazy eyes


If you say so.

Same with Obama.

I don't know why an arab woman who has ties to the muslim brotherhood is so close to Hillary Clinton.
Isn't Hillary supposed to be the next best thing for America?

She has souless eyes

Because everything about her is fake.

Watch this if you haven't seen it.


Blanda upp

post a pic that has nothing to do with the fact that his country is raped by niggers and shitkins

infact that picture has nothing to do with anything, its cherry pick, and its irreverent.

that swede looks so gay


In what way? Because he's not a fat drunkard?

>post a pic that has nothing to do with the fact that his country is raped by niggers and shitkins
Keep regurgitating that meme, it still won't make it true.

It is a trained, fake smile. I agree it looks unsettling.

>first time seeing this

Did they actually air this on SVT? Are you fucking serious?

This is because it is a fake smile.

When you smile, you do so with your entire face. A natural smile is extremely difficult to fake as a result. It takes good actors YEARS of training and practice to pull one off.

In addition, we instinctively recognize smiles as a species. It's universal across ALL cultures. So when you see a fake smile, you instinctively know something's not quite right about it.

She looks evil, in a very cold and psycopathic way.
When she was a teen was really hot, tho.

>Swedish nigger

Why am I not surprised?

I believe her smiles were called out specifically. Try again.

It's haunting yet it envokes the suppressed demonic nature of Clinton's entire career.

Brilliant work by the artist who did it

That photo is the result of some incredible amounts of makeup and photoshopping. She hasn't looked like that IRL since the early 90s.

How about now?

Reminds me of the Richard D. James album

Prefer the original. The wrinkles suits her.

i never noticed before, but you're right.

Hillary has botox.

Literally everything white people have to be ashamed of in a single fucking image.

Nonsense. She looks great.

Al least she doesnt looks so fake here.

Its strange that her PR guys make her do all these fake smiles most of the time. But maybe such smiles dont throw off general population.




Implying she isn't a terrorist herself. You obviously don't know what she did to those women Bill raped. I recommend you look into it. It was absolutely savage, and it's shocking to imagine a woman could be capable of such vile and inexcusable evil.

Hillary's a fucking cunt who should be dead. And if you vote for her, you're a cunt who should be dead too.


She had a stroke, which has damaged the right frontal lobe. Hence why she has to take breaks during debates, shows emotions inappropriate to the situation and generally seems odd.
She's a puppet for (((them)))

Pharmaceutical opiates


When she dies im gonna literally shit on her grave and post memes and dicks all over her stone. Ill even carve in "getting hate fucked in hell by ghandi". Im completely serious.

Guess you're not a white american then, because that's not how white people behave.

cover the bottom half of her face and then look at her eyes


Just a steel town girl on a Saturday night
Looking for the fight of her life
In the real time world no one sees her at all
They all say she's crazy

She's psychotic

no. you literally are a self described namibian shit-skin.


I wonder what would happen if Trump threw a bucket of water on her?


I heard that movie was censored in parts of Europe because some people said the title "The Purge" was a synonym for ethnic cleansing.

Of all the posts to bless, why this one kek?

I heard your mum only sucks dicks that can pass a reverse paper bag test.

Same species?

Reminder the Russians offered to drop Assad for peace talks, but she insisted on him sharing the same fate as Gaddafi.

Reminder that she was behind the coup of Honduras and Haiti.

Came here to post this.


u give me the creeps

Are you pro worker or not?
She is not.

That was a Canada-tier shitpost. You ok aquafresh?

clinton is evil

she's not evil