She is right and you know it

>using the death of 50 people to further your agenda
Guys, the bodies aren't even cold yet. How can you and you """""""""""""""""fuehrer""""""""""""""""""" be so insensitive?

Wew, relly maks u thonk ;))))))))))

Well that is it

I am a #CruzMissile now


Learn how to fucking read, Hillary.

Mourning the death of embarrassments to the gay community by being aid riddled attention seekers. Sure why not.

gays aren't people.

liberals do this every waking second tho

show weiner


ban all gunz btw lolz

How many of these threads are going to be created by this illiterate shill fucks?

Face it, your sand in the hourglass is coming to its

>Haha told you we should bomb the germans

I mean COME ON guys! We are supposed to MOURN, not actually solve the problem!

>Thanks but no thanks

>the actual fuck up

This gif is going to haunt that girl in high school.

shut the actual fuck up OP


> Sophia Bush
What a poor grasp of the English language

Also this.

saying i told you say when he told you so is not bad or evil it just shines a light on your continued nativity and stupidity and no amount of fake outrage from that. If you dont want to listen for the hundreth time dont get suprised if you get called out when it happens again and again because at that point some can even argue you idiots are more and more responsible the longer this keeps happening.

>Is right

Yeah, no. You seem to be confused about how women work.

You see they have this thing that allows them to get along in life without ever once being right. It's called a vagina. And they know full well how to employ it in the provisioning of essentially all their needs.

What a dumb bitch. He never said he's not mourning. He just said he was right about radical islam. It's important to bring up this issue even during a time of mourning.

This is why the US is doomed if a woman is elected president.

what the fuck does mourning solve?

Yeah guys come on!
It's not the time to find out solutions on how to prevent future instances like this from happening!
It's time to post all your grievances, share and like all the meaningful posts, hold candle vigils, and still defend mudslimes!!

Then this happened.

He wants to prevent this from happening more. He doesn't want to be congratulated for being right, he wants us to be stronger and more vigilant to threats.

Either he jumped on it or Shillary jumped on it.

No, I know she is wrong. I posted it ironically.

He says he doesnt want congrats. So what the fuck are you mad about?

Glad someone said it. Any faggot who goes to a nightclub down here is usually a liberal fruitcake and deserves what happens to them.

Source: Actual floridafag.

>It's time to mourn.

True. Tell that to those already shilling for gun control and blaming males and "islamophobia" when the bodies were still warm.

>the 2 hottest topics in the world is the shooting and Trump

how did Trump lose again? he clearly knows how to get free publicity

>implying German opinions matter in USA

Waw, rolly maeks yuo thonk...

you're supposed to mourn AKA tell everyone that muslims are nice

>mfw my waifu hates based trump
why live

>Guys, the bodies aren't even cold yet.

Wish progs could bear this in mind but every fucking time some peaceful member of the Official Religion of Peace goes on a killing spree the scumbag left politicises the incident and starts apologising to Muslims while making every effort to victim blame.

Waah waah waah. Cry moar bitch. This is why women used to be taught to only speak when spoken to. They always waste your time with trivialities & over emotionalism.

Don't forget to change your profile pic with a fucking rainbow pasted over it. What cracks me up is how although nearly everyone put a rainbow over their pics for Paris, I'm barely seeing anyone doing the same for fags.

the left wont shut up about a guy who fingered a chick who consented before she passed out demanding he gets 20 years in prison

yet they cant wait and give the victim of said "traumatic" event time to come to terms with it. she said in court she didnt want to be in her own body. liberals keep bringing it up all over social media

you seem to be confused about how women work

none will ever sleep with you asshole

I wonder if German men have more estrogen than women. It's the only way to explain the mangianas.

Same shit happened here, but I don't think the bodies were even close to cooling considering the 60 that had died died in a fire.

But still, they did a governmental coup essentially.

Lol, fucking obviously he is going to deny any relation to the religion. The shooter was reportedly being watched by the U.S for ISIS related activities.

War is unpleasant and icky.

Make no mistake, we are in a war

This is politics. This is the type of shit that you do. Liberal mouthpieces are going full damage control, trying to demote the narrative that "Conservatives were right" by slinging mud on Conservative groups that are condemning these attacks that are also intolerant of homosexuality. It may seem as if they are being righteous in doing this, but this is a political counterattack at its core.

Honestly? I think that at this point it's just subconsciously fun to trigger you.

how many Belgian lives did mourning Paris saved? how many american lives did mourning Brussels saved? how many lives will mourning gay club save? 0

into the trash

There is a difference between "crying and doing nothing to stop it from happening" and wanting to put preventive measures.

This. Sitting around crying isn't going to get shit done

>It's never because of your race or religion
>except when you're white and/or Christian

Can we genocide them already

What, like shillary isn't going to use this to further any of her positions? Everyone is going to politicize this.

Hillary already praised Ramadan
she is done

tell me about it

>Sophia Bush
>low energy
Not surprising, really. Is she also selling guac bowls?

Not really, she lets her emotions get the better of her, Donald is telling it how it really is and what should be done. Not mourn like little bitches

what a giant fucking meme
if I had been killed by a subhuman sand nigger I'd want the living to avenge me immediatley.
Track down and end his entire family so no generations can live on.
Then drone bomb some more.

fuck muh mourning, thats not for me, it doesn't help me, that's just so you can feel better about going on with your life without actually doing jack shit

because americans have the attention span of a goçldfish nowadays

Religion always kills, its just a matter of time.

"Father tells US media 'this was not about religion'"

I would venture to guess the father forced his own child to fear an unreal god-being and likewise forced the cult beliefs on him as well.

"Father claims his son became angry when he saw two men kissing in Miami several months ago"

The natural reaction to seeing something like that should be neutral at best. But these cult religions, like /pol at large, can't deal with it. They actually teach children that it is evil, wrong, horrible, etc.

The father is exactly wrong. Religion is at fault, once again.

Teh gays need to wake up. Islam is your enemy.

It's time for something. I grabbed some Italian liqueur and Dominican cigars. Multiculturalism is great when no one dies

It's time to take lesson and act accordingly. Mourning won't fix shit.

Fire broke out in a club in central Bucharest during a concert that used fireworks. It quickly spread and many people were trapped under the ceiling that fell.

The government was quickly accused of corruption (the slogan "Corruption kills!" was chanted by PNLfags) and eventually, the PM, seeing as he was accused of causing this disaster somehow (because the club had authorization apparently, but that might not have even been corruption, just incompetence by the club owner, since fire extinguishers were empty; mayorship might've done its job.. ech)

Anyways, PM resigned because of all the accusations that were flung at him. Our cuck president then said something along the lines of "people had to die for this" and then after meetings with the "street", put a "technocrat" government in charge (really a PNL-aligned government that flew in from Bruxelles)

We still got a few months until we get rid of these faggots.

>mourning gays

nah, I'm mourning the next bunch of people that are going to be murdered by Islamists because our dystopian governments ignoring our security.

Didn't liberals make this about gun suppression immediately too (as they always do and always will)? Where are their "shut the fuck up"s and lame Hitler accusations?

Liberals spamming Trump's tweets with delete your account and shit like that

These fuckers are on suicide watch

Damn, heh, really makes you think, damn.

>don't politicize the tragedy
>Also ban guns, kthxbye

wew, i feel sorry for you guys, opens eyes on how every country pretty much has its own fight with those faggets that want to destroy the west. also, how cucked do you have to be to resign bcs some leftist shout loud. there are non-stop protests right now that law and justice won an election


My biggest quesion is why gays have bars but there's none for people that just want to find ladyboys? Functional sex toys with no periods. Basically just a friend you can get off with

There were protests on the streets and the whole faggot warmachine was going.

I don't agree with his resignation, but he probably felt it was the "bun simț" thing to do.


The thing is, the PM that resigned was from the socialists

Anyone have the complete version? My computer went capoots and a I lost all my /fit/ comics.

Socialists in this country are better than the liberals nowadays.

5 years ago I would've agreed with you to fuck socialist cancer, but I'd rather not have socialist cancer.

Plus, PSD, while corrupt as fuck, isn't bad the way liberals/socialists are in the west and elsewhere. They've strayed a lot from what "social-democracy" would generally mean I'd say.

our current government is also socialist, and previous one was also socialist, they differ in stance towards european union
>pic rel
we have this, lefties shouting "we want some ahmeds too"

Yeah, I agree with you, I hate the libshits more than the socialists

liberals and their fake mourning about people they don't even know

>people base their outlooks on what happens around them

Stop the presses.

>implying the political scale applies to Romania
They change parties once a week. And parties change their allegiance and name just as fast. Imagine Bernie registering replublican tomorrow.

Trump is the biggest POS ever
He's the only one that should have been shot
But he is protected like a country leader and will unfortunately never happen

Both sides do this. Remember that dead boy that drowned?

holy shit fucking rekt

>It's time to mourn.

No, it's time to get tough and prevent future terrorist attacks from taking place. Where do they find these sheeple?


>the actual fuck

When are people going to stop saying this?

>can't blame whites
>can't blame Christians
>that one muslim one time shared a pro gay pic on facebook
>gun free zone so that's out of the question
>the gun operated with a 29 y/o accomplice
>let me blame Trump

I don't often brag but when I do it's radically.

>hate has no religion
>but poverty has a race
>racism has a race
>bigotry has a gender

>White kid/redneck starts shooting people
>Libs politicize it to justify gun control
>Muslim kills people in a way that vindicates Republicans
>The left can't handle that so they start virtue signaling with the classic "HOW FUCKIN DARE U PEOPLE DIED"
There's no use arguing with them.

isn't that Dubya's niece?

holy shit, what a cunt

Isn't this the equivalent of

>bunch of teens get killed due to drunk driving
>X: "I knew we should have told more people not to drink and drive"
>Y: "People DIED! It's time to mourn. not brag"

That was a good book user

I forgot the illiterate make up majority of the left

I can't believe muslims can actually do as their prophet pleases by deliberately opening fire on armless homosexuals.
Should I remind you that it is CURRENT YEAR and that therefore, your bigoted opinion will never even remotely resonate on the inside my eardrums?

it's a webm you dumb cuck





Ill help