I know its easy to blame sony's stupidity and driving itself into the ground due to misplaced ideology feminism...

I know its easy to blame sony's stupidity and driving itself into the ground due to misplaced ideology feminism, but consider this:

Sony is the only major film studio in america that's not american-owned, its japanese. The Japanese wanted in on the american film industry and to make it big like the other big studios, so they hired a bunch of hollywood jews to help them manage it. but the hollywood jews are having none of it, they dont want a japanese studio to become majorly successful so they are doing their best to drive it into the ground under the guise of "feminism"

Reminder she has no gag reflex.

she does if she looks in the mirror

So the Jews are deliberately trying to lose money?

See this is why anti-antisemitism is retarded

they're trying to destroy a competitor you dumb shit

the jews fear the samurai

>but the hollywood jews are having none of it
But that's not true. It's like saying that SCoA jews are not interested in corporation's success just because they're subsidiaries to gooks

So then who pays them and gives them a new job when they're out of a job because Sony is in the toilet? Other studios? Yeah they'll just fire their jewish staff and hire other Jewish staff who are responsible for crashing Sony with no survivors


long term gains

why not her?

>probably a CGI pixarfest
>pol still triggered by a voice actress

that board just keep getting more and more cancerous.



Because that's photoshop user.
And she isn't insane anymore. She stopped entertaining that delusion.

She' not into angels and shit anymore?

It's already been confirmed the movie is live action you dumbshit

It's good casting. She acts as well as a barbie doll being posed by a jew

what a fucking whore

they own the other studios. Sony is the only one not owned by them, hence why they want to destroy it by pretending they want to help.

stop thinking of jews as individuals, they are a hivemind.

It's quite amazing. Japan, the birthplace of anime, the most redpilled of all media, has a movie studio that tries to appeal to American liberalism. Whereas if they did their own thing the movies would be better received

Will it have quips ?

Fat Barbie will be the Black Annie of 2018

>Sony Pictures

To take out a competitor

>In chess sometime you sacrifice a few pawns to crash Sony with no survivors

>big bad pol
>obsessed over girly toy Barbie related news

that's even more pathetic lmao bunch of grown men crying about how Malibu House Barbie should be portrayed

I don't really understand all the butthurt, it's not a remake or reboot and what were the expectations from a movie about a doll anyway? An hour and a half of some perfect looking blonde chick driving in her convertible going shopping seems boring, at least this premise is more subversive to the generally accepted Barbie narrative.

Also why the fuck do you chodes even care about a Barbie movie? It's obviously aimed at women, this isn't even a case of fem-washing.

forcing people to accept ugly fatasses, and if we dont we're terrible people

>I don't really understand all the butthurt

A fat, ugly pig is being forced upon us.

Reminder that Amy Schumer is funny and not fat, so stop hating

Dude, it's a Barbie movie, no one is forcing you to watch it. In fact, no one even expects you to watch it.

You want a generation of little girls growing up to be entitled fatasses?

>movie isn't even released
>already projecting white male insecurities

lmao holy shit. you need to kys.

>no one even expects you to watch it.
who do they expect to watch it
certainly not little girls
not most women either
feminists? sure, but you wont make a whole lot of money from them

>will someone for the love of god, please think of the children!
Are you also one of those retards bitching about movies promoting "rape culture"?

>ray liotta in drag is a 10 in murrica

asking the important questions


why doesnt she just lose the weight if shes so insecure about it

>Yeah they'll just fire their jewish staff and hire other Jewish staff who are responsible for crashing Sony with no survivors
I'm not an antisemite but that's what will probably happen if Sony dies. Reminder when Tom Rothman worked for Fox he nearly killed the X-Men franchise and did all sorts of other stupid shit and now the retard is working for Sony. Retarded Hollywood higher-ups never truly get fired, they jump from studio to studio.

not that guy but im against it because I dont like seeing my countries children be encouraged to be fat and disgusting, does that make me an SJW? The difference is rape culture is some made up feminist bullshit but this bodyplus, HAES, shit is REAL. childhood diabetes highest its ever been

this movie is CLEARLY pandering to the SJW crowd, probably an experiment by Sony to see if there are many of them to make a buck

Isn't the premise of this movie that she's a fucking mongolid and outcast from the Barbie community?

It's probably going to have the same bulllshit "looks aren't everything" message that a million movies have done in the past. I don't understand all the ass pain.

Honestly, this is the most idiotic casting I've ever seen. What the hell are they thinking? No parent is going to want to take their young daughter to see this vulgar lardass, and no loli is going to want to watch her.

If japs are so based then why hire the same fucking jews who are ruining film?.

They deserve no sympathy.

>didn't they learn from Ghostbusters (2016) that feminist don't spend money on shit they preach.

Who cares? it's fucking Barbie. even my friends kids i know don't play with that shit anymore.

1 what kind of fucking movie are they going to make about Barbie dolls.
2 Do little girls still even buy barbies
3 Are little girls going to want to watch a movie about barbie dolls
4 Do they think that the little girls who might or might not a. have barbies and b. would want to watch a movie about barbies, would sell enough tickets to make this profitable.

I would, please kill me

Compared to other Sony divisions, SPE has more autonomy than you might think. The Japs don't really care what it churns out as long as it isn't losing too much money.

>Shrek does the "being who you are is fine"
>no one cares
>a doughey comedienne does it
>alt righterinas get triggered so hard they keep posting for days

lmao nice hypocrisy

that's sexist user
women should be allowed to be whatever body type they want without fearing misogynistic bullying

>cast unattractive woman to play Barbie
>a few people point out that they casted an unattractive woman to play Barbie
>100's of articles about alt-right nazi white males boycotting the movie on every leftist news site

Not that it'll make the movie a success but it could potentially make more money than it would without the manufactured controversy.

>the jews fear the samurai

My daughter watches the Barbie cartoon and they are literally retarded characters who any adult watching knows the writers are making fun of and Ken is a flaming faggot. It's like Clueless except you hate everyone. If they make the movie like that Shamy Umer would be perfect.

The Shrek morale was mostly based on looks, but she's just a terrible human being.

1. It's a fish out-of-water story. She comes from diversity Barbie city, full of all the barbies. But she's just so quirky and raunchy and fun that the other Barbies kick her out out of jealousy and she has to live in the real world until she comes back to stop the evil mayor from being a dick and asserting his male privilege.
2. Yes, based on the argos catalogue
3. Yes, based on the amount of straight-to-dvd Barbie films there are
4. It's Sony. They don't think

Was shrek known as attractive at some point?

I imagine the old man every time.

>this is a 10/10 in murica


>in talks
>not even cast
>alt-right retards still pitch a fit

Who gives a fuck? None you are going to see Barbie anyway.

t. cuck

the whole point of shrek is that he's an ugly ogre
barbie is supposed to be attractive