Why did he say this?
Why did he say this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because he CAN
>I don't want congrats
Because you fucking niggers need a wake-up call ASAP?
Because he can? He's the last hope we have.
>but thanks for them
Because he was right
>not radically brag
That's why libs are all swarming to the gun control hashtag right?
Liberals really are children. He's politely saying "stop congratulating me"
Because he doesnt want congrats.
>stop radical bragging
>don't stop radical Islam
>people are unable to read less than 3 sentences and comprehend what it means
social media was a mistake
based trump, Putin, and Farage dream team
going through the ruins of Eurasia noscoping shit skins
Every time this tweet gets reposted, the words "radical Islamic terrorism" are posted along with it. People are confronted with the fact that Trump is willing to call things what they are, while Obama and Clinton are avoiding the truth.
>shut the actual fuck up
Damn, and here I just want her to shut the figurative fuck up.
>trump tweets this
>media will take the first part out of context for to get some clicks from the trump hate crowd
>headline will be "Trump tweets 'thanks for congrats on being right on radical islam'
>media will literally publish news about Trump being right and not even know it
I try not to buy into the 4d chess/checkers meme since I think Sup Forums pulls a lot of mental gymnastics when Trump says something dumb in order to justify but holy fuck. The meme is true this time.
Learn how to fucking read, Hillary.
I don't give a shit if it hurts your feelings. This is not a time for feelings. This is a time for genocide. Trump is against Islam. We need to slaughter every arab in the middle east -- wipe the region totally clean. We need to "go after" the families of these shitskins to maximum extent. We need to slaughter them and torture them for fun.
he literally said "appreciate the congrats"
"I don't want them, but I'll take them"
This isn't a game. "winning" this argument is important but shouldn't be congratulated. A leader who is more concerned with 'winning' and that they are constantly right is very, VERY dangerous.
remember when the left told people to stop pointing out how dylann is white and is the average whitey with a gun?
Attention and media coverage. People will call him insensitive, but he was right, nonetheless.
You know there are a lot of Christian Arabs, right? The US government is too busy killing them to bother killing Muslims.
>radical Islam
>not fundamental Islam
>calling it fundamentalist would acknowledge that violence is explicitly permitted by their faith
He's not pushing it to the extreme enough
But that's what Trump's entire rhetoric has been thus far.
Don't worry, I'm sure if they don't get killed in the collateral damage from a drone, they'll be killed for not being muslim. Religion of peace :^)
>This is a time for genocide.
Ummm... I cant tell if this is a troll or not. Saying things like this will backfire more than get people behind you.
Trump literally just made a "sorry, not sorry" post what a hack
>Ill bet it's a white male. We need to ban guns now!
>he was Arabic? Wtf people actually DOOIIIEEEDDDD. Now is the time to mourn.
"Shut the actual fuck up" is one of the more childish things I've heard people say
>trump, Putin, and Farage
Putin is a muslim/jew loving cuck. The infamous quotes about minorities and taking back Constantinople are all fakes.
>He actually said it
After seeing all these LGBT losers insulting and hating on Trump instead of trying to fix the problema made me lose the very small amount of empathy I had for them.
How can you care about insulting a politician when you just got many of you massacred?
I am tired of people caring more about the security of these degenerate retards than themselves, go to hell, queers.
pic related
if you kill your enemies, they win
I'll translate for this leftist faggot:
"You guys were right all along, but I can't accept it or allow you to declare it because it'd shake the foundations of my failed beliefs, so I will nitpick over something completely retarded in order to keep myself secure in a mental hug box while still saying Trump is a big old meanie and I don't have to change a thing."
It's no different than American on the fence seeing Mexican flags on police cars burning at 'peaceful protests directed at violent Trump'
This irrational lib rage that does nothing about the problem is just alienating the middle and sending them to Trump
>Sophia Bush
This is more egregious that his other things. When they are still counting the bodies and emotions are high you should be calming people down so that people will have clear(er) heads. The WORST thing is to have a reactionary response to an event like this. He should have left out the 'appreciate the congratulations' Three simple words that show this is more about him than anything else.
That sounds pretty dank, I like it.
wtf i hate trump now
Fuck off with your tone policing
The left will find SOMETHING wrong with ANYTHING Trump does
who cares? One libtards opinion. Why focus on this?
because it rustles the jimmies of liberals
He's such a badass. I hope he will clean this world from degeneracy.
This tbqh. With every attack from now to November, the wall gets 10 feet higher
>who cares
thanks for your input, Russia
But the shooter was a registered Democrat...If anything the biggest terrorist attack that was committed since 9/11 was by a Democrat. Democrats need to answer for this.
Lol tone policing. Right. He fucked up. He said something shitty.
Also, you can be anti-pc/ tone policing but have tact at the same time. The problem with the anti-PC movement (which I'm for in the most part) is that people seem to think that it means you can say whatever you want without consequences. He took this event and made it about himself.
The largest shooting in American history and all lefties can do is butch about a tweet. Trump got em shaking in their boots because they know this incident is beneficial to the Trump campaign.
shame, she's pretty cute
The worst was actually a republi-, apparently it was a leftist gun grabber.
>all leftists can do is post a bunch of tweets
except there are marches and rallys happening while all trump is doing is posting a bunch of tweets also. You and I are just posting on Sup Forums. Its been less than 4 hours, what should they have accomplished by now?
I'm just pointing out that this kind of hypocritical blind-hatred directed at either libtards or cuckervitives is stupid as hell. Quit bitching and do something about it. Stop dividing this country even more.
Proof he has the gift.
Who could have predicted that?
The leaf knows.
That's the Netherlands
He doesn't want congrats, he wants media attention because Trump knows how the game is played
There is nothing out of context about this. He literally said "appreciate the congratulations" in response to 50+ getting killed. No one should be mentioning the word congratulations. It would be one thing to say "I told you so" but he is saying "while I don't want congratulations, Thank you for it!" This actually changed my mind about him desu. I hate to admit it but I think I might be wrong about Trumpo. This is all about him and not this country.
Before more people yell tone police or whatever, I'm not criticizing the tone. I'm criticizing the actual words used. If he clarifies this I would be happy but honestly this is bad.
Lol thinking I'm a leftie. Also what you said had nothing to do with what I said. GJ being a sheep and pulling that trump flag no matter what he says :D
are you a #cruzmissile now too desu...?
Gawd no. That dumpster fire was bad at every level.
Its all okay to blame guns instead of mourne but when you mention Islam HOLY FUCK U CHRISTIAN CIS WHITE MALE BIGGEST RACECAR XENOMORPH
>building a wall fixes all our problems
ITT: people who didn't pass 2nd grade
>"I appreciate your congratulations but I still need you to stay strong and stay smart against radical islamists"
If you read it as anything else, you are a projecting faggot.
People who deny islamic influence in this mass shooting are dumb, user. Ignore them like they ignore the facts and you're a-ok
we need to get this to him
>appreciate the congrats on being right about radical Islamic terrorism
>on being right about radical Islamic terrorism
He isn't celebrating their deaths you sperglord, lrn2read.
God what a bunch of pieces of shit. Seriously fuck islam
mourn? people?
that should be he retweet. any thing less and he is a traitor like shiidawg
How the fuck is the entire second half of the tweet not part of the context? You're just being dense for the sake of (you)s at this point.
What happened? Did some mudslime kill a bunch of people again?
>shut the actual fuck up.
As opposed to the non-actual fuck up.
implying that's all that's going to happen. Take your head out of your fucking ass and then decapitate yourself you stupid fucking imbecile.
Really. I wonder what goes through your stupid head as you post.
>How could i seem like the biggest fucking retarded liberal right now
>oh I know!
>procedes to make a post.
There's more to it than building a wall but it's not like you would fucking know. You're just programmed to think LOL DRUMPF RACIST MYSOGYNIST, ALL HE SAYS IS BUILD WALL
Fucking idiot.
He's baiting the cucks.
You're an autistic angsty little boy
People who think "x should be killed because I don't like it" is a big cancer to human civilization. You're a piece of shit for thinking that way about people who are minding their own business and not hurting anyone. Grow up or get out
kek someones triggered. Settle down Trumpling. You're being autistic
How about he clarify his tweet? Or would that just not be manly and a brave defender of Amurica thing to do? Jesus Christ.